Apricot Shalah (Prunus Armeniaca) is in great demand in Our Country and other countries. The popularity of the culture is due to its unpretentious care, high yield and taste of the fruit. The description of the variety and photo of the Shalah apricot is accompanied by positive feedback from gardeners.

Armenian apricot Yerevani (Shalakh, White): description, photo, characteristics

This species is also known to many gardeners under the names “Apricot Shalagi”, “Apricot White Shalah”, “Lemon” or “Yerevan”

History of breeding

Apricot variety Shalah was bred by Armenian breeders. Culture came from Yerevan to Our Country at the beginning of the 20th century, when the first seedlings were brought to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. The variety quickly gained popularity in the CIS countries due to abundant yields, ease of care and a high level of resistance to climate, as well as diseases.

Description of the variety of apricot Shalah

The trees of the Armenian apricot Shalah on average reach up to 4-5 m in height. They have a wide, sparse rounded crown, dense and prone to thickening. A tree with large, curved and thick shoots and large-sized cream, with a light yellow tint inflorescences. The leaves are heart-shaped, emerald hue, the bark is gray.

Shalah fruits are characterized by large size. The weight of one copy is about 50 g, however, especially large ones can reach 100 g. Apricots have a bright yellow color, as well as a reddish blush on the surface. The flesh is orange or light yellow, with a pleasant sweet aroma.


Before buying Shalah apricot seedlings, it is important to carefully study all the features of the variety. This will help ensure proper care of the crop, and most importantly, the normal growth and development of plants.

Drought resistance, winter hardiness

The Shalah variety is characterized by a high level of drought tolerance. Despite this, trees cannot develop normally only from rainwater: apricots need regular watering, especially during the flowering period.

Variety Shalah is quite winter-hardy and can tolerate frosts down to -25 °C. This indicator is optimal for the southern regions, however, when grown in the north, trees will need additional protection.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

Apricot Shalah is classified as a self-fertile variety. To maintain yield, it needs pollinators (apricot, peach) with identical flowering times.

This is an early variety, but the collection time directly depends on the climate of the area where the tree grows. On the territory of Armenia and other southern regions, Shalah ripens in early June and immediately appears on local shelves. In the regions of the middle zone, such as the central Black Earth region, the harvest is carried out in late June or early July (depending on weather conditions).

Armenian apricot Yerevani (Shalakh, White): description, photo, characteristics

The tree matures fully, but the lower branches may “lag” a little, which is why they are harvested a couple of weeks later.

For commercial use, the fruits are best harvested at the stage of technical maturity. If apricots are grown for consumption, then it is better to leave them until the final ripening. Then the pineapple taste and aroma will fully manifest itself.

During the flowering period, inflorescences of large (up to 3 cm) size appear on the branches with white petals of a pinkish hue. On a tree up to 4 years old, it is recommended to shake off the flowers so that it gets stronger and gives a rich harvest.

yield, fruiting

Apricot Shalah is characterized by a high level of productivity. From one tree per season, you can collect up to 150-200 kg of fruit. Under favorable weather conditions and proper care, this number can reach 350-400 kg. It is better to collect fruits by hand, especially for fresh consumption. Fruits are removed quite easily: you just need to shake the tree – the fruits will fall to the ground.

It is better to harvest in dry weather, for this often 5-7 days are enough. Apricots are placed in cardboard or wooden boxes. To increase the shelf life of fruits, napkins can be laid between the fruits.

Scope of fruits

Shalah fruits have an average level of sweetness and excellent taste. A small orange bone is easily separated from the pulp.

Apricots themselves are consumed both fresh and in the form of dried fruits, canned food, in pastries or salads. Ripe fruits are used for preparations: jams, apricots, dried apricots, etc.

Armenian apricot Yerevani (Shalakh, White): description, photo, characteristics

On the territory of the South Caucasus, this variety is traditionally used in the field of canning

In addition to excellent taste, Shalah apricots have many beneficial properties for the human body. So, it is recommended to use them in dried form for people with cardiovascular diseases. Apricots of this variety also help to strengthen the immune system and improve skin condition.

However, doctors do not advise people with diabetes to consume fruits due to the high sugar content in the product.

Disease and pest resistance

One of the main advantages of the Shalah variety is its high resistance to major diseases of stone fruit trees.

Armenian apricot Yerevani (Shalakh, White): description, photo, characteristics

The culture is especially resistant to moniliosis, klyasterosporiosis, as well as leaf curl.

In order to prevent damage to the tree by pests, it is enough to carry out regular treatment with standard protective equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Variety Shalah is able to quickly recover after freezing.

Armenian apricot Yerevani (Shalakh, White): description, photo, characteristics

Due to late flowering, the likelihood of frost damage to the tree is reduced.


  • a high level of resistance to moniliosis, leaf curl and clasterosporiasis;
  • self-fertility of culture;
  • resistance to frost and dry weather;
  • high yield variety.


  • if the fruits are overripe, this leads to a deterioration in their taste, and the pulp becomes fibrous;
  • ripe apricots may fall off earlier;
  • short storage time (up to 7 days);
  • in case of water stagnation in the root system, the culture quickly becomes ill and dies.

Features of landing

Despite the ease of care, the Shalah variety has several features of planting and growing. Before planting a tree on a seat, it is important to carefully read the following nuances.

Recommended dates

The method of planting apricot Shalah is similar to the Dobele variety. The culture is self-fertile, which is why it is recommended to plant trees in mid-spring or autumn. The best option would be the last days of April or mid-September.

Choosing the right place

Apricot Shalah is recommended to be planted in loamy soil with a neutral level of acidity. In clayey and heavy loamy soil, the crop yield decreases, the tree may die. Apricot must be planted in a sunny area without drafts.

The pit is prepared in August for autumn planting, and for spring, the hole is prepared after the snow melts. The size should be 70 * 70 * 70 cm. Insert a peg for tying a tree into the pit.

Apricot variety Shalah (pineapple)

What crops can and cannot be planted next to an apricot

Gardeners informally call the apricot a lone tree, the culture does not get along well with other fruit trees:

  1. The apple tree does not harm the apricot directly, but seriously competes with the crop for nutrition and moisture. A distance of at least 6-8 m should be maintained between the trees.
  2. A pear categorically cannot be planted near an apricot: in the process of growth, a stone fruit culture can “strangle” a weaker tree.
  3. Plum is considered the only stone fruit that can grow without problems near an apricot. At the same time, it is important for both crops to provide all the necessary conditions for growth.
  4. Most stone fruit crops (cherries, sweet cherries, peach), as well as apple trees, compete with apricots for water and nutrition. In addition, trees are affected by common diseases and pests.
  5. Raspberries can grow normally next to a young apricot. The shrub in this case plays the role of a powerful nitrogen fixer and prevents some fungal diseases from developing.

Another undesirable neighbor of the culture is the conifer, the fall of which leads to acidification of the soil, which is unacceptable.

Selection and preparation of planting material

It is important that the seedlings are purchased from a trusted place, ideally a market or nursery. Trees should not be physically damaged. It is important that the trunk is strong, with bright green leaves.

The height of a seedling with 4 shoots should be 0,6-0,7 m. If there are thorns on the tree, this is a sign of a semi-wild culture, such a copy is not worth buying.

Landing algorithm

To plant a seedling in the soil, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of peat and ordinary earth in a ratio of 1: 2. Optionally, you can also add some minerals: potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

In the process of planting, the seedling should be positioned so that the root collar is 5-7 cm above the ground after the hole is completely covered. The soil must be compacted, then tie the seedling to the inserted peg. For rapid development, the tree needs regular abundant watering. The first – immediately after planting, so that the water reaches the root tips.

Culture aftercare

Variety Shalah is unpretentious in content, but care must be systematic. In the first month after planting in the ground, it is watered twice a week (with heavy rainfall 1 time). One tree requires 1 bucket of water, however, the amount of moisture also depends on the level of groundwater, soil type, age of the seedling, etc.

After planting in a permanent place, you need to mulch the soil and repeat the procedure annually. Mulch is laid out in a dense layer of 8-10 cm.

The Shalah variety is pruned once a year, in spring (before the sap flow begins) or in autumn. Loosening and weeding is often carried out after watering, removing all weeds with seeds and roots in the trunk circle.

Manure fertilizers are applied in early spring, as well as before the onset of winter. It is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of a tree from pests once a year.

Diseases and pests

The Shalah variety is distinguished by good resistance to insect damage and diseases. However, in the absence of proper conditions of detention, gum disease may occur.

Armenian apricot Yerevani (Shalakh, White): description, photo, characteristics

To avoid a problem, every 2 months the tree must be treated with antifungal drugs.

Of the pests, the following may be unsafe for the Shalah variety:

  1. Plum aphid. The pest infects young leaves, causing them to shrivel and wither. If a problem is found, the tree must be sprayed with an insecticidal preparation. Fitoverm and Bitoxibacillin are well suited.
    Armenian apricot Yerevani (Shalakh, White): description, photo, characteristics

    For prevention in spring and autumn, it is recommended to dig up the near-stem circle in order to prevent the appearance of insect nests.

  2. yellow plum sawfly. The insect infects the stone and pulp of the fruit, because of which they stop growing and developing.
    Armenian apricot Yerevani (Shalakh, White): description, photo, characteristics

    For prevention, it is necessary to whitewash the wood with lime and copper sulphate

Another pest of the crop is leafworm.

Armenian apricot Yerevani (Shalakh, White): description, photo, characteristics

This is a caterpillar that eats flower buds and leaves, the method of getting rid of an insect is identical to the fight against a sawfly


The description of the variety and the photo of the Shalah apricot prove that the culture is one of the most popular among gardeners. It is distinguished by good yield, unpretentious care, high resistance to drought, frost, diseases and pests. Fruits with excellent taste qualities are universal in use. After planting the plant on the site, it is important to provide it with proper care and carry out timely processing, then the tree will thank with long flowering and a bountiful harvest.

Reviews about apricot Shalah

Larisa Smirnova, 50 years old, Dneprorudnoe
I am engaged in the cultivation of Shalah apricots for sale. One tree on average produces up to 120 kg of fruit. In the market, apricots are sold out in a matter of hours, buyers are always satisfied. I highly recommend the variety for breeding: trees are rarely affected by diseases, they tolerate frost well.
Vladimir Sobolev, 46 years old, Energodar
I learned about the Shalah variety on the Internet forums, I decided to purchase several seedlings. I planted the trees in 2012, since then I have been getting a huge amount of fruit every year. The crop yield is stable, I use apricots both for sale and for myself.

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