Aristotle Onassis: biography, power, money and women

Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Aristotle Onassis: Biography, Power, Money and Women” – about the life of the famous Greek billionaire.

Aristotle Socrates Onassis

On January 20, 1906, the son of Aristotle was born into the family of a banker and tobacco dealer. The family lived in the Greek city of Smyrna (now Izmir). In 1922, Turkish troops captured the city and set it on fire. This was followed by the massacre of the Greek population. The Onassis family managed to escape to Greece.

Aristotle’s relatives had interesting names:

  • mother – Penelope;
  • father – Socrates;
  • uncle – Homer;
  • sister – Artemis.

Aristo dreamed of getting rich, but his dream could only be realized overseas. Soon, the parents sent their son to Argentina. There he receives an Argentine residence permit. He had to work for a pittance as a telephone operator and a bellboy at a hotel.

In Buenos Aires, a nineteen-year-old entrepreneur opens a small tobacco shop with an investment of $ 50. Half of this amount was borrowed. Father sent the tobacco. The Primeros and Osman cigarettes were a resounding success. By 000, the talented businessman had made his first million.

After the global economic crisis, he bought six ocean-going tankers from bankrupt owners for this million. The cost of six tankers was $ 150 million, Aristotle paid only $ 120!

Aristotle Onassis: biography, power, money and women

Aristotle Socrates Onassis in 1932

Personal life of the oligarch

Aristo lost his innocence at the age of 12, having slept with a teacher. He mastered love lessons better than the French she taught. Later, with a company of high school students, he visited port brothels.

Lovelace Onassis “collected” famous beauties. The oligarch “Casanova”, having a height of 1,65 m, slept with all Hollywood stars. Only Greta Garbo did not get into his bed, refusing him.

The first of the young entrepreneur’s friends is Ingeborg Dedichen, the heiress of the shipbuilding business. She helped Aristotle create the first tanker. The couple lived together for some time, but because of Onassis’s jealousy and constant scandals, they broke up.

Tina Levanos

Aristotle Onassis: biography, power, money and women

Aristotle Onassis with his wife Tina Livanos and their children – Christina and Alexander

In 1946, Aristotle married Tina Levanos, the daughter of a ship magnate. The couple had children – Alexander and Christina. Twenty years later, Onassis filed for divorce. An opera diva appeared on his life path – the Greek woman Maria Callas.

Maria and Jacqueline

Aristotle Onassis: biography, power, money and women

Maria Callas and Jacqueline Kennedy

Aristo and Maria lived in Paris for nine happy years. An interesting fact is that Callas became pregnant at 43, but Aristotle insisted on an abortion. Loving Maria dreamed of marriage. Aristo betrayed her by marrying Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of the President of the United States. On the nerves, Callas lost her voice after learning about the wedding from the newspapers.

Soon, love and passion between the spouses melted away like a fog. The marriage became formal. Jacqueline spent millions on expensive haute couture outfits and pieces of art while constantly in New York. Aristo returned to Maria, but she could not forgive.

On March 15, 1975, Onassis died in a Paris clinic from bronchial pneumonia. The famous oligarch is buried on his personal island of Skorpios in Greece. Maria Callas survived Aristo by only 1,5 years.

Aristotle Onassis spent the last years of his life at sea, aboard his beloved yacht Christina. Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy visited the yacht. Grace Kelly, Frank Sinatra.

Big money did not make either Aristotle himself or his children happy. His son died and his daughter died of a drug overdose. Granddaughter – Athena Roussel (daughter of Christina) became the sole heiress. Jacqueline received $ 26 million from Christina.

Aristotle Onassis: biography, power, money and women

Yacht “Christina” named after her daughter

Empire of Onassis

This man was called by many a “chameleon” – lawyers, mistresses, partners, politicians and bitter enemies. They visited his many luxurious villas in different parts of the world.

He knew how to be a charming socialite. He knew how to be both cruel, never stopping at anything, and a fanatical rival for competitors. He was an avid financial speculation consultant who accurately spotted investment-friendly trends.

One of the most controversial statements in his multifaceted career was the admission that he was never interested in politics.

At the same time, the most impressive successes, which brought him millions of dollars, are associated precisely with political events. This is the Arab-Israeli conflict, the coup d’etat of the Greek colonels, the implementation of the Marshall plan in Germany.

Greek by nationality and citizen of Argentina, Onassis was the most mysterious and unpredictable figure of the last century. For him, there were no barriers in business and there were no rivals on the love front.

All this was ensured with the help of secret diplomacy, using the possibilities of legal chicanery in different countries of the world. One of the effective forces in the affairs of the millionaire was, of course, the American mafia, which got involved in the actions of the Greek diaspora when it came to big profits.

These legions could do everything possible for money and everything impossible for a lot of money. There were many such “impossible battles” in the Onassis business. The Onassissian empire was built on adventurism, the ability to make the right acquaintances and negotiate with the right people.


In this video interesting and additional information “Aristotle Onassis: biography”

Aristotle Onassis

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