🙂 Greetings to my dear readers! In the article “Aristotle: a short biography and his discoveries, video” – about the life of the ancient Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and educator Alexander the Great.
Biography of Aristotle
The great philosopher by origin is a Greek, a native of the Thracian peninsula of Halkidiki. His father Nicomachus is an Asclepiades, who traced his family back to Asclepius, one of the heroes of Homer. Nicomachus served as a physician at the court of Amynta III, father of Philip II. He wrote 6 works on medicine and one on natural philosophy.
17-year-old Aristotle moved to Athens and studied oratory for some time with the rhetorician Isocrates. Then he entered the famous school of Plato, which he attended for twenty years. Subsequently, as you know, he became a mentor to Alexander the Great (Macedonian), trying in vain to influence his character and political views.
After the death of the teacher, Aristotle and his friends left for Assos, where he stayed for three years. Further, his path lies on the island of Lesvos, where he teaches philosophy. There, the philosopher receives an invitation from Philip II to become a mentor to his son. The Thinker was involved in the education of Alexander for eight years. After the death of Philip, Alexander comes to the throne.
Aristotle and Alexander the Great
Returning to Athens, the scientist opened a real philosophical school – Lyceum, (the origin of the modern word “lyceum”). Lyceum was located in a green sacred area dedicated to Apollo of Lycea and from this got its name.
Twelve years later, a rebellion against the Macedonian rule begins in Athens. Aristotle is accused of atheism and he returns to his homeland. A year later, the great scientist and philosopher died of a stomach disease. There is an unconfirmed version that it was poisoning. Lived: 384 – 322 BC
Aristotle and his teachings
Most of the works of Aristotle that have come down to us are sketches written by his hand or by his students during lectures. The works cover all areas of knowledge of the time.
The volumes of “Physics” describe the phenomena that we now refer to the field of science (from astronomy to zoology). Subsequent volumes deal with the so-called “primary philosophy”. The author most often called it “metaphysics” (teta ta phisica – “after the books of physics”).
This is followed by disciplines such as logical reasoning, aesthetics, rhetoric and politics. Perhaps because of their comprehensive, analytical and systematic nature, these works have had a tremendous impact on Western culture.
Finding himself at the center of philosophical debate around 1000 AD, thanks to Arab philosophers, including Avicenna and Averro, he entered European culture from the middle of the thirteenth century. Scholastic scholars, such as Thomas Aquinas, place his ideas at the foundation of the official doctrine of the Church.
From this moment on, the scientific authority of the scientist becomes unshakable. Aristotle is recognized as the world’s first thinker who created a coherent system of philosophy.
It is worth noting that some historians (including Stephen of Byzantine) have expressed the opinion that the birthplace of Aristotle Stagir. He was in those days in the territory of Macedonia, and Aristotle was a Macedonian. This helped him to make an amazing comprehensive analysis of the Greek colonies.
But this is a delusion. Stagira was conquered by the Macedonian troops under the command of Philip II, who invaded Halkidiki in 349 BC. NS. Stargira, like many cities, was completely destroyed.
But Aristotle at that time lived in Athens and attended the school of Plato, who was already in old age. A few years later, the philosopher will ask Philip to rebuild the Stagira and create new legislation for its inhabitants.
In this video interesting and additional information “Aristotle: a brief biography and his discoveries”
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