How often do people think about the compatibility of a particular pair? The answer is clear – all the time. But few people wonder what helps build a truly strong relationship. However, it is very easy to answer. In order to create a good union, it is necessary, firstly, to experience certain feelings towards each other. Secondly, respect the wishes and needs of the partner. Third, do not change. Many people in the modern world prefer an open relationship because they are afraid of the responsibility that lies on their backs. But what can be said about the pair of Aries man and Virgo woman? It is quite ambiguous, because such signs are essentially not entirely compatible.
The Aries man is complex. He loves freedom, believes that everyone should have a personal space. He needs the girl that the man chooses to understand this. Aries is looking for an ideal darling. It is important for him that she looks spectacular, even chic. Whenever they walked together, everyone opened their mouths in admiration. A man loves too much attention from ladies, but also gives it to them. He prefers domineering and wayward women, from whom it breathes with passion. With them he will never be bored. It should also be noted that a man born under this zodiac sign is prone to excitement and risk. He does not like routine, life, sit still. It is important for him to constantly do something, for example, a hobby or work, which should be given completely. Aries is a careerist, always ready to fight to the last strength for something that has a certain value.
It seems that such a person is simply not compatible with Virgo. However, it is not. After all, if they try, they can build a good union.
The Virgo woman is a calm and reasonable nature. Some may call her cold-blooded, because she does not seek to splash out all emotions outward. It is better for her to remain silent once again than to start a conflict. She loves a measured life, without adventures and risks. Virgo can spend days only at home, not going out at all or doing it out of necessity. For example, lying on the bed with a book, not noticing how time has flown by. She is responsible for her work. She is also suitable for quieter activities in which she does not have to go on business trips, do not use physical labor. Knowledge is its winning place. She has a sharp mind, studies a lot, she has a well-developed intellect. It seems that she needs the same partner, because Virgo will not be able to build excellent relationships with others. And Aries does not fit into her rhythm of life. But if they fall in love, then something seems to change in her. And at first, such a couple has a rather stormy romance.
Love compatibility
It is quite difficult for an Aries man and a Virgo woman to build not only good relationships, but also friendship. They are very different people with their own hobbies and interests. That is why their union can be called contradictory and extraordinary. Often in real life, such friendship is difficult and problematic to meet. The Virgo woman loves to delve into all the little things, to learn a lot of new things, to understand everything that comes to her mind. In turn, Aries does not understand how you can treat things like that, why watch everything that happens so closely. It is also worth noting that the Aries man is somewhat selfish, and he is usually unwilling to make concessions, which Virgo does not like. However, do not grieve and think that all is lost. These guys can be connected by one thing – a common interest. As soon as something appears that both of them like, for example, a hobby, then an understanding arises between them. They begin to strive to realize the other, to try to establish contact.
To get a good relationship, each of the partners needs to suppress negative traits in themselves, try to fight them. And also listen to the other and agree with his desires.
The Virgo woman, who has read fairy tales and believes in knights, is waiting for a prince on a white horse. When she sees Aries, so strong, purposeful, behind which you can be like behind a stone wall, she blows her mind. She closes her eyes to all the shortcomings and imagines that the long-awaited prince has finally appeared, who will save her from the tower of confinement, or, to be more precise, loneliness. Having fallen in love, Virgo will remake the image of a guy in her head, create in him such qualities that do not really exist. Unfortunately, this will not last long, because sooner or later you will have to open your eyes and understand how wrong she was. However, to prevent this from happening, Aries will have to really become that same prince on a white horse that the girl so dreams of. To do this, he must feel an incredible craving for her, which he had never experienced for anyone before. It is then that he will be able to step over himself and suppress negative qualities in himself.
In turn, Virgo needs to come to terms with the fact that the Aries man loves freedom and not encroach on it. She also needs to understand that a man has personal boundaries and a boiling point, beyond which it is better not to go so that there is no conflict. The Virgo woman should suppress her desire to constantly be with Aries, to get into all his affairs. If she is going to do this, then the man will feel uncomfortable, and it will quickly get bored. On this basis, strong conflicts are possible, such swearing, which often leads to parting. But do not be upset, because following the above tips, Virgo will be able to keep her lover near her.
Marriage compatibility
Although the couple’s compatibility in love is not very high, it can still create a strong union. The Aries man, before entering into official relations with anyone, thinks through everything to the smallest detail. For him, this is too serious a step, and he will not take it with anyone. Therefore, that Aries loves Virgo, she can be sure. The Virgo woman wants her to have a strong family and happy children. Married to Aries, she feels like behind a stone wall, because the man is ready to protect her from all the dangers that can only threaten. This contributes to the fact that Virgo believes that she has finally fulfilled her dream and found a real knight.
Undoubtedly, a woman born under this sign of the zodiac will create comfort in the house and constantly support her husband. It is important for her that her beloved always come home after work and be deliciously fed and do not need anything. She is ready to give herself completely to him, support him in everything and be an ideal wife. However, sometimes the Virgo goes too far with her task and encroaches on the freedom of the Aries man. If he doesn’t like it much, then conflicts arise, after which the girl sheds many tears. It should be noted that she cannot get used to the pace of her partner’s life, to his constant activity. Sometimes it starts to annoy her too. Also a negative feature is that the Virgo woman loves to reproach a man for many things. She is a perfectionist, although she tries to hide it somewhat. For example, Virgo becomes furious when she sees that a man threw his socks on the floor and did not clean up or wash the plate after eating. In bed, the Virgo woman is more reserved than the Aries man. We can say that she is even conservative and does not like innovation. However, Aries is not happy with this and she is constantly trying to diversify their intimate life.
It is worth saying that Virgo has enough sexuality that drives a man crazy. Alone with him, she reveals herself completely, showing the passion that she hides behind a mask of composure in everyday life. This is what helps the couple maintain a good relationship.
The couple is responsible for the birth of children. She comes up with names in advance, buys things. Perhaps Aries will even build a crib for a child with his own hands. As soon as he is born, the Virgo woman tries not to leave him alone for a second. She is so merged into the role of mother that sometimes she overdoes it. But thanks to a certain severity of Aries, the child cannot be made spoiled. It cannot be said that a man born under such a sign will be a bad father. Quite the contrary, the child will love him very much, because Aries always strives to give him everything that is possible.
Pros and cons of the union Aries man – Virgo woman
Of course, there are many disadvantages in such an alliance, because this couple has a rather complicated relationship due to various factors. However, the Aries man and the Virgo woman always try to suppress negative traits in themselves if they love each other. So let’s take a closer look at the cons:
- The Aries man is too quick-tempered, he can inflate the conflict out of the blue.
- The Aries man has an excessive activity, which is not combined with the calmness of the Virgo woman.
- Partners have a different pace of life, which can cause various resentments.
- The Virgo woman loves a quiet and measured life, while Aries, on the contrary, takes risks.
- The Virgo woman sometimes crosses the line, which annoys the Aries man.
- The Aries man may not follow the words he says in a fit of anger, which causes the Virgo to shed tears.
- They have very different temperaments.
- The Virgo woman cannot quickly forget insults, she is too vulnerable in nature.
The positive aspects of this union are also gaining enough:
- Aries man and Virgo woman are responsible for children, give them all their love and care, and Aries tries to bring up a strong personality.
- Aries man and Virgo woman learn to understand each other, to compromise in certain difficult situations.
- The Virgo woman gives the Aries man home comfort, a warm atmosphere, something that he lacks so much.
- Aries man is always ready to protect his beloved.
- In such an alliance, both partners try to work on their shortcomings, improve themselves and become the best version of themselves.
- Together they can build a successful family business.
In general, I would like to say that in the union of the Aries man and the Virgo woman, there are both pluses and minuses. But the main thing is that the partners try to fight for love, to cope with their negative traits for the sake of the other. We can say that they will have a good family, where children will always be gifted with love and affection. In such a pair, one forces the other to improve. They learn to understand each other and live happily.