In the world we live in, it’s no surprise that people disperse. Many often change partners, and someone does not want a serious relationship at all. Some of the reasons for this are misunderstanding, jealousy, a sense of ownership inherent in many, attempts to limit the personal freedom of another. In order to create a lasting union, a man and a woman must first get to know each other well, understand whether they can be together. If they realize that they are not suitable for each other in advance, then in the future they build a new life with suitable people, bypassing mistakes.
The Aries man is quite complex. It has many principles of its own that make life difficult. It is important for him that the girl be perfect, the one he created in his head. Aries treats the choice of a partner carefully: he thinks over the appearance of a woman, the type of figure, even her character. Of course, in life it is difficult to find the perfect person, but a man under this zodiac sign is constantly trying to do it. In addition, he has a difficult character. He has excessive activity, cannot sit still, does not like routine and life. He constantly wants something new, unknown and risky event.
At any moment, Aries can break away and move to another city, country, or go on a trip. It is important for him to find a partner who will share his passions, listen to him and accept the risks. Such a partner may be a Gemini woman. She is ready to support her man in any endeavors, entertainment and hobbies.
Gemini loves to spend time in parties in a nightclub, watching a football match with a group of friends, even hunting. However, her character is very changeable, and if one day she is ready for anything, then do not be surprised that on another day the girl will hate the whole world. The Gemini woman can calmly smile at the public, put on masks, deceive. She is able to come up with a story of her life when meeting this or that person, in which he will believe for a whole year. But you can not say that it is so bad. In fact, the Gemini woman is a vulnerable person. She cannot be alone for a long time, because this can cause depression. For her, constant support from loved ones is important. You can also say that she is a creative person. Such professions as a musician, journalist, actor are suitable for her. The union of the Aries man and the Gemini woman promises to be interesting and exciting. Two active, extraordinary personalities will never let each other get bored. In their pair there is always a place for fun.
Love compatibility
Let’s start with the fact that between the Aries man and the Gemini woman, first of all, friendship can arise. Aries is too careful in choosing a partner, so they need to study each other first. They are quite extraordinary personalities, so they can easily meet somewhere on vacation, in a bar, on the beach, at an art exhibition, even in a circus. The friendship between these zodiac signs is usually quite strong. Gemini gives the partner a feeling of comfort, and Aries gives protection. All this is already further follows in the relationship.
Such a couple will surprise others. From the outside, people think that they are kind of crazy, because they are able to do anything, in public. Partners can find a way out of any, even the most confusing situation, thanks to the ability to put on masks.
They are so risky that if they want, they can commit rash acts, even intervene in adventures. But if you look at the internal state of their relationship, then we can say that the Aries man is trying to take over and dominate them. The Gemini woman, by her nature, is also accustomed to rule. Because of this, conflicts can arise in their pair, because everyone strives to dominate. In a good case, Gemini is inferior to a partner, which pleases him very much. The man believes that he should provide for his girlfriend. Therefore, he tries to give her many gifts, buy everything that she wants. It is worth noting that in the relationship of such a couple there is a negative attitude towards betrayal. The Aries man is a strong owner, it is important for him that the girl completely belongs only to him. If his partner had committed adultery, he would not have been able to forgive her for this, a very strong resentment would have lurked in his heart. The Gemini woman treats cheating easier. When next to her is a person whom she simply uses for personal gain, then she can easily cheat on him. However, this is possible with everyone except Aries. If she chooses a man born under this zodiac sign, she will be faithful to him to the end.
Marriage compatibility
Between the Aries man and the Gemini woman, a good union is obtained. Such a couple, before officially registering a marriage, is in a relationship for at least a year in order to be sure of each other. They, if there is such an opportunity, they try to live together for some time, to realize whether they are compatible in everyday life and whether it will not be a burden for them. Aries man must understand that such a girl does not want to stay at home all the time, she needs to go out, work. Even if he wants to create a joint family business, then all the same, the Gemini girl will not be able to manage it at home, she will always look for an excuse to sneak away to meet friends, take a walk, even just get some fresh air.
For an Aries man and a Gemini woman, intimate life plays a big role. Both of them do not like monotony, they are always ready to try something new, exciting. In bed, Aries, as in life, likes to dominate. The twins reluctantly agree with this, but at any convenient opportunity they take on such a role.
Usually Gemini brings variety, because in life he can change at the speed of light. She can easily invent some kind of role-playing game so that her partner is not bored. The couple takes full responsibility for the birth of children. The Aries man thinks through to the smallest detail how he will provide for his family, where the child’s room will be located in the house, and what it will become when he grows up. It is important for him that there is enough space for everyone in the house. He usually acts as a strict father in order to raise a strong personality. But sometimes his evil mask falls off. Then Aries is not averse to having fun with the child and returning at least for a moment to childhood. The Gemini woman usually tries to think over the future life of the child. She adheres to the principle that he must choose his own path. She should not be expected to be in the kitchen all the time. She does not fit the role of a housewife at all. It is much easier for a woman to order food delivery than to cook it herself.
Pros and cons of the union Aries man – Gemini woman
There are both pluses and minuses in the union of Aries man-Gemini woman. Let’s start with the cons:
- Aries has a fiery temperament.
- Geminis often put on a mask, and it’s hard to understand how they really feel.
- In the heat and rage, partners can say a lot of nasty things to each other, which leads to conflicts.
- Aries man and Gemini woman tend to be offended by nonsense.
- Geminis are sometimes frivolous.
- Aries man is a strong owner.
- In such an alliance, partners are very jealous, they can throw such scenes of jealousy at each other, after which it is already difficult to restore not only love, but also friendship.
- Aries has high demands on the chosen one, he needs her to be perfect. The one he made up in his head.
- If the couple’s relationship becomes predictable, then interest in each other can quickly cool down. In this case, the Gemini simply stop paying attention and warmth to Aries.
It would seem that there are too many minuses, but in fact, everything related to minuses can be converted into pluses. Partners just need to try to suppress each other’s negative traits of character or behavior, and only pluses will appear in their union. Now let’s look at the pros:
- Aries man and Gemini woman are a very bright and spectacular couple.
- The Gemini woman has a bright temperament that goes well with the character of the Aries man.
- Partners have energy compatibility.
- Aries man and Gemini woman emotionally complement each other.
- Thanks to the creative potential of Gemini, the couple never gets bored.
- Both partners are ready for risks, they can make the most extraordinary act at any time.
- Aries man and Gemini woman love adventure, so they try to go somewhere together as often as possible.
- Both partners have passion.
- Aries and Gemini are passionate by nature.
- The Gemini woman always tries to remain mysterious to her partner, thereby constantly fueling interest in herself. Sometimes it just clouds the mind of Aries and sparks sparkle in his eyes.
Aries man and Gemini woman make a good tandem. They are able to constantly feed passion for each other, do everything so that it is not boring. Gemini, like Aries, does not like routine, they practically do not have critical quarrels and conflicts because of everyday life. If they fall in love with each other, then they give themselves entirely. Aries is ready to constantly please his girlfriend, give flowers, gifts. She, in turn, is ready to reciprocate, to give all the love.