In the modern world, the value of love, relationships and family has decreased. An increasing number of couples are moving to a free union, in which they quietly cheat on each other. However, there are still those who respect real relationships, try to build them with all seriousness, approach this responsibly. This can be hindered by a strong feeling of jealousy, not understanding that everyone should also have personal freedom. In order to create a lasting union, a man and a woman must first get to know each other well, understand whether they can be together. If they realize that they are not suitable for each other in advance, then in the future they build a new life with suitable people, bypassing mistakes.
The Aries man has many principles of his own that make his life difficult. It is important for him that the girl be perfect, the one he created in his head. Aries treats the choice of a partner carefully: he thinks over the appearance of a woman, the type of figure, even her character. Of course, it’s hard to find the perfect person in life, but a man under this zodiac sign is constantly trying to do it. Aries needs to do what is close to his soul. Basically, good entrepreneurs are excellent from this zodiac sign. He likes travel, as well as various risks.
For a life together, the Aries man chooses a person who accepts all his difficulties. It is important for him that the partner has somewhat similar character traits. A good option for an Aries man can be a Cancer woman. She is a true psychologist – always ready to support.
The character of a Cancer woman is quite changeable, because this sign of the Zodiac is rightfully recognized as the most emotional of all. She tries to surround herself with people with different characteristics, always takes care of them. By nature, she is not a leader, so she needs a person nearby, behind whom she will be like behind a stone wall. That is why Aries is a suitable option. He, in turn, should not forget that the Cancer woman needs constant emotional support. She is vulnerable and sentimental, and sometimes she just wants someone to cry. He must accept all her mood swings with humility and protect her from danger. In return, the girl will give affection, warmth and homeliness, which a man lacks so much. In a relationship between an Aries man and a Cancer woman, a lot depends on Aries, on his maturity. He must be able to adapt to any situation, try to restrain his anger, and avoid major and serious conflicts. A girl born under this zodiac sign prefers a measured and calm life without unnecessary risks. In order for such different personalities to form a good couple, it is necessary for everyone to be attentive to each other.
Love compatibility
The Aries man is looking for the perfect partner, which, unfortunately, the Cancer woman is not. This is so because they are completely different people, with their own views on life. However, if representatives of these zodiac signs fall in love with each other, then they can create a strong union. But before that, they need to become friends. The Aries man takes them seriously. Usually he has few real friends, but they are all close people for him. If something happens, then he can come to the rescue at any moment, even if he rests in a bathhouse, jumps off a cliff, or is on the other side of the country.
The Cancer woman treats her friends reverently and with love. She is always, like Aries, ready to help and support in a difficult moment. It is this trait that connects the representatives of these zodiac signs. A good foundation for building a relationship between an Aries man and a Cancer woman will be their, albeit small, commonality of interests and similarity of characters.
These guys can meet in some neutral place, but most likely in a quieter place, because Cancer does not like risk and excessive activity. Due to the fact that they take building relationships seriously, they provide for possible force majeure. And if people born under these zodiac signs really weighed the pros and cons, realized that they really love each other, then they will have a good relationship. In their pair, the leading position is occupied by Aries. Basically, he solves any issues, tries to provide the lady with everything necessary. For her, a man can become a prince on a white horse, because he tries to give her various gifts. She, in turn, brings romance and comfort to their union. The Cancer woman must also remember that in a relationship with the Aries man, it is always necessary to keep mystery, passion, so that he would be interested in achieving it.
Marriage compatibility
If those born under the sign of Aries and Cancer decide to get married, then most likely their marriage will be strong, long and reliable. A Cancer woman by nature is a kind of housewife. She loves to cook and always strives to please her beloved with a delicious dish. It is also important for her that her man wants to return home every day and knows that a faithful and loving wife is waiting for him there. The main problem of marriage between such people is the following: when entering into an official marriage, a Cancer woman often prefers to be at home, next to her husband. She always lacks attention, which often annoys Aries. For him, a sense of personal freedom is necessary so that the wife understands that there are boundaries that should not be crossed. If she crosses the line, then the man explodes, and all the negative sides come out. In this case, scandals and hassles begin. Because of this, the Cancer woman often sheds tears.
The Aries man wants to see the perfect wife with him. The one that will always evoke a storm of emotions in him, so that sparks sparkle in his eyes. A Cancer woman can be like this if she does not start herself when she gets married. Then Aries is a more calm and friendly partner. He, as before, wants to be with his loved one as often as possible. It is in such a pair that harmony will reign.
The family takes children seriously. The Cancer woman, long before pregnancy, thinks over the names of the children. In a relationship with her, Aries involuntarily agrees to them. For a man, it is important that he be an authority in the eyes of a child. He needs to provide for his family. Aries tries to develop a strong and independent personality. A Cancer woman is always a soft mother. She can easily agree to the whims of the child. Often, when he grows up, he takes advantage of her kindness. In such a family, one huge plus can be distinguished: there will always be comfort, delicious food and a warm atmosphere in the house. For those born under the sign of Aries and Cancer, intimacy is very important. However, for a Cancer woman, spirituality is more important. She does not like it when a man only cares about sex. It requires conversations at night with glasses of wine or champagne. She wants to feel needed, to express everything that she experienced in a given day. As mentioned earlier, the Cancer woman is calm by nature. She is not used to experiments in bed, but if she trusts a person, she is ready to go to great lengths. Aries man dominates not only in everyday life, but in intimate. He comes up with how to diversify it and pushes his partner on everything new. Of course, if she loves Aries, then she agrees. A man also understands that his woman needs tenderness and affection, so sometimes he tries to suppress his desires, for the good of his beloved.
Pros and cons of the union Aries man – Cancer woman
In a union, an Aries man and a Cancer woman can develop relationships in different ways. If they respect each other’s feelings and desires, then there will be harmony in the couple. If not, then discord. Union cons:
- Aries man is characterized by excessive activity.
- Aries can be too aggressive, which falls into major scandals.
- He likes to be alone, which the Cancer woman does not like at all.
- The Aries man is selfish, loves himself too much and does not pay attention to the desires of others.
- After conflicts, partners have a mutual feeling of devastation.
- The Cancer woman is very frugal, and the Aries man, on the contrary, loves wastefulness.
- Cancer often encroaches on the freedom of a man, goes beyond his personal boundaries.
- Aries, unlike Cancers, have a superficial attitude to different things.
It would seem that there are too many minuses, but in fact, everything related to minuses can be converted into pluses. Partners just need to try to suppress each other’s negative traits of character or behavior, and only pluses will appear in their union.
- The Cancer woman and the Aries man complement each other perfectly.
- There is passion in this couple.
- Cancer woman gives a man comfort, a warm atmosphere.
- The Aries man in such a relationship feels like a real leader, because the Cancer woman supports him in this.
- Both partners are serious about life, about raising children.
- Aries man and Cancer woman are able to suppress quarrels, to compromise.
- In such a pair, the girl always strives to be the ideal for her man so that he does not lose interest.
So, we can say that a strong union is possible between the Aries man and the Cancer woman. In order to build it, they need to make an effort. Aries – to suppress aggression and irascibility in themselves, Cancer – try not to completely occupy the time of a man, give him the opportunity to meet friends and generally personal space.