When meeting a person, many people immediately become interested in who he really is. Some make guesses, others try to immediately ask about everything. However, sometimes such behavior only repels a person. It is important to understand that everyone is different and everyone needs a different approach. When meeting, you should pay attention to the behavior of the interlocutor, gestures, facial expressions, in order to understand what he is like and whether he wants to continue the conversation with you at all. Also, it is worth noting that you can not immediately agree to enter into a relationship with a stranger. Indeed, in such cases there is a possibility that they will not last long, there will always be scandals and quarrels. To prevent them, for a start it is worth building a friendship with a prospective partner, getting to know his character, the skeletons in the closet. Yes, sometimes people are secretive, they may never tell you everything about themselves that you would like to know. In this case, astrology can help, because the signs of the zodiac in one way or another affect every person.
So, for example, the Aries man is a risky and decisive person. He sees no obstacles in his path, ready to fight for what he needs to the end. He is not afraid of difficulties, he can always find a way out of any situation. He is overly active. He can not constantly sit at home and do only life. Everyday life is boring for him, so he tries to add color to it. It is not difficult for an Aries man to break away at any moment and fly somewhere far away, to another country on vacation or quit his job and switch to a new one. He can also change his place of residence at any time, because he is not tied to any particular one. The Aries man loves convenience, so he will not be able to live in some old house or, even worse, a hostel. However, if he has a specific goal in front of him, for which it is necessary to live in such conditions, then he will do it without any problems. Aries man always looks neat. He believes that he should be the best, which he is good at.
Aries is responsible for choosing a partner. He builds an ideal in his head, which he then searches for all his life. In turn, the Aquarius woman is the most stubborn nature. All other zodiac signs smoke on the sidelines compared to her.
A girl born under the sign of Aquarius has an unusual character. Her mood changes depending on the environment. She may be happy one moment and cry the next. The Aquarius woman is a very unpredictable person. It combines strengths and weaknesses. She is both good and evil at the same time. The Aquarius woman is creative. She cannot go a day without writing a song, playing an instrument or painting. She has a very rich imagination.
The girl lives as if in her own world, sometimes going outside. It is worth noting that with her unusualness she catches the Aries man. He is constantly trying to unravel, to find out her real essence. And every time something new pops up that drives him crazy. She has her own style, loves beautiful hairstyles and cute things. Sometimes she can dress up like she’s about to walk the red carpet like a Hollywood star. And sometimes put on comfortable trousers and a large voluminous sweater, pick up a book and go to the park to read it.
Love compatibility
The Aries man was created to conquer the ladies. Before his confident look, seductiveness, no one can resist. If he is interested in a lady, then he is able to persistently seek her, while giving gifts. The Aquarius woman loves such attention from men, but she does not let everyone close to her. In her head, she draws a picture that a prince will come to save her from imprisonment in the castle of loneliness. The Aries man can just become one, because behind him Aquarius will feel like behind a stone wall.
Aries man and Aquarius woman, despite the different elements, converge in their attitude to life and have many common hobbies. This allows you to build a good friendship between them. The Aries man does not have many real friends, so the Aquarius woman can easily join their ranks. She is the one who can listen, always support and just mourn together. It will not be difficult for her to go to a football match with a guy or stock up on harmful goodies and watch some horror movie wrapped in blankets. The Aquarius woman is able to give the Aries man what he lacks so much – comfort.
Aries man and Aquarius woman are able to build strong relationships. In them, partners will fill in the gaps in each and try to correct negative qualities or completely destroy them.
Despite the fact that the Aquarius woman is used to thinking about everything herself: what to buy, where to go on vacation, in a relationship with the Aries man, she will give him this opportunity. Undoubtedly, Aries will dominate in such a pair, because he is a natural leader. But he should not be inattentive to Aquarius, because the lady is able to build something behind his back. Since Aries belongs to the element of Fire, and Aquarius belongs to the air, a woman is able to control her partner’s emotions. She can easily both kindle a fire in their pair, and put it out. It is worth noting that the Aquarius woman in a relationship with the Aries man will constantly move closer to him, then move away from him. In this way, she demonstrates that she constantly needs to be pursued. After all, in her world, a valiant prince always gives attention to his princess.
To be together, the Aries man should dull his anger and aggression. Aquarius woman does not like conflicts and various kinds of quarrels. She prefers a calm and quiet life. And Aries, on the contrary, does not like routine. He needs to lead an active lifestyle in order to be in good shape. It is because of the different pace of life that it will be difficult for partners to be together. But if they can agree and adjust to each other, then the Aries man and Aquarius woman will be happy.
Marriage compatibility
A very strong union is possible between the Aries man and the Aquarius woman. Their compatibility in marriage can be considered almost perfect. The Aquarius woman agrees to officially register the marriage only after long, long courtship. Exactly when she feels that Aries is the hero of her novel. Until the very wedding, the lady will fly in the clouds, come up with an image, an interior, a place where the ceremony will take place. Most likely, she will choose an exit marriage registration somewhere on the banks of a river, lake or sea. The Aries man will fully finance the wedding, but entrust the decoration to the bride. All her childhood she dreamed of a big wedding, she imagined how her fiancé would look like, and she herself. That is why she will gladly put on a white fluffy dress, and Aries will dress up in a black classic suit.
When the Aries man and the Aquarius woman begin to live together, the wife for her husband will create such a cozy atmosphere in which he has never been. After all, the Aries man does not know what comfort and a feeling of home are, he constantly rushes from one place to another, but he will stop doing this with her.
The Aries man will be a real breadwinner, because he will most likely work alone. The Aquarius woman will prefer to be a housewife, more time to engage in creativity, her favorite hobby. Despite the fact that she will not work, the Aries man will be very pleased with her. Every evening, a girl born under the sign of Aquarius can meet her beloved with a laid table, on which there is a lot of delicious food. She will be happy to wait for him from work and have dinner only with him. Such an atmosphere will make Aries fall in love with the Aquarius woman in a new way each time.
In intimate life, partners can be said to be well combined. Despite the fact that the Aquarius woman is not ready for experiments, perhaps she is afraid of them, Aries understands the lady and does not put pressure on her. But because of her vast fantasy and femininity, she still arouses interest and feeds passion, which allows you to achieve harmony in bed .
The Aquarius woman has always dreamed of a strong family, a big house in which barefoot kids run around. And with the advent of the Aries man, she can fully fulfill her dream. He is the one behind whom she feels like behind a stone wall. Together, the couple is ready for two or more children. The Aries man will always be ready to provide for his family and raise strong, determined and smart children. He will be the best father for them, although sometimes strict. The Aquarius woman will also be a great mother. She is ready to give all her love to children. From her, they are endowed with the ability to be creative, so it is not surprising if in the future someone becomes a famous artist or singer.
Pros and cons of the union Aries man – Aquarius woman
It cannot be said that an idyll completely occurs in the relationship between the Aries man and the Aquarius woman. Between them sometimes there are conflicts and quarrels. However, because of love, they are ready to fight their negative qualities. What are the advantages in the relationship of such a couple?
- The Aries man is a rather selfish nature, sometimes he suppresses the desires of his woman, which depresses her.
- The Aries man has a fiery temper that leads to frequent conflicts.
- The Aquarius woman and the Aries man have a different pace of life, due to which disagreements occur.
- The Aries man does not like routine and everyday life, he loves risk and an active lifestyle, and the Aquarius woman is quite the opposite.
- Due to the frequent jealousy of the Aries man and the Aquarius woman, betrayal is possible.
- The Aquarius woman cannot get used to the excessive activity and riskiness of the Aries man.
As we can see, there are disadvantages in such a pair, but it cannot be said that there are too many of them. So, the cons of the union:
- Partners complement each other completely.
- Partners will be good parents, ready to raise them with dignity and give their love.
- Aries seeks to fully provide for his lady so that she does not need anything.
- Aquarius sees in his partner a real protector. Behind him she is like behind a stone wall.
- Partners have similar interests and hobbies.
- The Aquarius woman is able to support her partner and listen to him.
Thus, a completely strong and happy union is possible between the Aries man and the Aquarius woman. In it, one will complement the other and give something that has never happened before.