Aries: characteristics of the zodiac sign and celebrity

😉 Greetings new and regular readers! In the article “Aries: characteristics of the zodiac sign and celebrity” – about the positive and negative qualities of his character. The names of the world famous Aries. Video.

Period from March 21 to April 20

Aries: the nature of the zodiac sign

A person born under this sign has pronounced qualities of a leader. He takes on any business, regardless of the circumstances. Since childhood, he strives for freedom, so there is a high probability of early departure from the parental home.

Often he develops pride and conceit, and at a young age – a desire to dominate in everything. This zodiac sign is patronized by Mars – a warlike planet. Aries are by nature conquerors and pioneers.

Aries are born in the spring when the sun is shining brightly. In the same way, they try to shine, and not shine all their lives. Men are grasping businessmen, assertive businessmen, careerists. Women are not inferior to them in stubbornness, they persistently try to climb the career ladder. However, they may not have enough patience, they can quickly burn out.

They depend on the opinions of loved ones. If the family is unhappy with their idea, they are able to give up. They are caring parents, they love to play with their child, tell fairy stories, and they themselves tend to believe in miracles.

The element of this sign is Fire

Aries is always overflowing with vitality, passion for achievement and thirst for new emotions. However, he also has periods of loss of strength or moral reboot. At such moments, he loves to talk to someone heart to heart, to share his doubts.

Usually he does not close himself in front of people, but, on the contrary, goes to meet them. They are very stubborn in achieving goals and in little things. And, nevertheless, you can always find a common language with them.

Bright, hot-tempered, stubborn Aries always strive to be in the spotlight. For them, people are a background against which they reveal themselves in all their glory. The energy makes them take on several things at once, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.

Therefore, by nature, good health begins to fail over time. They need a nanny partner who can live in their shadow, admiring them continuously. “Nanny” will take care of the timely nutrition, sleep and rest of the overly active companion.

Aries are optimistic, do not like to lose heart and give up. The fiery element inside makes them move forward continuously. Sometimes, despite the good health and perseverance given to him by nature, he turns out to be a dreamer.

Dreaming of fame, a representative of the fiery element is able to lie on the couch without making any effort to make the dream come true. This happens when the planets are in an unfavorable position at the time of birth.

Aries – celebrities

As you can see, a unique company has gathered!

  • Charlie Chaplin;
  • Rafael Santi;
  • Elton John;
  • Mstislav Rostropovich;
  • Adolf Gitler;
  • Harry Houdini;
  • Maria Sharapova;
  • Leonardo da Vinci;
  • Nikita Khrushchev;
  • Alla Pugacheva;
  • Catherine de Medici;
  • Irina Khakamada;
  • Montserrat Caballe;
  • Robert Kiyosaki;
  • Jean-Paul Belmondo;
  • Vincent Van Gogh;
  • Francisco Goya;
  • Sergey Lavrov;
  • Johann Sebastian Bach;
  • Rene Descartes;
  • Otto von Bismarck;
  • Nikolay Gogol;
  • Sergey Rachmaninoff;
  • Jackie Chan;
  • Vladimir Pozner;
  • Ivan Urgant;
  • Dmitry Nagiyev;
  • Marlon Brando;
  • Ronaldinho;
  • Diana Ross;
  • Claudia Cardinal;
  • Hans Christian Andersen;
  • Anastasia Vertinskaya;
  • Simona Signore;
  • Giacomo Casanova.

Aries: characteristics of the zodiac sign (video)

Why Does Aries Have Such a Difficult Personality? Aries horoscope

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