Aries and Virgo Compatibility
There are no incompatible signs – there is only a more or less favorable influence of stars on a personal horoscope. And the acquaintance of Aries and Virgo can be crowned with a long and favorable union, if you know the “pitfalls” in relationships well, take into account the peculiarities of the character of each sign. Let’s try to consider all the pros and cons of such a relationship.

The fiery temper of Aries and the insidious prudence of Virgos will create a surreal relationship that can become the most exciting adventure in life for both. How strong the compatibility of the signs will be Aries and Virgo depends on the mutual desire to maintain a relationship. And, although the stars do not give a very large percentage of auspiciousness, one cannot refuse in advance the tempting prospect of a bright and outstanding future. 

Aries and Virgo Compatibility Chart

Основные данные для выводов о возможности пары Овен и Дева, совместимость знаков в процентном отношении, прогноз наилучшей линии поведения поможет определить приведенная ниже таблица:

SignsAries and Virgo
Order1st character – 6th character
ElementFire – Earth
Relationship modelthe couple is getting closer in gaining benefits
The perfect datevisiting the hippodrome, casino, sports

Aries Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility

The rule about the attraction of opposites is the main dominant in the relationship that the Aries man and the Virgo woman build. Despite all her prudent composure, Virgo will not be able to resist the hot onslaught of Aries. In addition, vain and self-confident, she hopes to gradually get her hands on a restive partner. She can succeed if she has enough tact and patience to lead the frantic Aries gradually, without prejudice to his pride. 

Another danger awaits Virgo from her pedantry and desire to streamline everything. An attempt to force Aries to obey this order will plunge him into boredom and despondency, which the sign is able to dispel through outbursts of anger. It is simply impossible to criticize Aries, only praise. But from praise, he melts like wax, becomes supple and capable of generosity in relation to his partner. 

The only field where the Aries man and the Virgo woman will be on the same team will be a banal financial benefit. Aries realizes in it its overestimated self-esteem, and Virgo – prudence and dodgy mind. Moreover, Virgo’s perfectionism will be able to keep Aries from rash expenses and stop the ardor of excitement in time. 


As a reward for building a stable and measured life, Virgo will receive stormy declarations of love, exalted manifestations of feelings. In a fit of emotion, Aries is able to throw the whole world at the feet of his beloved. But when he comes to his senses, he will take half at once, half – gradually. However, managing Aries for the mind of the Virgo is not difficult, you just need to be silent in time when Aries is engaged in narcissism, and praise in time when he has periods of decline. The natural coldness and emotional restraint inherent in Virgos in terms of love, Aries will certainly take it personally and may begin to seek solace on the side, for which he will not blame himself, but his partner. Virgo will have to artificially increase the intensity of her feelings in order to match the level of her partner’s emotions if she is interested in a long-term union. 


Hypnotized by the unusual brightness of emotions, Virgo is carried away by Aries. The feeling flared up instantly, like straw from a spark. But it also burns out quickly, so for a long-term relationship in love, efforts will have to be made. Virgo needs her temperament, cool enough, to supplement with joint experiments and try to diversify her sex life. Then the love ardor of Aries will flare up again and again. But one should not hope for a long foreplay and exquisite caresses. Aries is direct, violent and abrupt, and you should not try to remake him. 


It is much easier to keep an Aries with you until marriage, when his jealousy does not allow him to look away from his beloved. But now the Aries man and the Virgo woman got married, and their compatibility is subjected to a new test. The realization “she is mine” gives Aries self-confidence and he begins to follow the eyes of the surrounding women. 

Virgo should not try to make Aries jealous in family relationships. He will not tolerate this from his wife, and a family scandal can go beyond decency. It is better for Virgo to turn on her natural irony and skepticism, gracefully ridicule her opponent in the eyes of her partner and turn away indifferently. 


The component of friendship and mutual assistance in the relationship between Aries and Virgo is quite strong if the misunderstanding caused by the difference in views and temperaments is eliminated. Aries is always open and straightforward, Virgo is a little shocking. The resourcefulness of the Virgo can cause contempt and rejection in Aries. Virgo will have to share her thoughts with her partner as frankly as possible and never fall for deception. 


Taking into account the characteristics of each of the signs, the compatibility of Aries and Virgo is maximum precisely in work, since the achievement of material gain and career growth flatter Aries and amuse Virgo’s greed. Aries, confident in the support and understanding of his partner, is able to break through any walls. Where he failed to cope with the onslaught, Virgo will achieve her goal by methodical and patient pushing. But it should be remembered that Aries will certainly blame Virgo for all her failures, and she will have to accept it calmly. 

Aries Woman and Virgo Man Compatibility

The Aries woman will appreciate the virtues of the Virgo man, which she herself does not have: pedantry, scrupulousness, accuracy. True, the fisting of the Virgo man will annoy her. She will not see romantic surprises, but the promised will not have to wait three years, everything will be done and presented right on time. If the Aries woman puts all financial and legal problems on the Virgo man, she can be calm. 

Unusual initiative and stormy energy is shown by the Aries woman, and the Virgo man is a little confused. But if you give him an idea and pretend that this is his brilliant find, you can be sure that he implements everything himself. Do not forget to just praise his ingenuity, because he is no less sensitive to fame than Aries!


Овну-женщине с ее пылкостью придется терпеть не только длительные, полные сомнений ухаживания Девы, но и его педантичный способ подсчитывать потраченные на ухаживание деньги. Ей будет недоставать сумасбродности и эксцентричности, которые мужчина-Дева считает глупостью. Зато он сделает все, чтобы она блистала в обществе, держа его под руку. Романтика — нет, респектабельность и шарм — да! 


Несмотря на разницу в темпераментах, женщина-Овен и мужчина-Дева совместимость могут создать, если оба этого хотят. Хотя ключевое решение всегда в руках у женщины. Дайте Деве-мужчине возможность проделать все манипуляции долгой прелюдии, и тогда он достойно ответит на повышенный накал страсти Овна. 


The Virgo man is in no hurry to tie the knot, everything suits him anyway. A hot and impatient Aries woman is annoying. Trying to rush your partner can backfire. It is better to put pressure on his decency, drawing attention to the fall in the respectability of the Virgo man in the eyes of colleagues and friends due to a protracted romance. 

After the wedding, you should not relax. By writing the Aries woman on the list of his property, the partner can cool off. Feel free to stir up his jealousy by light flirting with friends without crossing the line of decency. Be a queen, arrogantly accepting the courtship of subjects, and he will remain in your retinue for a long time. 


Here, the Virgo man and the Aries woman have almost nothing to build compatibility on. Different views, perceptions, line of conduct. And yet a loving heart will find common ground. A little patience with his rationality, a little containment of your bright and ardent impulses, and you can become each other’s support and support. 


Success awaits partners who correctly share responsibilities in the business sphere. Everything that concerns paperwork, financial turmoil, legal conflicts, feel free to give the Virgo man. He will streamline, bring to its logical conclusion and at the same time receive pleasure. An Aries woman can safely devote herself to creativity, art, or start her own business, not forgetting to report to a picky partner about paying taxes and interest. 

Perfect date for Aries and Virgo

Самомнение Овна и азарт Девы эмоционально роднят и сближают их, когда выбранная ими лошадь первой приходит к финишу или купленная вместе лотерея выигрывает. Им всегда хорошо вместе на трибунах спортивных матчей или за ломберным столом. При этом тонкая ирония Девы не позволит Овну потратить больше разумного. 

Expert Commentary

The relationship between Virgo and Aries is not easy to build, you have to make concessions. The nuances and recommendations of successful interaction will prompt Full member of the OPPL, member of the National Association for the Development of Art Therapeutic Science and Practice, candidate for personal therapists, supervisor Olga Rogovaya. 

– The success of the contact between Virgo and Aries in the unity of opposites, born in the eternal struggle. The Virgo standing firmly on the ground will enable the fiery Aries to express themselves and achieve the maximum manifestation of their strengths. Aries, on the other hand, will help Virgo bring order and organization into relationships, avoiding overly emotional decisions and actions. 

What is the compatibility of Aries and Virgo? 

  • Aries is overly hot and emotional, Virgo is skeptical to the point of cynicism and cold. But it is the differences in approaches that help to achieve harmony, if each of the partners takes into account the characteristics of the other, gives them the right to exist and treats them with respect. 
  • It is better for Aries not to rush to embody creative undertakings with his inherent energy, but to entrust the diligent Virgo. In turn, Virgo should not stop the ardor of Aries with a cold shower. It is better to tactfully propose a plan for the implementation of the project. 
  • With his decisive pressure, Aries can scare away the measured Virgo at the beginning of a relationship. A small display of tact and courtesy – and the Virgo’s reaction will be surprised admiration. On Aries, Virgo’s prudence, if it is not excessive, has a calming effect, gives confidence in stability, which he always lacks. 

Успех пары вполне достижим, если обоим хватит стремления продлить и укрепить отношения. Дева лучше других знаков способна поддержать Овна, делая это незаметно и тактично. Яркая индивидуальность Овна озарит жизнь Девы яркими моментами, не давая превратиться в черствого педанта. Совместно достигая материального благополучия, Овен и Дева могут построить крепкий и прочный союз, основанный на успешной карьере и финансовой обеспеченности. 

Relationship pros and cons

Let us dwell in more detail on the strengths and weaknesses of the union of Aries and Virgo. Let’s start with the positives. 

  • The honesty and straightforwardness inherent in Aries compensate for the secrecy and prudence of Virgo. 
  • Virgo will restrain Aries’ excessive emotions without succumbing to them. 
  • Aries creates a creative background for relationships, Virgo methodically implements successful ideas. 
  • Virgo will streamline the life of Aries, bringing harmony into it. Aries will decorate Virgo’s life with bright moments and imagination. 
  • Mutual interest and respect will help partners remain interesting to each other for many years, support and help the other in everything. 

What to fear in a relationship

Do not let strangers into your union, even close relatives. Any external influence can destroy your difficult relationship, especially at first. Aries may lose the trust of a suspicious Virgo. Virgo – provoke an outbreak of Aries’ emotional outburst. This can ruin the whimsical pattern of your mutual understanding, and it will be extremely difficult to return the relationship to its previous level. 

What to work on in a relationship

The task of each of the signs at the beginning of a relationship is the maximum possible patience and tact. Aries is more difficult than Virgo, but he will be saved by the enthusiastic admiration of his partner. Virgo has another difficulty – to restrain her skepticism and criticism, which Aries strongly cannot stand. Joint creative activities to increase material wealth and career growth will help to create mutual respect and support. Otherwise, it is better to divide the spheres of influence, based on the characteristics of the character of each of the signs. 

Popular questions and answers

Together with an expert, we answered a number of popular questions about the relationship between Aries and Virgo.

How can an Aries woman conquer a Virgo man?

– Having blinded him at the first moment, switch your attention to someone from his inner circle, let him take the first step towards rapprochement. Make it clear that you liked the Virgo man, but not enough to rush after him. Do not overdo it with extravagance, show restraint in emotions, do not demand increased attention, romanticism or extravagance. You will get him if you do not take the initiative at all, this will warm up his interest and desire to achieve reciprocity.

How can an Aries man conquer a Virgo woman?

– You know how to achieve your goal, so it will not be difficult to win it back from your rivals. She is already almost subdued by the onslaught and energy of Aries. Add to her the conviction of your irresistibility, the ability to be generous, bright, brilliant. You may have to endure her taunts and whims – the Virgo woman must test her partner. Treat this with irony, it is close and understandable to her. Do not show weakness in anything, this can ruin the relationship, preventing them from developing. 

How can a Virgo woman conquer an Aries man?

— Хвалите его, всегда и везде, в разговоре с ним и с его друзьями. Расскажите, как вы потрясены его внешностью, смелостью, умом, чем угодно! Нет более легкой дороги к сердцу мужчины-Овна, как через его самомнение и тщеславие. Впрочем, добрую половину этих похвал он действительно заслуживает. 

How can a Virgo man conquer an Aries woman?

– The task is not the easiest, because the Virgo man does not have many qualities in his arsenal that the Aries woman prioritizes. But the insidious and judicious Virgo man can act in his usual complex and accurately calculated way. He will eliminate all competitors from her environment, and Aries, who is used to bathing in fame and male attention, will have to turn her eyes to him. Now it is enough to let her feel that you are her loyal subject, admired and blinded, and her vanity will push her into your arms! 

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