Currently, more and more couples cannot be with each other for a long time: quarrels, scandals begin, and then completely disperse. Therefore, it is important to understand what kind of person is nearby. Knowing his character, possible actions in a given situation and preferences, you can live well and happily together.
It is generally accepted that the Aries man and the Aries woman are an incompatible couple. Both partners have a strong character, which can become an obstacle in building a family. But it is not so. Yes, you can say that Aries are temperamental, morally strong, straightforward and even rude, but despite this, they always carefully choose a partner. It is a scrupulous selection that helps to determine in advance whether a particular person is suitable for Aries or not. The Aries man is a true leader. He has a lot of energy, he is emotional and impulsive. The Aries woman also has leadership qualities. In addition, she is free-spirited. In order for a couple to be together, a woman needs to give up the desire to rule. She should give in to her man. The male half, in turn, needs to be given some freedom to the girl, to trust her completely.
Partners, their stubbornness and unwillingness to hear the opinions of everyone can harm such an alliance. As a rule, partners always try to come to some kind of compromise, because they love each other.
In the life of a man under the sign of Aries, friends are of great importance. Basically, he builds friendship with the same as himself. In the male circle, he feels comfortable. This is very valuable for him, so he does not leave his friends in trouble, and friendship grows stronger every year. Aries man can build friendships with women, but he does it quite rarely. A woman must understand this feature, so she needs to allow her partner to see friends. Aries woman and Aries man can be on friendly terms, because the Aries woman always shares hobbies with her partner. If necessary, she can learn any field of activity, any hobby of a partner, even sports, hunting or weapons.
A couple woman – Aries and a man – Aries have a number of difficulties in relationships, but they always overcome them through joint efforts. Exactly what partners in a relationship are not bored because of their characters. They have something new, quite interesting events going on every day. We can say that this pair can easily make a film that will become a sensation or a block buster. If a man – Aries and a woman – Aries are not only a couple, but also friends, then this will play into their hands. In such a pair, all contradictions and disagreements can be reduced to a minimum. They will completely trust each other, be sincere, and the light will never go out between them.
Love compatibility
At the first love, at the very beginning, the Aries man and the Aries woman are very interesting to each other. Sparks sparkle in their eyes, and butterflies fly in their stomachs. An Aries man and an Aries woman are more likely to meet in a place where there is less routine and hassle. Perhaps this is some kind of resort, a beach holiday, in the mountains, a descent into a cave, because rams love adventure. From this follows the conclusion that they can be lucky in love, and there will be full compatibility. Both representatives can always have fun together, come up with something new. From the first minutes of their acquaintance, they try to build a trusting and sincere relationship. In the future, these principles help not to lose interest in relationships. Their hearts easily light up with love, and sometimes this fire clouds common sense. When an Aries woman is attracted to an Aries man, her eyes start to sparkle. The Aries man, due to his courage, is more likely to make the first move. These signs do not have any difficulties in winning a partner.
Aries can rarely cheat on their partners, relationships are important to them and they don’t want to spoil their lives. Aries are owners, which affects relationships. They can establish total control over each other, this can be annoying, but everything is fixable.
The Aries man is quite selfish. He is not ready for a moderate and quiet life, he wants his opinion to be always taken into account. If the Aries Woman agrees with the whims of her partner, then the couple does not have any problems. But the Aries woman also has her own way of looking at things. She loves freedom, and if she wants, for example, to go somewhere for a week or two with her friends, then she will do it. If the Aries man does not forbid her such tricks, then a complete idyll will reign in their relationship.
With the Aries man, everything goes on as if on a whim. He wants everything at once. Basically, a happy relationship in a pair of Aries man and Aries woman exists if the man takes on leadership qualities, and the woman suppresses hers a little. We can say that a man should kind of dominate in their relationship. It is hard for an Aries woman to accept this, because leadership is in her blood, given to her by nature. However, for the sake of her beloved, she is ready to do this. If a woman takes a leading position in a relationship, then there is a risk that the Aries man will drown out all his strong-willed qualities in himself, become a kind of “rag” on which you can wipe your feet. I would like to say that, despite the different nuances, in such a pair there can be a warm, sincere relationship built on trust, respect and love. Sometimes you want to be equal to such a couple, because she is not afraid of difficulties, she always finds ways to cope with them.
Marriage compatibility
In marriage, representatives of this sign are sometimes difficult. By nature, they are such individuals who tend not to sit still, they always want something new, interesting, which would completely cover. On the one hand, this is a very positive feature, because the couple will often travel, get out of the house, walk with the children. Aries Man and Aries Woman in marriage may have misunderstandings in everyday affairs, for example, a man who is always busy with work or other affairs may leave a cup on the table and not wash it on time, and a woman will immediately see this and may inflate a major quarrel. However, if she is also passionate about work or taking care of children, she will not notice anything. In intimate life, the husband and wife have good compatibility, a craving for diversity and romance. The couple treats the birth of children very carefully. Spouses plan the name of the child in advance, buy clothes, a stroller and other necessary things.
Such partners give birth to children with determination and perseverance. In the future, children achieve great success by virtue of their nature. But often parents do not have enough time for education, so they try to devote every free minute to their kids.
It should be noted that Aries are devoted towards each other. They are against change. If a betrayal by a partner has already occurred, then it will be very difficult for an Aries to forgive and let it go, therefore, after a betrayal by someone else, couples tend to disperse. But in most cases, partners avoid any changes. Their relationship is built on pure trust, because otherwise they cannot. If a deadlock occurs, they always try to find a way out of it, get out and continue to live on. It should also be said that the marriage between an Aries man and an Aries woman in most cases lasts quite a long time.
Pros and Cons of Aries Man and Aries Woman
In the union of Aries man and Aries woman, there are many contradictions. But you can’t say he’s bad. On the contrary, there are enough positive features here. Let’s start with the cons:
- In Aries, feelings both quickly flare up and subside, so it is constantly necessary to add variety to your life.
- Aries are inherently stubborn, and therefore it is sometimes difficult to find a compromise in resolving any issue, no matter how hard they try.
- In union, the Aries man and the Aries woman lack family comfort and practicality. They are not capable of creating a homely atmosphere, because it is not characteristic of them.
- Among other things, due to the fact that Aries are natural leaders, there is a constant “struggle for power” in their relationship. This continues until one becomes dominant in the relationship.
There are also quite a few positive aspects in these relations.
- A huge plus of these couples is that no matter how many quarrels there are, no matter how many conflicts occur, they almost always solve them if they really love each other.
- In a relationship, they are responsible, they are never bored with each other. They are ready for adventure and risk. Partners can decide in a second the issue of moving to another apartment and even to another city, and possibly rush to another country.
- They always seek to hear each other’s opinions, although sometimes this does not work out. Their relationship is aimed at pacifying their ardor, anger.
- Aries man, like Aries woman, builds an image of a partner in his head. If one of the couple does not reach the ideal of the other, then they work together on this and usually always cope.
Thus, the relationship between the Aries man and the Aries woman is not easy, but quite interesting. On such plots, chic novels are usually written or enchanting films are shot.