Argentine IPA (Argentine IPA)

Classic British Indian Pale Ale, but with an Argentinian twist. Distinctive features – the use of Argentinean hops, giving citrus tones. Part of the grist is malted or grain wheat (up to 15%). The result is a fresh, drinkable and well-balanced ale with a noticeable hop bitterness.

The aroma has notes of flowers, herbs, citruses, malt gives nuances of caramel, but they are not as pronounced as in the British prototype. Wheat can add fruit esters. The bouquet has a complex hop profile and a strong malt base that serves as a backdrop for bitterness. The manifestations of diacetyl are contrary to the standards of style. The finish is usually dry, fresh, sometimes slightly warming, the aftertaste is bitter, but not hard.

The color varies in a wide range of golden hues, the filtered samples are always transparent, in the glass the drink forms an abundant persistent foam.

On the tongue, the style is felt medium-bodied, it can be highly carbonated, alcohol is manifested by pleasant warmth. The taste is sweet, dry.

The Argentine IPA is made with pale ale malt, with a small amount of caramel malt acceptable. The hops are Argentine, the yeast is American. In the original variation, the water should be soft, a small amount of sulfates is allowed.

Argentine IPA (Argentine IPA)

Strength: 5.0-6.5%.

Density: initial 1.055-1.065, final 1.008-1.015.

Bitterness Index: 35-60 IBU.

Color: 6-15 SRM.

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