Are your armpits itchy? There can be many reasons for this, one is extremely dangerous

Itchy armpits usually don’t get too much attention. It can be an irritating and unpleasant problem, often caused by hygiene errors or skin inflammation and irritation. And although in many cases the cause of itching turns out to be trivial or even mundane, itching in the armpits can also be a harbinger of serious health problems. If you cannot find the rational cause of the unpleasant itching, then do not underestimate it – it could be a symptom of cancer.

Typically, underarm itching is due to minor skin infections or problems related to hygiene and care. In some cases, however, it may be an atypical symptom of serious diseases, including cancer. If the itching persists, is resistant to treatment, or its immediate cause cannot be found, it is better to visit the doctor’s office and put yourself in the hands of specialists.

Could itchy armpits be a symptom of cancer?

Underarm itching is most often caused by minor ailments, including skin changes. It happens, however, that it is also a very unusual symptom of dangerous tumors. In some cases, itchy armpits can be a sign of lymphoma or inflammatory breast cancer.

  1. Lymphomas

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. One of the main symptoms of lymphoma is swollen glands, usually in the armpits, groin, or neck. Although there are more than 70 types of lymphoma, doctors usually divide them into two categories: Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Approx. 30 percent patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma and 15 percent. with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma feels itchy. This phenomenon is called Hodgkin’s pruritus or paraneoplastic pruritus. Hodgkin’s itching is usually not accompanied by a pronounced skin rash.

Cutaneous lymphoma from T cells i B cell lymphoma – this type of lymphoma may be accompanied by a rash. In the case of this lymphoma, we most often deal with:

  1. small patches of dry, red skin, the so-called mycosis fungoides, which may resemble psoriasis, eczema, or inflamed skin under the arms
  2. hardening and thickening of the skin,
  3. formation of plaques that may be itchy
  4. ulcers,
  5. lumps that may grow and form lumps
  6. erythroderma, which is a general reddening of the skin that becomes dry, scaly.
  1. Inflammatory breast cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer is a fairly rare type of breast cancer. Its symptoms can also include itching. Very often itching of the armpits is not the only symptom, in the case of breast cancer it is most often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. skin changes, such as thickenings and dimples on the skin (they may look like cellulite)
  2. breast swelling – there is a clear asymmetry between the breasts,
  3. one breast is heavier and warmer than the other,
  4. reddening of one breast usually affects more than a third of the breast.

If the treatment of itching with antibiotics persists and is not caused by dermatological changes, the doctor may recommend a thorough imaging examination of the breast – ultrasound or mammography to rule out cancer.

Find out if you’re at risk of cancer

Do the research:

  1. You can buy the oncology package for women HERE
  2. You can buy the oncology package for men HERE

The most common causes of itching in the armpits

Itchy armpits are likely caused by something other than cancer. The most common causes are:

  1. Contact dermatitis – occurs when the skin becomes irritated and inflamed after contact with an allergen or irritant. There are two types of contact dermatitis – allergic or irritant. Irritation can be caused by cosmetics, chemicals or clothes rubbing against the skin.
  2. Improper hygiene – bacteria will always grow in places that accumulate dirt and sweat. To prevent itchy armpits, keep your armpits clean, especially after exercise.
  3. Folliculitis – occurs when bacteria (usually golden staph) enter the hair follicle, causing inflammation and purulent lesions. Bacteria can enter the hair follicles, e.g. from a contaminated razor.
  4. Ingrown hairs after shaving or depilation
  5. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack its own healthy skin cells. The skin becomes thickened and scaly, and the lesions begin to peel off. Underarm psoriasis is called inverse psoriasis and is quite common. The itching in this case is very bothersome.
  6. Yeast Infection (Candida) – Candida is a yeast that grows in warm and humid environments such as armpits. Being overweight, diabetic, or having recent antibiotic use can increase the risk of a skin infection. Another accompanying symptom may be an unpleasant odor.
  7. Dermatophytosis is caused by a type of fungus that affects the skin. It is very easy to get infected through contact with other people or objects. Ringworm appears as red ring-like skin lesions with a distinct edge.

Other possible causes of armpit itching

Underarm itching can also be caused by other diseases or skin lesions, although these are rare conditions and itching is not the only symptom of the disease:

  1. scabies,
  2. lice,
  3. drug rash
  4. erythrasma – a rare bacterial skin infection,
  5. Haileya-Haileya disease,
  6. lichen planus.

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