Lack of free time is the scourge of modernity. Coach Tim Denning argues that finding free time for a dream is not so difficult, and tells you how to do it.
Time for me is like ice cream for a five-year-old child: something incredibly attractive. I treat him with respect as a beautiful woman. A lot of people spend their time like it’s Saturday night beer and then bitterly repent.
It’s time to take control of time, because mindlessly wasting it, we kill the dream.
In our free time, we fulfill our dream or lose it
In order to look back at the path traveled at the end of life and call it successful, you need to:
- find a home;
- meet love;
- help others;
- achieve a dream.
The last point is the most difficult. A dream is not instant noodles, it takes time to fulfill it.
I never cease to be amazed at those who build Napoleonic plans, but do not want to invest time in their implementation, dream of doing nothing, but waking up successful. Dreams and goals become reality in your free time. Great and successful people spared no time for a dream. They didn’t relax at the bar, but worked late or got up early so as not to waste time.
You have more free time than you think
I am constantly asked when I have time to write. I use the time that others waste. On weekends, I get up in the morning and write blog posts for several hours. When I finish, my friends are just waking up.
To find extra time I:
- I go to bed early;
- I do not sit in social networks;
- include foods that provide energy in the diet;
- I do not watch TV;
- I don’t drink coffee;
- I turn off my phone.
I try to do as little as possible that does not belong to the dream.
Time wasters everywhere
Once I tried to calculate how much time I spend talking at work. It turned out that for three hours out of eight I talked with colleagues every day. Most conversations are complaints about a partner, boss, children, the injustice of life. They are not related to work or dreams. Avoid them, don’t let yourself be distracted, and get an extra three hours a day.
Time is all you have
I recently had an interview. I stayed to chat with the interviewer and find out how he came to be doing podcasts. It turned out that he used to be the owner of a network of kindergartens and photo workshops. Having survived a stroke, he realized that all he could leave to his family was money. And he decided to stop making money and start creating a real legacy, something that would help others. Because time is all we have.
Stop wasting time before the «thunder strikes». Start working on your dream right now.
What are you going to do?
«That’s right, but where do you start?» — you ask. Write a list of weekly tasks that are not dream related and do not bring satisfaction. Now estimate the time you spend on each task.
I don’t think that everything we do should be driven by a dream. There is no escape from housework and family care. The purpose of the exercise is to realize how many time wasters are around (TV, social networks, gossip with colleagues), and eliminate or reduce them. Time can be spent making dreams come true.
Once you learn how to properly manage time, it will become your best friend.
About the author: Tim Denning is a coach, business consultant, and blogger.