Are you urinating in the shower? The doctor appeals: it is very bad for your health

Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas from the US recommends not to urinate in the shower. In her opinion, this can lead to ailments related to the urinary system, and more precisely to urinary incontinence and embarrassing letting go. How it’s possible? The doctor explains.

Dr. Jeffrey-Thomas of the University of Florida in the United States has been running his TikTok channel for some time. At the moment, it can boast of almost 470 followers. A woman tries to use her huge range on the Internet to convey expert knowledge in the most accessible way.

  1. See also: Urinary incontinence – a shameful topic

The doctor urges us not to urinate in the shower. It can be harmful to your health

This time, Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas in her recording decided to raise the issue of urinating in the shower. She primarily addressed women and urged them not to do so. The doctor warned that urinating in the shower could lead to health problems, more precisely urinary incontinence. How?

Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas explains that taking care of yourself in the shower or when water is flowing from it can cause our brain to associate the sound of flowing liquid with urination. If we also have weak pelvic floor muscles, as a consequence we may have a problem with uncontrolled urination.

  1. See also: Problem with urinary incontinence? Five tips to increase your comfort

“ If you pee in the shower or turn on the faucet or shower and then sit on the toilet to urinate, you create an association in your brain between the sound of running water and the need to pee, ” explains Jeffrey-Thomas on TikTok.

According to the expert, such an association of the brain in combination with dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscle can lead to urinary incontinence. And the consequence of this may be uncontrolled letting go, e.g. when washing dishes or swimming.

Dr. Jeffrey-Thomas also notes that the problem may affect women much more often. This is due to the structure of their urinary system.

– Unfortunately, women have such an anatomy that they cannot pee standing up. Their pelvic floor will not relax enough, which will prevent the bladder from being completely emptied, emphasizes the US doctor.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to one of the ways to deal with stress – the TRE method. What is it about? How does it release us from stress and trauma? Who is it intended for and who should definitely not use it? About this in the latest episode of our podcast.

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