Are you too sick to go to work? These symptoms must not be taken lightly

The autumn-winter period is the time when colds, infections or flu appear very often. These are seasonal diseases that usually include coughing, nasal discharge, troublesome sneezing and increased body temperature. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that nowadays we do not fully know whether, being weakened, we can go to the workplace so as not to spread panic and, more importantly, not to endanger other people’s health. Are you too sick to go to work? See what symptoms should not be taken lightly and when it is better to stay at home.

Seasonal infections are caused by a drop in temperature, reduced immunity and viruses that attack our body when it’s cold and damp outside. We often wonder whether we should go to the place of employment when we are weakened. A nagging runny nose and constantly blowing your nose can be a nuisance not only for us, but also for our colleagues.

An additional factor that raises more doubts is the COVID-19 pandemic, which means that we treat relatively normal symptoms of a cold as a potential infection with the virus and spreading morbidity in the workplace. Find out which symptoms should be worrying and when it is better to stay at home.

Wondering if you are too sick to go to work? Don’t take these symptoms lightly

Each position has different duties, intensity and working hours. Not everyone has the comfort of working remotely when something starts to happen to their health. Going to work with a cold is often determined by shortened vacation days or – for various reasons – the inability to take time off. However, it is worth remembering that there is only one health and you should take care of it. Everyone has asked themselves the question more than once: am I too sick to go to work? Specialists have the answer.

Going to the place of employment should be resigned when:

  1. you suffer from high fever,
  2. you struggle with a runny nose that makes it difficult to focus and perform duties,
  3. you have stomach problems (diarrhea or vomiting)
  4. you have a persistent cough. 

These ailments usually indicate a general weakness of the body, a cold or the flu. In the era of the coronavirus pandemic, the situation becomes a bit more complicated.

Further part below the video.

Cold symptoms and the COVID-19 pandemic. When can you go to work?

Common signs of a coronavirus infection include a choking cough, excessive fatigue, high fever, loss of sense of smell and taste, and chest tightness. These symptoms can be more or less severe in each person, or even replaced by symptoms typical of the seasonal cold, so if any of the symptoms appear, consult a doctor and have a COVID-19 test performed. You can buy a quick home coronavirus test from Medonet Market.

It is worth remembering that the symptoms of the devastating virus, as a result of mutations and new varieties, are constantly changing, so the best solution is to monitor reliable information, updated by government websites.

Each company or institution has its own regulations that must be followed in pandemic conditions. For example, before entering the branch, employees are most often given a body temperature measurement, and when the value is increased, the person is directed back home.

When is it possible to return to work after an illness?

Returning to the workplace after infection should take place when we get rid of all symptoms and the fever has completely subsided (without the need to take medication). The best solution when you have the flu is to stay at home for a week to even 10 days – this is the time to recover and recover. If it is a cold, three days are enough.

Due to the pandemic situation, some companies still allow remote work. Whenever possible, it is a good idea to take this solution and give yourself a little more time to rest and stay at home.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we were wondering why switching our thinking and acting to slow life is a real challenge? Why is listening to your needs so important? What will it do for us? You will hear about it below.

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