Are you thinking about quitting smoking? Think about an alternative solution

Autumn is conducive to quitting smoking – the cold makes us reluctant to go out for a smoke, and socialize less frequently, especially in the open air. It turns out that many smokers try to quit by resorting to alternative solutions – often successfully.

As it is commonly believed, and as confirmed by research, there are two main reasons for quitting smoking: financial (savings for the household budget) and health (fear of the dangers of smoking). Since tobacco producers bring new technological solutions to the market, consumers have a choice of alternatives. Importantly, all of them are potentially less harmful than classic cigarettes. For this reason, smokers are increasingly turning to these products. It could be an effective path to get away from nicotine altogether over time. Research by Frank Baeyens from the Belgian Katholieke Universiteit Leuven showed that 40 percent. Belgians who successfully quit smoking used e-cigarettes during this process. So what do they trade cigarettes for? For alternatives, some of which have been present on the Polish market for several years (e-cigarettes) or for several years (tobacco heaters).

E-cigarettes, i.e. devices (the so-called vapor products) based on liquids – inhalation liquids with nicotine, are equipped with a heating mechanism to a temperature of over 300 degrees C. As it is estimated, the liquid is enough for a week or two, depending on the intensity of use.

The second known alternative are heaters, i.e. devices of the HnB (heat-not-burn) type, which heat not the liquid, but the tobacco. The experience of using them is something between smoking a cigarette and an e-cigarette. When using them, no smoke is emitted, which is the most harmful and contributes to many diseases.

Another alternative to the traditional cigarette are nicotine sachets – they are available on the Polish market under the VELO brand. Importantly, they do not contain tobacco, only nicotine. The way to use them is simple: they are placed under the cheek. The time of their use is from 30 to 60 minutes, but it can be adjusted to your own preferences. According to most studies, sachets are even less harmful than e-cigarettes or tea lights. They also do not emit smoke that is responsible for many diseases.

It is the choice that smokers have that significantly changes the situation of people thinking about change. Not so long ago, there were few alternatives, and the patches turned out to be ineffective – and they did not provide the sensations to which smokers were used to. The transition from the classic “smoke” to the alternative can be a good transition period leading to stopping smoking.

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