We live in an era of malnourished fat people. Paradox? Unfortunately not. We eat fast, a lot and we don’t really know what. We reach for fast meals, instant dishes, we avoid vegetables, we drink processed drinks. We provide ourselves with overweight, allergies, migraines, stomach problems. We’re becoming a nation of obese anemics. What is the reason for this and how to stay healthy, eat rationally, tasty and above all healthy?
Don’t be a dumpster!
When eating everyday meals, do you wonder what you put in your stomach and what havoc processed food wreaks in your body? The reason for many of our ailments, overweight, osteoporosis»>osteoporosis is improper nutrition. Even a few-year-old children do not eat breakfast, they steer clear of vegetables and fruits, replacing them with donuts or chips. Our meals are greasy, full of carbohydrates, completely devoid of vitamins and minerals essential for our health.
Trap – fast, cheap and convenient!
The primary excuse is always lack of time. We live fast, we work a lot, why do we lack time for our own health? We replace healthy meals with pizza, casseroles or instant soups. Even when we try to buy something healthy, we do not fully read the labels informing about the composition. It may turn out that the yoghurt rich in live bacteria cultures also contains ingredients that ensure its long life, the juice contains a dye and a natural aroma. Additional chemical ingredients have a bad effect on our condition.
What is highly processed food?
Highly processed foods are products that have undergone sterilization, freeze-drying, extrusion and thermization processes. These processes do not improve the nutritional value, only the taste, smell and appearance. They also significantly extend the expiration date. As a result of these actions, food loses its nutritional properties, vitamins are lost.
How to defend yourself effectively?
Unfortunately, unhealthy food, i.e. highly processed, is everywhere. It can even be whole grain toast or a salad. How to choose well and not fall into the trap. First of all, it is important to look for those with the least complicated composition when choosing products. You don’t have time to run around the store, make a list beforehand. Don’t want to stand under a store shelf and read labels? Check on the internet. Replace instant soup with a healthy and tasty soup made of fresh vegetables. Drink the juices you squeeze yourself. Don’t forget the most important meal of the day, breakfast. Do you have a headache in the morning? Prepare porridge in the evening, in the morning add only fruit, sweeten with honey. Nothing easier.
What should you pay attention to when reading labels?
Still wondering how to do healthy shopping?
First, make a list, a short one is always better.
Secondly, the order of products is important. If you buy coffee, put it on the list before sugar.
Third, pay attention to the sugar and sweetener content.
Fourthly – count calories, highly processed products have the most calories.
Fifth – when buying cold cuts, check the percentage of meat, water and fat. The best, of course, are products with a lot of meat and as little water and fat as possible.