Are you still freezing? Be sure to ask your doctor about it

The constant feeling of cold can be a symptom of stress, exhaustion, but also one of the first symptoms of a malfunction of the body. Stress and fatigue can be overcome fairly easily, but if you are more serious, see your doctor.

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1/ 11 Reasons for feeling cold

There are many reasons why we may feel cold even on hot days. The reason for such freezing may be some systemic diseases, disorders of the circulatory system or the thyroid gland. Our lifestyle is also important – improper nutrition, overworking, lack of sleep and inability to rest. Our body strives to maintain a single temperature (36,4 -37 ° C), regardless of external conditions. It achieves this thanks to an intricate system of thermoregulation located in the pituitary gland. We get chills when the air is chilled, we sweat when it is too hot, and when thermoregulation fails we start to feel excessively cold. Internal thermoregulation disorders can have various causes. Here are some of the most common causes of feeling cold.

2/ 11 Low blood pressure

If it is not a result of a cardiovascular disease, but only an individual feature, you can save yourself by drinking coffee with a glass of cognac (alcohol only if you are not driving a car) or by adding some salt to your food.

3/ 11 Nutritional deficiencies

Your diet can also be the cause of your constant feeling of coldness. Severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies may arise in the body if we constantly lose weight or skip basic meals. A low-calorie diet also means that the body cannot generate enough energy to maintain a normal body temperature. The only solution is to change your eating habits, i.e. to take 5 meals a day at regular intervals. It is also worth systematically hydrating the body, that is, drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day.

4/11 Anemia

It is a serious disease, one of the symptoms of which, apart from general weakness, may be the feeling of coldness disproportionate to the climatic conditions. Anemia can develop for a number of reasons, including latent blood loss, blood disease, or poor nutrition. If the number of red blood cells, which transport oxygen to all organs in the body, drops, the tissues are under-oxygenated, which translates into a metabolic disturbance. The energy generated, for example, from food, does not adequately warm the body. A blood test should be done to determine the cause of the anemia and the results shown to the doctor as soon as possible so that he can decide what to do.

5/ 11 Raynaud’s disease

It is a cardiovascular disease where the arterioles that supply blood to the fingers and toes contract abnormally. Uncontrolled contraction occurs under the influence of cold or stress. The patient then experiences cold, numbness and tingling in the affected area. Most often it affects the entire feet and hands.

6/ 11 Depression

Cold can accompany mental illness. Symptoms of depression may be accompanied by a constant feeling of cold, especially when the person does not get up from bed or has become unmotivated to any activity. Depression cannot be underestimated. Always in the case of prolonged states of depression, lack of energy to act, it is worth using the help of a specialist.

7/ 11 Hypothyroidism

A nagging and persistent feeling of cold is one of the symptoms of this disease. The disease develops as a result of thyroxine deficiency, and thus – insufficient action of triiodothyronine. The disease can be caused by iodine deficiency in food. Blood TSH levels should be measured, and if it is too high, treatment should be started. Hormonal disorders can cause slow blood flow and impaired the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands. Their improper work can also cause the feeling of coldness.

8/ 11 Stress and fatigue

Mental or physical exhaustion of the body causes the brain to direct the most well-oxygenated blood to vital organs, such as the heart. The sympathetic nervous system determines that less important organs can remain malnourished and hypoxic. That is why we have cold hands and feet. In this situation, the only advice is to slow down your pace of life and spend more time sleeping and relaxing.

9/ 11 Aging of the organism

We have little influence on the biological changes resulting from the disappearance of heat receptors. With age, the threshold of thermal sensitivity decreases, both to the feeling of cold and warmth. Elderly people can support the body by, for example, not very intense exercise, putting on warmer clothes, eating hot meals and drinking warming teas, e.g. with ginger, cinnamon, raspberry juice. You can also add a few mustard seeds to the tea, which warms up and improves the taste of the drink.

10/ 11 Abuse of alcohol and caffeine

Drinking alcohol dilates the blood vessels, so the blood can circulate faster through the body. But the liver, which has to deal with the toxic effects of alcohol, is unable to warm the blood to the right temperature. Therefore, after alcohol abuse, chills may appear. The only advice – do not drink alcohol. The caffeine in coffee raises the body’s temperature, but when the ambient temperature is much lower than the body temperature, then you feel cold more.

11/ 11 Low body fat

Fat is like an insulating layer that protects the body from unnecessary heat loss. The cold can be felt primarily by people who lost many unnecessary kilograms in a short time. However, this does not mean that you need to gain weight quickly. Rather, you should focus on more intense exercise that will build up your muscles. This is because their work generates heat in the body. If the muscles are not working, no energy is produced. In addition, blood pressure drops, which means that some parts of the body are insufficiently supplied with blood.

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