Are you sleeping in socks? Check if it’s healthy for the body

Sleeping in socks has many advantages. Who among us has had trouble falling asleep when feeling cold on the feet? This is a fairly common problem that can be easily resolved, however. What are the benefits, or perhaps the negative effects, of such a habit?

Many people wonder if sleeping in socks is healthy. Some believe that such a habit can lead to overheating of the body, which has great negative effects. However, it turns out that wearing socks on your feet can have many health benefits and more.

  1. Check your health. Just answer these questions

Is it worth sleeping in socks?

The main reason why we choose to wear socks to sleep is because our feet are cold. The feeling of cold feet can be felt, especially when we are trying to fall asleep – relaxing is then much more difficult. What happens when we keep our legs warm before going to bed? The brain receives information that the body is exhausted and ready for the night’s rest. The body relaxes, the blood vessels dilate, and we become more and more sleepy.

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Before going to bed, many people have many rituals to improve their sleep comfort. A warm shower, a hot bath, a thick bathrobe, a glass of warm milk – surely each of us has tried one of these methods when we have experienced insomnia. These activities are especially frequent in winter, when we make long evenings pleasant by wrapping ourselves in a blanket and drinking warming drinks.

Cold feet are often the cause of sleepless nights. Is it worth sleeping in socks? Definitely yes!

This simple trick will help you solve your sleep problems and improve the quality of your rest. The “International Weekly Journal of Science” published a study that showed that people who have a habit of going to bed wearing socks fall asleep 15 minutes earlier on average.

  1. Check your sleep quality! Take a short TEST

Another way to warm your feet in winter, which is worth trying, is also taking nice, warm baths, which will not only relax, but also help you fall asleep faster.

When you have trouble sleeping, you can use RestMe Health Labs supplement. The agent contains substances that help you fall asleep and help you fall into deep sleep, during which the body regenerates best.

What are the benefits of sleeping in socks?

In addition to sleeping better and falling asleep faster, sleeping in socks also has other advantages.

  1. When the feet are warm and the body is well relaxed, the risk of unpleasant leg cramps is reduced.
  2. Before going to bed, it is recommended to take care of your feet. After applying the cream, it is worth wearing socks made of high-quality material that will enhance the effect of hydration. It’s a great way to get cracked, rough heels. If the feet are dry, it is worth choosing a highly moisturizing cosmetic, e.g. BIO cream with propolis Propolia BeeYes
  3. Sleeping in socks allows you to avoid the bothersome symptoms of numbness, bluishness and swelling of the fingers, which are one of the most common symptoms of Raynaud’s disease.   
  4. Scientific research shows that wearing socks to sleep increases the likelihood of experiencing an orgasm by up to 30%.

Which socks to choose for sleeping?

To enjoy the positive effects of sleeping in socks, it is worth choosing the right model. The species is not without significance – a good solution is to use natural materials such as cashmere or merino wool. Although they are much more expensive than standard fabrics, it is worth investing in a more decent material.

The most important point, however, is size. The socks should not be too loose, but they must also not constrict the feet, as this will prevent them from warming them properly. In addition, a strong tightening may contribute to the emergence of problems with proper blood circulation.

Sleeping in socks in winter is an understandable habit that brings many positive results. However, if the problem of cold extremities persists for too long and becomes quite bothersome, it is worth visiting a doctor and checking what is the reason for this state of affairs.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we are talking about the war in Ukraine and the drama of our eastern neighbors. We help as much as we can, but we ourselves are full of fears. Is it possible to get rid of them? How to help, but also how to take care of yourself? You will hear about this and many others below.

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