Winter is slowly “getting into” for good. In the higher mountains, the snow cover is so great that the slopes are already practically prepared. The centers located lower have already started making snow. This is the last moment to start preparing for the winter madness on the slopes.
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Adequate preparation for skiing / snowboarding forms the basis of a successful and most importantly successful safe skiing on the slope. The worst thing you can do is go to the mountains for skiing / snowboarding “on the move”, especially if we have been active so far physical activity was kept to a minimum. However, this does not mean that people systematically exercising should not properly prepare for the trip to skis.
Skiing or snowboarding is also physical exercise
Unfortunately a lot of people about it completely forgets. This is a mistake, because skiing / snowboarding is not only about enjoyable free time, but also contrary to what could be spend considerable physical exertion. It is true that all the “dirty work”, that is, the entrance a lift or a cable car takes us to the top, but the descent itself requires us to do it not only appropriate skills, but also at least sufficient physical preparation. It is worth remembering that there is no previous one getting ready for skiing / snowboarding can spoil even the best planned winter madness on the slopes.
Not only the legs
Many people think that over time when skiing or snowboarding, only the muscles located in the around the legs. This is a wrong assumption. Of course, it is these parts of the body in they are most involved in skiing, however skiing involves practically all the muscles of the human body. Intensively the muscles responsible for maintaining proper body posture also work – the so-called core muscles, including the oblique abdominals and the trapezius muscles of the loins, as well as the phasic muscles, for example, the rectus muscle belly. For this reason, in training for winter madness should be taken into account all parts of the body with a particular focus pressure on the muscles in the thighs.
Mass, strength or endurance?
What goal should they pursue strength exercises to prepare for a skiing trip? While skiing it is not necessary to overcome high resistance – the maximum load is body weight plus clothing. In addition, continuous operation (voltage) is required muscles located mainly in the legs, back, buttocks and slightly to a lesser extent other parts of the body. For this reason, strength exercises Preparing for white madness should focus primarily on improving strength endurance. Of course, it also doesn’t hurt to work on increasing muscle strength, however, at this stage of preparation for the trip to skiing or snowboarding, the main focus should be on improvement strength endurance. What should these look like workouts? First of all, you should perform 15 to 30 repetitions in a series of z moderate load. Time of breaks between series and individual ones exercise should be kept to a minimum.
Prepare the basics of the technique in advance
In trainings preparing for going skiing or snowboarding should not focus only on muscle development. It is equally important to work on coordination, and especially on balance. Improving these motor skills will significantly reduce your time necessary to master the basics of skiing or snowboarding techniques. FROM in the case of more experienced amateurs of white madness, it will contribute it is to improve the technique.
Work on your condition
In trainings preparing for going skiing or snowboarding, do not forget about exercise as well endurance (cardio). Including them in the preparations for the winter madness will allow to adapt the circulatory and respiratory systems to the prevailing conditions in the mountains, among other things, the oxygen content in the air is lower than in the lowlands.
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Damian Yefremienko Coach
Master of physical education with a training specialty, graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics and nutritional counseling at the Medical University in Poznań, doctoral student at the Department of Sport Theory of the University of Physical Education in Poznań, physical recreation instructor specializing in strength exercises, would-be physiotherapist. scientific. He hates mediocrity and cursory problem solving. Personalization and a holistic approach to the patient are “obvious obvious” for him. She loves to share her knowledge and is eager to expand it. He is most interested in all issues related to the physiology of exercise. Passionate about mountain tourism and new technologies
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