Are you planning a pregnancy? Start with research – take care of your and your baby’s health

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Planning a pregnancy is a big challenge and responsibility. Being aware of this, every woman who dreams of having a baby begins to pay more attention to her health. Although regular examinations are important during pregnancy, it is much earlier, because at the planning stage, it is necessary to check the condition of the body. So what kind of tests should you do if you are planning a pregnancy?

Basic research for a mom-to-be

Women planning pregnancy should first make sure that their health condition is conducive to the proper development of the fetus. So it’s good to start with basic blood and urine testswhich will take into account the health aspects important for the mother-to-be and her baby. The starting point is morphology and urinalysis, which should be supplemented with the measurement of the following parameters:

  1. TSH;
  2. glucose;
  3. creatinine;
  4. CRP;
  5. ALT i AST;
  6. antibodies against the rubella virus and against the parasites that cause toxoplasmosis.

The above-mentioned research is crucial in the planning stage of pregnancy. Their results allow for the detection of abnormalities that may affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the baby. Perform the listed tests with the following package:

Infectious diseases can endanger pregnancy and the baby

The thought of bringing a new life into the world is often associated with reflection on the health and safety of a little person. A woman planning a pregnancy may be a carrier, even if she feels well microorganisms that are dangerous to the child in utero. That is why it is so important to make sure that any infectious diseases do not cause birth defects or problems after the baby is born. The following can be particularly dangerous for the child:

  1. toxoplasmosis;
  2. rubella;
  3. cytomegalia;
  4. syphilis;
  5. Hepatitis B;
  6. HIV.

Therefore, at the stage of planning a child, it is important to remember about the diagnosis of infectious diseases. In the following offer, tests for these conditions are combined with morphology, third generation TSH test and general urine test:

  1. Carry out infectious disease prophylaxis before pregnancy – from PLN 275

Remember to have an ultrasound before you get pregnant!

Ultrasound is a safe examination during pregnancy, but it is a good idea to perform it when pregnancy is still planned. In this way, you can make sure in advance that no unwanted changes have become visible in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to perform ultrasound of reproductive organs (gynecological) and ultrasound of breasts.

Based on gynecological ultrasound, the doctor will assess the condition of the cervix or ovaries as well as other structures crucial for the proper course of pregnancy. Breast ultrasound may also be extremely important, especially for women with a family history of this cancer. Checking the condition of the nipples before pregnancy is important because during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is easy to overlook lesions or to postpone their diagnosis for a later time.

It is better not to delay with preventive examinations. If you’re planning a pregnancy, go for an ultrasound:

  1. Examination of the reproductive system for future mothers – gynecological ultrasound from PLN 100
  2. Breast ultrasound – check yourself before pregnancy – from PLN 100

Cytology – also do it before pregnancy

One of the most important female tests is cytology, which is the basis for the diagnosis of cervical cancer. Taking a smear also gives you a chance to identify potential infections of the genital tract. Pap smear is recommended during pregnancy, but it is worth making a decision in advance. Thanks to this, you can make sure that the results are not disturbing already in the planning phase of the child.

Cytology is a simple and non-invasive test, but it is diagnostically important. Future mothers should also remember about it:

  1. Cytology is a test for women of all ages – perform it from PLN 20

Get ready for pregnancy without leaving home

Laboratory tests in a wider range can also be performed by future mothers without leaving home. In this way, you can eliminate the need to wait at the clinic and also reduce the likelihood of contact with infections there.

As part of preparation for pregnancy, we will do home blood sampling package, including a test for the risk of infectious diseases, liver abnormalities, hormonal disorders (TSH or prolactin), deficiencies (calcium, magnesium), inflammations (ESR, CRP) or abnormal glucose or cholesterol levels.

A set of tests for future mothers who prefer to take care of prophylaxis at home, includes the following offer:

  1. 19 tests before pregnancy with blood sampling at home – from 480 PLN

Full-scope care for women planning pregnancy

For future mothers who care about access to tests, outpatient procedures and doctors of various specialties, it is aimed at subscription for pregnant women. Such extensive medical care allows you to control the course of pregnancy at all its stages. During pregnancy, you should also remember about dental consultations, flu vaccination or monitoring of parameters such as blood pressure.

Access to many medical services in one place allows you to perform the necessary tests or sign up for a selected specialist without a referral:

  1. Purchase a medical subscription for pregnant women – from PLN 1240

Watch out for diabetes and thyroid problems

Diabetes and thyroid disorders are among the well-known dangers that can hang over a pregnant woman. That is why ladies wishing to enlarge their family are recommended testing the level of glucose and thyroid hormones. Basic laboratory tests should be performed even by women who previously had no problems with this background. However, special care should be taken in the event of previous thyroid problems or diabetic abnormalities. In this situation, a more detailed blood analysis may be appropriate.


Diabetes and thyroid problems can threaten pregnancy or lead to serious complications.

Suspicion of diabetes or thyroid disease, as well as some symptoms of unknown origin, is an important signal for mothers-to-be. Before getting pregnant, it is worth doing the tests available in the following offers:

  1. A set of 8 diagnostic tests for diabetes – from PLN 89
  2. Check the concentration of thyroid hormones before pregnancy – from 54 PLN

Talk to your gynecologist and plan carefully

Expanding a family is an important decision, and it is inevitably accompanied by a will take care of the health of the baby and mother. That is why the doctor plays an extremely important role here. Contact with a gynecologist from the very beginning will facilitate pregnancy planning, getting to know the recommendations and carrying out tests early enough. Talking to a specialist is also necessary in the event of any doubts that future parents have.

A visit to the gynecologist is important at the stage of pregnancy planning, and consultations should take place regularly during the pregnancy itself. Make an appointment with a gynecologist:

  1. Safe pregnancy and a healthy child – inpatient gynecological consultation from 136 PLN

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