Are you physically active? You may miss many diseases
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Good health is the most important life value for more than half of our country’s inhabitants. According to experts, regular physical activity is one of the ways to live longer and better health. This is also confirmed by studies conducted during the lockdown – as many as 65% of physically active Poles felt the negative impact of immobility on their health.

During the spring lockdown, 43% of Poles limited their physical activity mainly due to the closure of sports facilities, which had a negative impact on their health (65%, MultiSport Index Pandemia). According to scientists, regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing many civilization diseases and their complications, including those related to the course of COVID-19.

Epidemiological studies in the general population have shown that regular, moderate to vigorous physical activity reduces the risk of diseases that may exacerbate the course of COVID-19, such as heart disease and kidney failure. We are talking about the risk lower on average by 20-30% for each individual disease entity – explains Dr. n. med. Łukasz Małek.

Breaks in regular traffic, especially sudden and prolonged ones, may expose you to a sharp increase in the risk of many diseases. That is why it is so important that physical activity becomes a habit. Employers in Poland play a significant role in promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. During a pandemic, many of them encourage employees to move around in sports facilities or at home, offering e.g. MultiSport cards, which provide access to sports facilities operating – in accordance with the regulations and the highest sanitary regime – such as yoga schools, climbing walls or tennis courts. tennis. Additionally, holders of active cards can use the training platform or advice from dietitians and trainers. Individual clients can also use the training platform.

The significant impact of activity on health is also confirmed by research conducted during the holidays – as much as 92%. MultiSport card users, who returned to physical activity after lockdown, declared a positive impact of repeated training on well-being (92%), health (88%) and figure (81%). An active lifestyle is gaining importance in the current situation – also in the context of mental health. As much as 48% of people struggle with the stress caused by the pandemic. Poles. Since its outbreak, 33 percent. Poles began to feel anxiety and fear, 31 percent. mood disorders, 26% sleep disorders, 26 percent headaches, and 13 percent. depressive states (Source: Safe at Work Dinner Report “Work Safety in Poland 2020”, 2020).

– Regular physical activity strengthens our daily, good habits, improves our condition and immunity, is an ally in the fight against civilization diseases and low mood. We are an aging society with a sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects the quality and length of life. That is why it is so important to exercise, which should be maintained regularly, e.g. by exercising at home as part of online training – explains Tomasz Groń, Managing Director of Benefit Systems Fitness Division.

Physical activity effectively counteracts the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle

Could increasing the physical activity of the society translate into a lower incidence of civilization diseases, which are risk factors, e.g. Unsuccessful COVID-19? According to dr hab. Łukasz Małek, MD, this is a very likely scenario.

– Hypothetically, based on epidemiological data, it could be assumed that thanks to regular physical activity at least 20% fewer people in Poland would be exposed to the severe course of Covid-19, the risk increases with the number and severity of these diseases, and physical activity affects all of them, hence the combined effect could be much better than indicated above – says the sports cardiologist .

The data for Poland, however, do not inspire optimism – 64 percent. people in Poland are physically active at least once a month (MultiSport Index 2019). However, the recommendations of the World Health Organization say a minimum of 150 minutes of activity per week. Movement strengthens the body’s immune system, which requires special support both in the fall and winter and during the pandemic. It is therefore crucial to encourage the largest possible proportion of society to exercise regularly, regardless of age.

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