Are you on a diet, exercising and not losing weight? You may have insulin resistance
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Can’t lose weight despite diet and exercise? Or maybe you have the impression that your stomach has become round a lot recently? There are many symptoms of insulin resistance. Although it is diagnosed more and more often and becomes another scourge of the present day, it can be prevented in an easy way. What is insulin resistance and how to fight it?

Insulin resistance is related to the insensitivity to insulin secreted. This can lead to the development of metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes and many other diseases. Although it can be very hard to deal with, it is possible to fight it. However, it is necessary to work on attitudes – a healthy lifestyle is the foundation in the fight against insulin resistance.

  1. Buy a package of blood tests for insulin resistance at

Resilience and sensitivity – what is it all about?

Insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity are two sides of the same coin. If you have insulin resistance, it means you have low insulin sensitivity. Conversely, if you are insulin sensitive, you have low insulin resistance.

  1. Check your health. Just answer these questions      

Insulin resistance occurs when cells stop responding to the secreted insulin, which very often leads to high levels of insulin and at the same time ineffectiveness. This causes higher levels of insulin and blood sugar, potentially leading to type II diabetes.

Insulin resistance is detrimental to health and has dire consequences, and insulin sensitivity is beneficial.

Further part below the video.

What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance occurs when the cells in the muscles, adipose tissue, and liver fail to respond to insulin, and cannot, as a result, use glucose from the blood to produce energy. In response to this condition, your pancreas produces more and more insulin to compensate for the glucose deficiency. Over time, blood sugar levels increase. Insulin resistance and its comorbidities are called metabolic syndrome.

Symptoms of insulin resistance

The most common symptoms of insulin resistance are:

  1. difficulties in losing weight despite diet and exercise,
  2. abdominal obesity,
  3. high blood pressure
  4. fasting glucose levels above 100 mg / DL,
  5. fasting triglyceride levels above 150 mg / DL,
  6. HDL cholesterol levels below 40 mg / dl in men and 50 mg / dl in women,
  7. dark keratosis – dark spots on the skin that look like dirty skin, especially around the neck, knees and elbows.

To check blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid levels, use the NOVAMA MultiCheck Pro + multi-function meter.

What causes insulin resistance?

There are many factors that contribute to insulin resistance. According to research, large amounts of free fatty acids in the blood cause cells to stop responding properly to the secreted insulin. The main reason for this is a bad diet and consuming too many calories.

Overeating, weight gain and obesity are strongly associated with insulin resistance. Visceral fat is especially harmful, as it can release free fatty acids into the bloodstream and thus fuel insulin resistance. A vicious circle is forming.

  1. See also: Drinks that will help you get rid of dangerous visceral fat [LIST]

Insulin resistance is most often associated with being overweight, although it also occurs in people with a low or normal body weight. Untreated tissue insulin resistance is the straightforward pathway to diabetes. Insulin resistance can also be caused by high consumption of artificial fructose (non-fruit), inflammation, lack of physical activity, abnormal gut flora, and some autoimmune diseases.

  1. Check if you have diabetes. Do these blood tests

How do you know if you have insulin resistance?

Testing to see if you have insulin resistance is very simple but requires a referral from a doctor. I am talking about the glucose load test with the simultaneous determination of the insulin level in the blood. Very often, the determination of the fasting insulin level is a sufficient test, and diagnostics usually begin with this simplified version.

Insulin resistance – how to fight it?

Although your doctor may prescribe a prescription drug (metformin), it is only used in certain cases. Reducing insulin resistance is easy enough, but it requires some basic work and changing harmful habits to a healthy lifestyle.

Often times, you can completely reverse this condition by following a few golden rules:

  1. Exercises – regular physical activity can work wonders and will also work in the fight against insulin resistance. The effects are very fast.
  2. Getting rid of abdominal obesity – abdominal obesity is even a hallmark of this disorder. The key to success is proper nutrition and training.
  3. Quit smoking Smoking can cause insulin resistance, so quitting smoking should help you on your way to health.
  4. Sugar restriction – try to limit your intake of added sugars, and it’s best to give it up forever, especially sweetened fizzy drinks.
  5. Eat healthy – eat a diet based mainly on wholesome, unprocessed food. Include nuts and fatty fish in your menu.
  6. Consume omega-3 fatty acids —These fats can reduce tissue resistance to insulin and also the levels of triglycerides in the blood. You can supplement the deficiencies by using the OmegaMe dietary supplement from Health Labs Care.
  7. Choose your supplements carefully – berberine may increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels. Magnesium supplements can also help. You can buy a two-pack of the Swanson Berberine supplement now PLN 38 cheaper.
  8. Take care of proper sleep – poor sleep and poor sleep hygiene can put you in serious health problems, including insulin resistance.
  9. Limit your stress – try to manage the stress you are experiencing. Learn relaxation techniques, take care of the balance between rest and work.
  10. Try intermittent fasting – this method of feeding can improve insulin sensitivity.
  11. Eat regularly – with insulin resistance, it is extremely important to keep meals regularly and not to eat between them.
  12. Try a low-carb or diabetic diet – a diabetic diet is one of the healthiest ways of eating because it eliminates the consumption of simple sugars and processed foods.

Most of the tips presented are not surprising and are simply habits associated with a healthy lifestyle. Insulin resistance may be one of the key causes of many chronic diseases.

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Often times, a particular sight, sound or smell brings to mind a similar situation that we have already experienced. What opportunities does this give us? How does our body react to such an emotion? You will hear about this and many other aspects related to emotions below.

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