Are you on a diet and you don’t lose weight? Find out about the eight likely causes

Do you sweat it out and count every bite you eat, but your weight won’t budge? How it’s possible? Probably one of the following reasons is responsible for your weight loss failure …

  1. To lose weight healthily, you just need to follow a few important rules. This is, of course, a proper diet, restriction of the amount of food consumed and physical activity
  2. However, there are many more elements that affect the quality of our weight loss
  3. Medications, excess stress, and sleep deprivation can be an obstacle
  4. What else should we pay attention to?
  5. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  6. You can find more such texts on the TvoiLokony home page

You eat more than you think

Some caloric bombs are predictable and some are cunning. Seemingly healthy and nutritious, but deadly to our lineage. An example is fruit juices – only 250 ml of orange and pineapple mix equals 130 kcal. An equally risky dish is salads, which, depending on the composition (beef, chicken, mozzarella, feta, shrimps) and portion sizes, can have from 200 to 500 kcal. If we order an additional portion of sauce with them, we have a caloric bomb from the diet dinner. Remember that you must include absolutely everything in your caloric balance. Even a cup of latte (190 kcal) or a handful of superfoods that you add to yogurt counts. A tablespoon of chia is 70 kcal, goji berries – 56 kcal, raw cocoa – 60 kcal. The balance sheet speaks for itself.

You eat too little

Ultra-low calorie or starvation diets are a road to nowhere. They give quick results and lead to the yo-yo effect just as quickly. If you’ve been on a caloric deficit for a long time, it’s no wonder you don’t see the effects of losing weight. One of the ways to overcome the so-called the plateau effect, i.e. the temporary stabilization of weight after dynamic weight loss, there is a larger portion. According to experts, for a week or two, you should increase the caloric supply to the level of total metabolism (taking into account training), and then return to the negative caloric balance, which should not be lower than 75 percent. total metabolism.

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Monotonous training

Elliptical cross trainer, treadmill, bike and stairs – this is how your training has been for years? Firstly, it is deadly boring, secondly, it does not give much … Most women, in order to get rid of extra pounds, use the same set: aerobic exercise and diet. While at the beginning of weight loss, the aforementioned duo allows you to fit into smaller jeans, the further into the forest, the worse. All you need to do is give up your diet for a while and laze on the couch, and the weight will return like a boomerang. Over time, to achieve similar results, the portions appearing on your plate will be smaller and smaller, and you will spend more and more time on the treadmill.

If you dream of an athletic figure, strength training is absolutely recommended for you. Why? The effectiveness of fat burning to a large extent depends on the resting metabolism, which in turn is determined by the amount of muscle mass. In short: the more muscles we have, the more calories we burn throughout the day. This is especially important for middle-aged women who want to turn up their metabolism and look like twenty-year-olds.

Sleep deprivation

We can live two months without food, and only eleven days without sleep! If you sleep less than 7 hours a day, your life will be shorter and you will gain weight … How much? At worst, 0,9 kg per week! It’s worth fighting for a good night’s sleep, especially when you’re training. Lack of sleep can make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight or weight fluctuations. This is due to a slowdown in glucose metabolism and inappropriate regulation of cortisol secretion.

– Lack of sleep, and thus insufficient regeneration of the body can lead to overtraining and injury. When arranging a plan of physical activities, remember about the minimum 8-hour dose of sleep and regeneration, they determine the progress of our training – comments Katarzyna Jakiła – Rzadkosz, personal trainer.


We can talk about two mechanisms of weight gain caused by prolonged stress. The first, the so-called behavioral – is related to the way we experience negative emotions, i.e. snacking. The less you are able to control stress, the more likely you are to reach for food for emotional relief.

The second mechanism responsible for the extra pounds is the disturbance of the hormonal reaction to stress. Cortisol – one of the stress hormones – secreted for too long and in excessive amounts promotes the accumulation of abdominal fat around the internal organs.

To be able to monitor your body weight regularly, buy the Vitammy Lamina bathroom scale.

High-calorie percentages

A glass of wine or a small beer rarely consumed is no crime. However, consuming alcohol whenever possible, especially in large amounts, may result in a significant increase in the daily caloric balance. Let’s face it, even if instead of a can of beer (from 200 calories to 340 calories), you choose the less caloric option for dinner, i.e. a glass of dry Cabernet sauvignon (96 calories), you still provide your body with 672 kcal per week! Which in a month gives 2880 extra calories. That’s quite a lot considering you need to burn 7000 kcal to lose only one kg.

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Diseases impeding weight loss

Your excess weight is not necessarily caused by a wrong lifestyle. Sometimes a serious metabolic, genetic or hormonal disorder prevents you from shedding a few pounds. This is why you should always consult your doctor before starting a diet and carefully examine it.

The diseases that impede weight loss include, above all, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, metabolic syndrome X, depression, Cushing’s syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Obesity can also be a symptom of genetic diseases such as Prader-Willi syndrome, Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome, Cohen syndrome and Carpenter’s syndrome.

Check the first aid kit

Statistics clearly show that we are a nation of drug addicts. Unfortunately, some pharmaceuticals may, to a greater or lesser extent, contribute to overweight problems and hinder weight loss. The list of medications that threaten your body shape includes insulin and sulfonylureas for the treatment of diabetes, drugs for the treatment of epilepsy, and psychotropics that can increase your appetite. Losing a few pounds can also be a problem with hormone therapy or using hormonal contraception.

Supporting weight loss and regulating blood sugar levels, you can use white mulberry, which is part of DIABETEX WITH MOUTH – herbal tea. You can buy the product on Medonet Market.

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