Are you not up to the task? Find out what could be causing problems in the bedroom

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You don’t feel like having sex, or you do, but… can’t? You are not alone – 1,5 million men in Poland suffer from erectile dysfunction, and as many as 152 million in the world. What is the reason? Stress, alcohol, cigarettes – yes, it’s so obvious that it’s trivial. There are many other, little-known but dangerous enemies of male potency.

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1/ 10 Watching porn too much

“I am seriously concerned about the impact pornography can have on men and women,” admits urologist Abraham Morgentaler, quoted by, adding that what worries him most is “the strong stimulation of the brains by these types of movies.” “I see young men who have no idea about normal intercourse because everything they know about sex comes from porn,” she adds. Their brains are changed by the dopamine that is produced when watching eroticism. They become similar to what researchers see in drug or alcohol addicts. «Their receptors lose their sensitivity. As a consequence, normal physical proximity is not able to stimulate a person enough to feel pleasure »- explains psychologist Elizabeth Waterman. So a man addicted to pornography will need increasingly harsher forms of porn to feel his arousal. “As a consequence, she will not be able to maintain an erection during a traditional intercourse” – we read on the website Scientists argue, however, that this process is reversible. It is enough to hold back from watching eroticism for six to twelve weeks. During this time, the brain will regenerate to such an extent that it will not need increased amounts of dopamine to make the man feel excited.

2/ 10 Drinking soy milk

The stubble of James Price, a former American soldier, was getting softer by the day. His nipples were sore, the skin around them swelled as if his breasts were growing. He almost completely lost his sex drive. «And my penis? I will not say that it disappears completely, but it has become flabby, weak. It was completely different from what he was before, ”he recalls in« Men’s Health ». The man sought advice from a number of specialists before he finally found out what was happening to him. It turned out that it was all soy milk, which he began to drink in impressive amounts after returning from the mission. It contains genistein and daidzein, i.e. ingredients that reduce testosterone production. Effect? Erection problems, and in the worst cases also changes in the male body, making it similar to the female body. In 2008, scientists from Harvard University also proved that eating soy products can lead to a reduction in sperm count in sperm.

3/ 10 Taking certain medications to stop hair loss

Up to 8 percent of men fighting hair loss this way had severe erection problems, according to a study by the American Association of Urology. We are talking about taking drugs containing finasteride, an organic compound that is most often warned against pregnant women, because it is dangerous for the fetus. It turns out that not only. Lack of drive, erection problems, pain in the genitals – these are the side effects that men complained about, among others. in the United States and in the United Kingdom. Their ailments lasted for weeks. «It is indeed an irony of fate. Guys use this remedy to stop baldness and, often, improve their social life. And they end up with sexual problems and a drop in self-esteem, “notes endocrinologist Michael Irwig of George Washington University, quoted by Men’s Health. Drug manufacturers have placed warnings on the packaging. They argue that currently side effects may affect up to 2 percent. patients. Nevertheless, experts advise caution. “Even if we were talking about a chance of one in 300, it is still playing with fire,” argues Irwing.

4/ 10 Avoiding the sun

«Men who are deficient in vitamin D, produced in the body when exposed to the sun, are 32 percent less than they are. more prone to erection problems than those who do not avoid sunbathing »- argue scientists from the Medical Academy in Baltimore. And they hurry with advice: «This vitamin is easy to replenish, slightly changing your lifestyle. All it takes is a little exercise, a little change in diet, taking supplements and exposure to the sun, ”says Dr. Erin Michos. Some experts argue that 30 minutes of sunbathing a day can save men from erection problems.

5/ 10 Inadequate care of the gums

Gum disease can damage teeth, increase the risk of a heart attack and… erectile problems! – Israeli scientists argue. It turns out that bacteria from the oral cavity can get into the blood through damage to the gums and thus “travel” throughout the body. They also reach the penis and block blood vessels in it, making it difficult to erect. Such consequences were noticed in up to 15 percent of the surveyed men suffering from gum disease. Scientists call for a thorough brushing of teeth and cleaning the gaps between them with dental floss.

6/ 10 Cycling with the wrong saddle

Sport is health? Not always. Even 4 percent. men who ride two wheels for more than 3 hours a week had problems with erection, researchers from the Medical Academy in Miami, Florida. This is because then the entire weight of the body was shifting downwards, putting pressure on the blood vessels leading to the penis. “In the long run, this pressure can damage the veins and arteries and ultimately erectile dysfunction,” warns urologist Bruce Kava. Experts from the University of California took a closer look at the problem. And they hurried up with the good news. According to them, the greatest impact on men’s health is not the length of time spent on the bike, but … the type of saddle. The hardest ones are hard, plastic. Much better – soft, leather that adapts to the shape of the body. “You should definitely avoid seats with a longer ‘nose’ in the front, which puts a lot of pressure on the perineum,” reports

7/ 10 My partner is too close to your buddies

If a woman meets her man’s friends occasionally, don’t be alarmed. But if he does it more often than himself, it is worth intervening – argue the authors of the study published in the American Journal of Sociology. As much as 92 percent. the men they examined, whose partners were friends with their friends, had erection problems. Middle-aged men in particular were affected. The older ones fared much better in these studies. Jealousy? Poor self-esteem? – this can be associated with the attachment to the concept of masculinity, which is extremely important for young people – argue the scientists referred to by The elders are not so interested in it anymore. They don’t have to prove anything to each other anymore.

8/ 10 Improper relationship with the mother

If mom was too harsh to her son, often lecturing and criticizing him, and avoiding tenderness, it could cause him not only emotional problems, but also problems with erection. Such revelations were announced by scientists from Charles University in Prague. In their opinion, a tense relationship with a mother can have a greater impact on a guy’s sexual and emotional life than anyone could have imagined. Men who clashed with their mother in their youth later fell in love and bonded permanently and were less often satisfied with intercourse. “It turns out that psychogenic factors may be one of the most important causes of erectile dysfunction,” reports

9/ 10 Eating and drinking from plastic containers and cans

Men should avoid canned goods, canned vegetables and fish, and even … bottled water – warn Chinese scientists. These products are stored in packages that very often contain bisphenol A. It is an organic compound that stimulates the body to produce estrogen and block male hormones (especially testosterone). “Gentlemen who worked in plants that used bisphenol A were seven times more likely to experience ejaculation problems than workers from other companies. In turn, the risk of developing erectile dysfunction was four times higher – reports And although the Chinese research, which proved this, was conducted on a relatively small group, scientists, including American scientists, have no doubts that the matter needs a closer look. For now, they advise you to store food in glass or ceramic dishes and, if possible, choose cans or bottles that were not produced with the controversial ingredient (it is labeled BPA Free or BPA 0%).

10/10 Stress

Stress is another factor that disrupts a man’s brain and prevents him from achieving an erection. It is he who disrupts the work of the autonomic nervous system. The body is unable to calm down and react properly to the excitement. Instead, he focuses on what put the pressure on the man. «The nervous system is responsible for the appearance of an erection. If something interferes with its operation, it is no wonder that nothing will work as it should »warns sexologist Justin Sitron, quoted by «Relaxation is the simplest solution. Of course, I realize that it is easier to say than to do, but really, if a man is not able to forget for a moment about his ailment and everything that upsets him, it will only get worse »- adds the sexologist. Stress exhausts not only the psyche, but also the body. A man gets tired faster, becomes lethargic and apathetic. And she’s less and less wanting to have sex at all.

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