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The fly makes a lot of fluttering, but no one notices it. Will they notice you, your life?
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Do not settle for petty life, it is not yours!
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Are you a great person? Probably not. Will you become great? Probably not either — at least that’s how all normal people answer. Why is this answer yours? Why did you choose this life? All great people were once ordinary little boys and girls, they all had their own problems and difficulties, but they knew that they had their own star, and they raised the bar of their lives every day.
Each of us has such a bar that determines how much you can swing in your aspirations, how much you believe in yourself and how much you are willing to do to realize your plans. And as a result — how much you take on yourself.
“He is a small man. And this is a big man!” — what is the conversation about? This is a conversation about size, about the measure of personality and the size of a person’s circle of concerns. A very small child is not only busy with himself, he also cannot fully serve himself. Young man — they talk about someone who is busy only with himself. An adult person is one who provides for himself, plus supports not only himself, but also his family, brings up children and supports parents. Big man — they call the one who, besides this, conducts his own business or does great things, on whom the lives and destinies of many people depend. A great man is one whose influence extends over the destinies of many for years to come.
«Who gave you the right to decide for others?» some ask. “Who gave me the right to avoid responsibility for others?” — others answer the question to themselves. Everyone takes on as much as they dare and can bear.
What makes these people different? Why does one go forward and take on more and more, while the other stagnates in place, after which he lowers his hands and begins to slide down? To explain it simply as laziness is wrong.
A normal Mexican peasant or a native of the sunny country of Kenya will lie under his happy palm tree and will only smile lazily at any proposal to change something in his life: “What the hell?” He does not need anything, because he needs little. He has his minimum, everything else requires effort — and then why? For the main population of these countries, the desire for maximum success in life is not clear, the willingness to pay for this success with work and stress is not close. This is not just laziness, this is a certain life philosophy, where the ability to relax is more valuable than any achievement.
Some psychologists consider people charged with big things to be problematic people, people with internal conflicts who run away from themselves into external achievements. Well, it probably happens that way, but is it worth it for the sake of such a point of view to write Buddha, Gandhi and Mother Teresa as sick people? It is not right to see only the defective in everything great, the great can also be really great.
“A person chooses what motivation to attribute to the behavior he observes, and does so in accordance with his own worldview — optimistic or pessimistic. For my taste, the second choice is made today much more often than the first, so often that I am ready to call this phenomenon «lowering the level of motivation.» In short, this phenomenon manifests itself in the fact that a psychologist who wants to explain behavior prefers lower motives to the detriment of middle-level motives, and the latter, in turn, prefers higher ones. (A. Maslow, Motivation and Personality, Foreword).
You can look for reasons and explanations why some people set the bar of their lives high and others low, or you can start building yourself, raising yourself day after day, year after year, raising the level of your claims, demands on yourself and faith in your capabilities.
If you approach yourself technologically, then you should pay the most serious attention to the following points:
- Vivacity of the body and general energy. The eyes are alive, in the body there is always a motor and energy. If you allow yourself to be lethargic, that’s it, you’re dead. Unwind the energy of desires in yourself: a person who has allowed himself to want and claim raises the bar of his life to the maximum. A leader needs a lot in life. This is a person who strives and wants, this is a living person, a person “with a motor”, a person who is an activist.
- Be in development. Quick mind, the ability to learn new things — be sure to develop. It’s simple — just always develop yourself, and you will always be in shape.
- The philosophy of life of the Winner is apparently one of the most important points. It should be written in you, in your convictions: «The world belongs to me, and it will be conquered by me.» How to change your philosophy of life? Connect with those people who have an attractive philosophy for you, and redraw your Metaphor of life.
- Maximum life. A big man knows how to be content with little, but always strives forward, strives for big goals. He needs a lot in life, he needs the whole world. And in order for these beautiful words to become at least some, but a reality, write down your Maximum life. If you don’t know what it is — get acquainted, and — go ahead!