Are you nervous and hyperactive? Help yourself with a few simple steps!
Are you nervous and hyperactive? Help yourself with a few simple steps!

Excessive nervousness, agitation, and sometimes aggression are usually caused by problems at home and work, prolonged stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Some would say that a nervous lifestyle is a sign of the times, but it is not worth living this way. Hyperactivity is tiring for both the person suffering from it and those around them. Stress shortens life, is a common cause of problems with heart disease, so you should not accept such a condition and risk aggravating social and health problems.

If you have a problem with restraining your emotions, which is additionally accompanied by outbursts of aggression, it is possible that you are exposed to constant tension, pressure, stress. You need to think about the reasons for this state of affairs. Nervousness can cause various (more and less) dangerous symptoms:

  • Nausea,
  • Hot flushes,
  • excessive sweating,
  • Trembling,
  • Problems with insomnia, falling asleep, waking up at night,
  • Palpitations,
  • Dizziness.

Nervousness can also be a symptom of the disease. This happens when tantrums are unrelated to troubles (at work, home, etc.), traumatic experiences, childhood traumas, or changes (e.g. retirement, change of job or residence) and occur regardless of stressful situations. The most common diseases associated with hyperactivity are:

  1. Hyperthyroidism – accompanied by weight loss, eye changes or weakness.
  2. Vegetative neurosis – sexual functions also weaken, gastrointestinal problems appear.
  3. Panic disorders – there are sudden attacks of strong anxiety, for no reason, recurring 3-4 times a month and usually lasting almost a dozen or so minutes.
  4. Dissociative disorders – fears that are the result of the current life situation and are manifested by loss of vision, paralysis of limbs, paresis.

How to fight anxiety and stress?

One way is to change your diet. First, give up smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as coffee, which stimulates the nervous system. It increases the feeling of anxiety, makes it difficult to fall asleep. Your problems may be caused by magnesium deficiency, if you have a problem with concentration, muscle cramps, heart palpitations, difficulty falling asleep, brittle nails and hair. If you notice any of these symptoms, try to make up for magnesium deficiency with supplements and changing your diet (e.g. introducing dark chocolate to your menu).

You can also use herbs and herbal medicines to reduce the feeling of stress. Bet on those that include:

  • motherwort herb – relaxes smooth muscles,
  • Melissa – has a calming and analgesic effect,
  • Valerian medicine – otherwise valerian,
  • Hop cones – ideal for combating insomnia and tension.

If you have trouble falling asleep, try not to avoid strong light before bedtime (in the evenings) and dark rooms during the day. Limit afternoon naps and always get up at the same time. Do not snack in the evening and eat the last meal of the day 3 hours before bedtime.

One of the most effective methods, if you cannot deal with the problem on your own, will be psychotherapy with the participation of a psychologist who will help you deal with stress, get to the bottom of the problem and recommend appropriate treatment.

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