- 1. You appreciate each other’s differences and use them wisely
- 2. You swear
- 3. You invest in relationships
- 4. You do not hide your weaknesses
- 5. You talk a lot about sex.
- 6. You are comfortable to be silent with each other.
- 7. Each of you separates yourself from another
- 8. You respect each other’s boundaries
- 9. You trust each other
- 10. You don’t care about each other’s past.
- 11. You support each other’s interests and endeavors
- 12. You keep trying even if you’ve been together for years.
- 13. Each of you wants to be the best version of yourself, staying faithful
More than a dozen articles have been written about how to determine that a relationship is toxic. It remains to figure out what kind of union is worth striving for. Go through the list below – maybe you are just such a perfect couple.
1. You appreciate each other’s differences and use them wisely
Imagine a sports team: most likely, all the players in it have their own strengths. One serves best, the second passes, the third runs the fastest, and their task is to establish interaction in such a way as to play smoothly and win.
It’s the same in relationships: each of us has traits that a partner lacks, and our task is to use them so that the relationship “works”, to balance each other so that the couple ultimately wins.
2. You swear
Certainly not every day, and certainly not violently. However, the arguments show that each of you has your own views that you are ready to defend. And this is rather a good sign: the fact that the partners do not conflict at all may indicate that one of them suppresses his emotions and desires or is simply not completely honest with the other.
3. You invest in relationships
“Relationship without commitment” is a myth: in order for you as a couple to succeed, you both need to take responsibility, be faithful to each other and overcome all the obstacles that fall to your lot together.
4. You do not hide your weaknesses
You know you’re accepted for who you are, so don’t be afraid to be yourself. And do the same for the partner.
5. You talk a lot about sex.
Communication is the key to forming and maintaining happy and healthy relationships. It is good if you are always open, honest and straightforward with each other. This also applies to talking about sex: you should calmly discuss any topic with each other, including sexual desires and fantasies.
6. You are comfortable to be silent with each other.
People in healthy relationships are not required to communicate with each other 24/7 unless they feel a special need to. The main thing is that in the pauses between conversations, no one should feel awkward.
7. Each of you separates yourself from another
Back to the sports metaphor, having only forwards or pitchers on a team is hardly good for it. It is also important not to lose yourself in the relationship, do not begin to imitate another “player” or merge with him. It is always important to remember your values, interests and personal purposes.
8. You respect each other’s boundaries
So, don’t say “we” when it’s inappropriate (“we think”, “we think”, “we like”), and even more so don’t try to control the other, for example, by looking at his or her phone or reading personal correspondence.
9. You trust each other
No healthy relationship can be built without trust – not working, not friendly, not romantic. You should not have taboos and forbidden topics, you should not suppress your emotions for fear of hurting your partner (although, of course, you should express them as carefully as possible). And, of course, it is important to know that you can always rely on each other.
10. You don’t care about each other’s past.
Most likely, you and your partner have been in a relationship before, and you can talk openly about them without fear of causing either jealousy or anger in each other. You both understand: the past is in the past, only what is happening now matters.
11. You support each other’s interests and endeavors
Common hobbies are wonderful, but even if the partner is interested in what you are not very clear, you still support it and help to achieve goals.
12. You keep trying even if you’ve been together for years.
And still appreciate each other’s efforts, even the smallest manifestations of care in your address.
13. Each of you wants to be the best version of yourself, staying faithful
In a healthy relationship, everyone works on themselves without trying to change the partner; develops based on their own interests and values, and does not adjust in an attempt to please another. This is the only way to grow: both individually and together – as a happy, healthy couple.