There are moments when you just glow with happiness and are ready to shout about it to the whole world. However, such euphoria can lead to problems at work. And that’s why.
Colleagues who look happy often seem too naive and gullible. In addition, we are sure that positive employees work too little – which means it’s time to load them with work, including unpleasant tasks. This conclusion was made by American scientists who studied the perception of happy people by others.
Such an attitude seems completely illogical in an era when bookstores are inundated with literature on how to become happy. But the fact remains that we, without realizing it, are wary of those who are happier than us.
One of the authors of the study, Wharton School of Business professor Maurice Schweitzer notes that although it is customary in North American culture to demonstrate a positive attitude towards work and life, overly happy employees seem unprofessional and inefficient to others. Such people are considered superficial, easily influenced and incapable of performing complex tasks.
Being positive is normal, but showing too much joy can negatively affect your relationships with colleagues.
The location of colleagues is usually used by people who do not look very, but only moderately happy. To the question “How are you?” such employees respond: “Good” or “Normal” and accompany the answer with a friendly smile, while overly happy people exclaim: “Great!”, “Great!” or “Just wonderful!” smile or laugh broadly.
Work is a place where you should not completely relax. Remember that you are being watched and often judged by your behavior. You yourself draw conclusions about the character and competence of colleagues, based on how they communicate with you and how they show emotions.
According to Schweitzer, we are constantly scanning our surroundings, trying to guess what those around us are thinking, how they will behave, and thus trying to control our world. Even if you are an incorrigible optimist and cannot contain your overwhelming emotions all day, you should pay attention to four tips given by the authors of the study.
1. Be gentle with your feelings
The emotions you show affect how others think of you. Being positive is normal, while showing too much joy can negatively affect your relationship.
2. Convince others of your competence
If you are a cheerful person and cannot contain your emotions, you are most likely considered naive. You will have to put in extra effort to convince your colleagues that you are capable of standing up for yourself and can think critically and solve complex problems.
3. Be discreet with strangers and unfamiliar people
The first impression is the strongest. Try to communicate with new people not too emotionally, even if you woke up in a great mood or learned great news.
4. Displays of joy are not always appropriate.
The behavior of a competent employee depends on the situation. Sometimes the success of a business depends on choosing the right tone of conversation. If a customer calls with a complaint, he expects sympathy, understanding and a quick resolution of the problem. He will take jokes and joyful laughter as an insult.