Are you getting cramps or your hands and feet getting swollen? The reason may be surprising

We hear from everywhere that drinking water is the basis of good health and well-being. It turns out, however, that golden advice should be treated very carefully. Although it is hard to believe, even water can be overdosed and exposed to unpleasant consequences. What happens to your body when you drink too much water? Some symptoms may surprise you.

Bezwzględnie należy dbać o prawidłowe nawodnienie organizmu przez cały rok. Niskie temperatury posobnie jak wysokie, sprzyjają odwodnieniu, zwłaszcza gdy nie odczuwamy tak intensywnie pragnienia, jak w przypadku upałów. Pora jednak rozprawić się z mitem ośmiu szklanek i przekonaniem, że im więcej, tym lepiej.

How much water should we drink?

Najważniejszą kwestią jest rozróżnienie podstawowego faktu: wypijanie samej wody nie jest tożsame z ogólnym bilansem płynów, które przyjmujemy w ciągu dnia. Prócz czystej wody pijemy inne napoje, jemy zupy czy owoce i warzywa. Ilość ośmiu szklanek lub 2,5 litra wody owszem jest ilością pożądaną, ale do takiego rachunku koniecznie należy dodać other fluids taken over.

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What happens to your body when you drink too much water?

You absolutely should not drink large amounts of water at once – it is a harmful and dangerous practice. It may then come to hyponatremia – that is, a sudden drop in sodium levels in the blood. This condition most often affects people practicing professional and competitive sports, when they quickly and intensively replenish fluids after intense exercise. In case of the so-called water poisoning may appear confusion, headache, nausea and vomiting. You should never drink more than three glasses of liquids per hour. What other ways does the body signal that there is too much water? Jest kilka objawów, które powinny skłonić do obserwacji.

1. Twój mocz będzie prawie bezbarwny

The human body doesn’t like extremes. The color of your urine can tell a lot about your health problems. In a healthy person, the color of urination should be straw-colored, that is, light yellow. When the body is dehydrated, the urine becomes very concentrated and very dark. If too much water is taken in, the urine becomes very diluted and loses its color. If your urine is colorless and quite transparent, don’t underestimate it. This is a sign that there is too much water in your body. Colorless urine signals a high dilution of electrolytes.

  1. See also: What does the color of your urine say about your health?

2. Będziesz często odwiedzać toaletę

This symptom, although obvious, is extremely bothersome. Often, we do not immediately combine frequent visits to the toilet with an excess of consumed fluids. Especially when we run for the need also at night. Although it may be a symptom of many diseases and health problems, it is worth excluding the simplest reason in the first place. The constant pressure on the bladder should always keep you alert.

3. You will begin to feel painful muscle spasms

Frequent urination quickly leads to the loss of valuable electrolytes, including potassium, which is very important for the economy of the whole organism.. This mineral is responsible for the proper functioning of muscles, including their contractility. When the potassium level drops, extremely painful and unpleasant cramps in the calves and feet begin. Przetrwałe wypłukiwanie potasu może dotkliwie wpłynąć na cały układ mięśniowy organizmu. Nie pomaga zażywanie magnezu, ponieważ skurcze pojawiają się z innego powodu. Suplement z potasem kupisz w Medonet Market.

4. Your hands and feet may be swollen

Swelling of the hands and feet may appear as a signal of water retention in the body or its excessive consumption. Keep in mind that there are two completely different cases. Normal sodium levels in the body it is necessary for the functioning of the entire water management. It is responsible for maintaining the water balance inside and outside the cells. When too much water is injected, the sodium level begins to drop, the water begins to move, causing swelling (cell swelling). The most common symptom is obrzęki kończyn. Be aware of this symptom as it can signal other health problems as well.

5. Headaches will develop

This symptom is quite serious and can signal a lot of trouble. Although headache is one of the most common symptoms of dehydration, it also occurs in the opposite, the so-called water poisoning. The mechanism of its formation is the same as in the case of limb edema. The water retained in the cells causes the tissues to expand in volume, which can even lead to brain damage. This happens when the brain is swollen, when the organ begins to be compressed by the bones of the skull.

6. You will feel tired

Hyponatremia, or too little sodium in the blood, is one of the effects of overhydration. Unfortunately, a symptom of this condition is a feeling of exhaustion. Check how much water you drink and don’t underestimate the lack of energy. It is worth consulting a doctor.

7. You will drink even when you are not thirsty

Very often, our own body is the best guide. If you are healthy, you are not in a place where you are still exposed to heat and high temperature or you do not train intensively, you should drink water when you feel thirsty. To podstawowy mechanizm dbający o prawidłową gospodarkę wodną. Twoje ciało samo powinno domagać się tego, czego potrzebuje. Wyjątkiem są sytuacje, kiedy wymagamy szczególnego nawadniania – heat, acute physical exertion or illness. You should then popijać wodę regularnie, najlepiej małymi łykami przez cały dzień.

However, if you are okay and your glass still needs to be refilled, count how much fluid do you drink in a day. Warto skontrolować swój bilans wodny, zanim nadmiar wody poważnie ci zaszkodzi.

Regular drinking of water is very important and necessary for the proper functioning of the entire body, but let’s remember the old and proven rule: what is too much is not healthy. Start by finding out how much water you really take in each day.

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