Are you emotionally intelligent? Check what your score is! QUIZ

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and use your emotions in a positive way. Thanks to this, we are able to control stress, understand people, communicate effectively with them, but also overcome challenges. In a word, emotional intelligence makes life easier and makes us happy.

What is your emotional intelligence like? Take our quiz and answer 12 questions. Be honest with yourself, answer as it really is, not as you would like it to be. Also remember that this is not a professional test, take the quiz as fun. Let’s start!

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1. To the question “How are you feeling today?”, You will answer:

Without hesitation. I have no problem naming my emotions precisely
“I don’t know, I can’t really name my emotions”
“I feel like always”

2. According to you, this face expresses …

Photo: Shutterstock

3. There comes a day when trouble literally hits your head. How do you approach this situation:

This situation breaks me down
I know that there is a way out of every situation
I need time to cool down and start thinking about solutions

4. What do you do when someone criticizes you?

I wonder what this can teach me
I know everyone has a right to criticize, but I feel embarrassed and insecure
I feel that this person is attacking me, I immediately start to defend myself / quickly withdraw

5. The boss suddenly gave you an urgent task, ours to do it by the end of the day. How are you reacting?

The pressure stresses me out, I put in a lot of effort to calm myself down and take action
I have chaos in my head, I can’t focus
I’m staying calm and doing what I have to do

6. Do you listen to your intuition?

Yes, it has turned out to be good more than once
I believe that I have no intuition, moreover: it does not exist at all
I try, but I don’t always know how to recognize it

7. Everyone has some setbacks. How do you treat your failures?

I care a lot about them, but I also know that mistakes are part of my life
I try to draw conclusions from them, even looking for pluses
I think about them a lot, then I avoid similar situations at all costs and withdraw

8. Do you ever lose your temper in anger?

Never or hardly ever
Yes, I am flooded with emotions
It happens to me sometimes, but I try to control it

9. You start a new job. How quickly will you tune in with the new team?

At the beginning it will be difficult for me, but with time we will definitely work together
I know it will continue. These kinds of things are very difficult for me
Quickly, usually I have no problems with that

10. Do you show affection easily?

It depends on whom, sometimes I’m not able to break through
It happens very rarely to me, and even then it is not easy
I have no problem with that, I am honest and open

11. How do you accept the changes that life brings?

Usually with satisfaction, this is an opportunity for development
This is a disaster for me. It takes a long time to get used to it
I am afraid of them, but when they do, I look to take advantage of new situations

12. With a clear conscience you can say to yourself: “I’m glad to be who I am”?

Probably not, I would like to be someone else
Depends, I have a hard time forgiving myself for some mistakes
Your score: 0 – 6
You have a job ahead of you. You need to work on your emotional intelligence. You probably feel overwhelmed by your own emotions, especially in stressful situations, you often let them rule yourself, and you have a tendency to withdraw. It all makes you feel unhappy with life and with yourself. But nothing is lost. Remember, emotional intelligence is a set of acquired qualities, you can successfully work on it and improve it.
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Your score: 7 – 10
It’s not bad! Even though you may be torn by emotions and stress, you can control it and restore your inner balance (although it is not easy). Remember, emotional intelligence is a set of acquired qualities, it is worth working on and improving it. This will make you more satisfied with yourself and with life.
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Your score: 11 – 12
Great! Your emotional intelligence is really high. You are open to the world, people and the challenges they bring. You see them as an opportunity for development. Importantly, you like yourself and give yourself the right to make mistakes. You are in harmony with yourself. However, it is not worth resting on our laurels. It is good to care for and develop your emotional intelligence.
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