Are you drinking enough water? Check
Piwniczanka Publication partner

Our body is a complex machine that needs the right amount of water to function properly. It is she who plays a huge role in regulating body temperature, transporting oxygen, nutrients to cells and flushing out toxins and metabolic products from the body. Do you think you are drinking the right amount of water? Take part in our short quiz!

today «,» POLL_FINISH_ONE_DAY »:» Poll ends in [0] day«,» POLL_FINISH_MORE_DAYS »:» The probe ends in [0] days«,» FILL_ALL_ANSWERS »:» Fill in the answers to all the questions to see the result »,» QUIZ_MISSING »:» Still missing »,» QUIZ_ANSWER »:» answers »,» NEXT_QUESTION »:» Next question »,» WRONG_ANSWER »:» Wrong »,» GOOD_ANSWER »:» Good! »,» YOUR_POINTS »:» You managed to get: [0] out of [1] points »,» MY_RESULT »:» My result is: «,» QUIZ »:» Quizzes » , »CHECK_YOURSELF»: »Check how it goes:«, »CHECK_YOURSELF_2»: »Check what comes out:«, »MY_RESULT_CHECK_YOURSELF»: »My result is: [0]. Check yourself. »,» RESULT »:» [0] with [1] points »,» BACK_TO_TOP »:» Fill from the top »,» AGAIN »:» Fill in again »,» START_AGAIN »:» Start again », »ALSO_RECOMMEND»: »We also recommend», »PHOTO»: »Photo»} »>

Do you drink glasses of water every day?

1-2 glasses
2-4 glasses
4-6 glasses
6-8 glasses
6-8 glasses Next question

How often do you experience headache and / or dizziness?

A few times a week
Once a week
Several times a month
Once a month
Less often than once a month
A few times a week Next question

Do you only drink water when you are thirsty?

No Next question

Do you notice your skin is losing its plumpness?

No Next question

Do you often find yourself irritable and / or tired for no apparent reason?

No Next question

Do you often find your lips feel dry and chapped?

No Next question

Perform a simple test – pinch the skin on the back of your hand with your thumb and forefinger, hold for a few seconds, then release. What’s wrong with your skin?

The skin immediately returns to its normal shape
Skin deformation persists for a while
The skin immediately returns to its normal shape Next question

How often do you urinate?

5-6 times a day
3-4 times a day
once or twice a day
5-6 times a day Next question

What does your urine usually look like?

It is bright, clear and odorless
It is dark yellow and has an intense fragrance
It is bright, clear and odorless Next question

Do you have problems with swelling, excessive water accumulation in the body?

No never
All the time
No never Next question

How often do you have constipation problems?

Very often
Rarely Next question

How often do you feel dry mouth?

Very often
Rarely Next question

After strenuous physical exertion, a day in the sun, or after drinking too much alcohol, do you remember to drink more water?

Roof Next question

Do you drink a glass of water when you wake up?

Only if I am thirsty
Roof Next question
Your score: The amount of water you drink is far too small.
You need to hydrate your body better by choosing highly mineralized water, eg Piwniczanka – natural mineral water extracted several hundred meters underground, in the heart of the Poprad Landscape Park, in Beskid Sądecki. It is here, in Piwniczna-Zdrój, that there is a unique hydrological zone with rich resources highly saturated with minerals of groundwater. Piwniczanka mineral water is classified as highly mineralized water – it contains over 1700 mg of minerals per one liter of water. Piwniczanka is rich in the most valuable minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and bicarbonates, which affect the proper functioning of the body on many levels: Magnesium (79 mg / liter) – has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, immune, and muscular systems proper metabolism and development of the fetus Calcium (168 mg / liter) – supports the skeletal, cardiovascular, immune, neuromuscular systems, supports metabolism Bicarbonates (1267 mg / liter) – positively affect the digestive system, support acid-base balance Potassium (13 mg / liter) – supports the cardiovascular and renal systems Sodium (108 mg / liter) – is responsible for the proper functioning of the water and electrolyte balance Fluorides (<0,4 mg / liter) - protect against heart diseases, support the muscular and bone structures Sulphates (43 mg / liter) - help in inflammation of the urinary tract and chronic intestinal catarrh What, in particular, distinguishes Piwniczanka mineral water is the amount of calcium to magnesium, which is 2: 1 - only in such proportions these ingredients are best absorbed by the body. Try the mineral Piwniczanka, which has a delicate but unique flavor. It is also a real taste of nature - it is mined in Piwniczna-Zdrój, located in the ecologically clean areas of the Poprad Landscape Park, one of the oldest parks in the Carpathian Mountains in the charming Beskid Sądecki.
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Your score: There are many indications that you are providing your body with the right amount of water! Keep it up!
When choosing mineral water, be sure to pay attention to the content of mineral water components that significantly affect the functioning of our body – magnesium, calcium, sodium, chlorides and bicarbonates and the proportions in which the most important elements (magnesium and calcium) are present in the water. The best choice will be the Piwniczanka mineral water – natural mineral water extracted several hundred meters underground, in the heart of the Poprad Landscape Park, in the Beskid Sądecki Mountains. It is here, in Piwniczna-Zdrój, that there is a unique hydrological zone with rich resources highly saturated with minerals of groundwater. Piwniczanka mineral water is classified as highly mineralized water – it contains over 1700 mg of minerals per one liter of water. Piwniczanka is rich in the most valuable minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and bicarbonates, which affect the proper functioning of the body on many levels: Magnesium (79 mg / liter) – has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, immune and muscular systems, proper metabolism and development of the fetus Calcium (168 mg / liter) – supports the skeletal, cardiovascular, immune, neuromuscular systems, supports metabolism Bicarbonates (1267 mg / liter) – positively affect the digestive system, support acid-base balance Potassium (13 mg / liter) – supports the cardiovascular and renal systems Sodium (108 mg / liter) – is responsible for the proper functioning of the water and electrolyte balance Fluorides (<0,4 mg / liter) - protect against heart diseases, support the muscular and bone structures Sulphates (43mg / liter) - help in inflammation of the urinary tract and chronic intestinal catarrh What, in particular, distinguishes Piwniczanka mineral water is the amount of calcium to magnesium, which is 2: 1 - only in such proportions these ingredients are best absorbed by the body. Try the mineral Piwniczanka, which has a delicate but unique flavor. It is also a real taste of nature - it is mined in Piwniczna-Zdrój, located in the ecologically clean areas of the Poprad Landscape Park, one of the oldest parks in the Carpathian Mountains in the charming Beskid Sądecki.
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