Are you constantly tired, sleepy and having a hard time getting out of bed? Here are the causes of chronic fatigue

Lack of energy, drowsiness or irritability happen to everyone. However, if for a long time we feel a deterioration of well-being or we have trouble sleeping, it is worth considering what may be the cause of fatigue. In most cases, it is dehydration, excess caffeine or nutrient deficiency. In others – health conditions. Let’s get to know the causes of chronic fatigue and find out how to fight them.

  1. The cause of excessive fatigue may be excess caffeine, trouble sleeping or dehydration
  2. A lack of nutrients in the diet can be one of the reasons for the deterioration of well-being
  3. The first step in the event of chronic fatigue should be blood laboratory tests
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The most common causes of fatigue

There can be many causes of chronic fatigue. We can categorize them due to their relationship with environmental factors and latent diseases. It may also be that some of the causes will be the reason for the development of the disease, as in the case of chronic stress, which leads to disorders of the digestive system (gastric ulcer), hypertension or impaired thyroid function.

Too much caffeine

Strenuous mental work associated with high brain performance means that we often choose caffeinated drinks – coffee or energy drinks, which are to stimulate us to act. Paradoxically, if we use them too often, the effect will be the opposite. If we want to minimize fatigue resulting from excess caffeine, we can reach for healthy substitutes – yerba mate or green tea.


We will also feel tired if we do not provide the body with the right amount of water during the day, especially in summer. Dehydration affects not only our well-being, but also the condition of the skin.

Let’s not forget about it!

You should develop the habit of drinking water as soon as possible. Remember that when we are thirsty our body is already dehydrated, so avoid such situations! If we work in front of a computer every day or we are often traveling, it is worth getting a bottle made of lightweight plastic, thanks to which we will not forget to water regularly.

Nutrient deficiency

Chronic fatigue is very often the result of a deficiency of nutrients such as:

  1. iron, 
  2. vitamin B2,  
  3. vitamin B3, 
  4. vitamin B5, 
  5. vitamin B6, 
  6. vitamin B9, 
  7. vitamin B12, 
  8. vitamin C, 
  9. vitamin D, 
  10. magnesium. 

For this reason, it is worth taking regular blood tests to see if your vitamin levels are too low. In the case of deficiencies confirmed by laboratory results, it is worth starting appropriate supplementation, most often taking into account minor changes in the diet. This is the case with anemia resulting from inadequate blood iron levels.

Long-term stress

Chronic stress can also cause chronic fatigue. In a nervous situation, cortisol is secreted, the excess of which interferes with the functioning of the body. Various situations (conversation with the employer, unpleasant visit to the doctor) can be stressful for us.

Long-term stress can lead to ulceration, hair loss, premature appearance of wrinkles, and heart problems. To avoid stressful situations, we can introduce appropriate routine tasks, as well as reach for relaxing herbal infusions.

Do you want to reduce your stress level? We recommend a dietary supplement with ashwagandha, which additionally improves the quality of sleep, and a dietary supplement with selenium that protects against oxidative stress.

Trouble sleeping

Lack of sleep, waking up at night or problems with falling asleep affect the functioning of the body. If we cannot cope with the insomnia for a long time, it is worth reaching for herbs or CBD products (e.g. CBD Strawberry Diesel Flowrolls with strawberry aroma), which help to relax. Preparing a relaxing bath is also a good solution.

Health problems and chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may be related to undiscovered diseases. The most frequently mentioned are thyroid disorders (hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s syndrome), myocarditis, HCV infection, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or urinary tract infection.

What tests should be done in case of constant fatigue?

In addition to making changes to your diet and lifestyle, it is also worth doing tests for chronic fatigue.

We recommend the Fatigue package for people exposed to overload of the body, which includes:

  1. total protein, 
  2. blood count, 
  3. liver tests, 
  4. CRP,  
  5. Biernacki’s reaction, 
  6. creatinine PT, 
  7. urea, 
  8. total calcium, 
  9. magnesium, 
  10. vitamin D, 
  11. ferrytyna, 
  12. Folic acid, 
  13. albumin, 
  14. vitamin B12, 
  15. TIBC. 

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