Are you concerned about dementia? Do these things every day

Scientists analyzed leisure activities and dementia rates in 2,1 million people. The study shows that people who engage in mental activities are a quarter less likely to be diagnosed. An active lifestyle reduces the risk of dementia by a fifth, and hanging out with other people lowers it by a tenth. Below are the activities that will have a positive effect on the condition of our brain.

  1. A new study found that reading a book or playing an instrument reduces the risk of dementia by as much as 23 percent.
  2.  Yoga and dance by 17% increase protection against this type of problem, and joining a club for seniors or volunteering reduces the risk of illness by 7%. 
  3. There is currently no cure for dementia. Doctors can only reduce symptoms and delay the progression of the disease. However, physical and mental activity, proper diet and social contacts clearly reduce the risk
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Many daily activities can be beneficial for the brain. Some reduce the risk of dementia more than others

A common belief is that the best way to protect yourself from dementia is to stimulate your brain. It has found scientific confirmation – people who regularly read books, play musical instruments or keep a diary have 23 percent. lower risk of developing this condition.

The results of the study were published in the journal “Neurology”. Its main author is Professor Lin Lu of the Peking University in Beijing. According to the expert, this analysis suggests that there are benefits to being active. “There are many activities that can be easily incorporated into everyday life that can be beneficial for the brain” – emphasized the scientist.

The analysis reviewed 38 studies from around the world involving 2,1 million people without dementia. The study participants were between 45 and 93 years of age to start with. Then they were monitored for three to 44 years. During the study period, 74 people developed dementia. 700 people. Their classes were divided into mental, physical and social activities.

Being active benefits our brain. On different ways

Mental activities included reading or writing for pleasure, watching TV, listening to the radio, playing games or musical instruments, and using the computer.

The researchers found that these activities help to maintain and improve memory, processing speed, thinking and reasoning skills, and prevent mental deterioration.

Only the conclusions regarding watching TV are still ambiguous. Earlier research has shown that people are more likely to develop the disease if they watch a lot of TV because their mind shuts off for long periods of time.

Physical activity in the studies included walking, running, swimming, cycling, using exercise equipment, playing sports, yoga, and dancing. Exercise has been shown to keep the heart healthy and also helps to ensure proper blood circulation. Heart problems can increase the risk of dementia by cutting off the blood supply to the brain, depriving neurons of oxygen, and accelerating cell death.

Social activity is the last area studied. The participants most often mentioned participation in activities for seniors, volunteering, visiting relatives or friends, or participating in religious practices.

Scientists believe that spending time with others can protect the brain in two ways. Firstly, by increasing social contacts, they stimulate themselves emotionally, and secondly, the risk of depression and stress is lowered. Thereby, two risk factors for dementia are reduced.

What’s better for the brain: dancing or socializing? This has been shown by research

An analysis of dozens of studies involving two million middle-aged and elderly people also found that exercise was the next best way to keep your brain fit.

Regular sports, yoga, or dancing have been found to increase protection against dementia by 17%. People who lead an intense social life have 7 percent. less risk of developing dementia than people who avoid people.

The researchers also found that joining the seniors club, volunteering, spending time with friends and family, and going to religious events also had a positive effect on the mental health of older people.

Prevention is important because dementia cannot be cured

Dementia is a global problem but is most commonly seen in well-developed countries where people are more likely to reach very old age.

Dementia is the term used to describe a series of progressive neurological disorders that affect a person’s memory, thinking and behavior.

There are many different types of dementia, the most common of which is Alzheimer’s disease. Some people may have a combination of several types of dementia, and each person has an individual course of dementia.

Currently, there is no cure for the disease, doctors can only prescribe medications that alleviate its symptoms and delay its development. To counteract dementia, experts recommend a balanced and high-fiber diet, regular exercise, and social and mental activity.

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