Are you allergic to insect venom? You must have these medications with you at all times

Insect venom allergy can lead to life-threatening anaphylactic shock. People who are allergic are particularly prone to it, so in summer, when there are the most bees, wasps and hornets, you should have appropriate medications with you. What are the symptoms of insect venom allergy? How to help a person who has been stung?

  1. An insect sting can lead to an anaphylactic shock that may lead to a life-threatening allergy sufferer
  2. People allergic to insect venom should carry adrenaline pre-filled syringes with them
  3. The most common symptoms following a sting are swelling, itching and reddening of the skin
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Which insects are most likely to cause allergies?

The most common allergy is an allergy to the venom of insects from the bee and wasp family. These include the honey bee, bumblebee, wasp, bumblebee and hornet. In the case of bees, it is worth knowing that it can sting only once, because it leaves a sting in the skin that is part of its abdomen with the sting apparatus.

The wasp does not leave a sting, so it can sting multiple times. The venom contains proteins and peptides responsible for causing allergy, as well as low molecular weight substances causing pain and swelling after a sting.

Symptoms of insect venom allergy

Symptoms of insect venom allergy vary between non-allergic and allergic individuals. After a bee sting, non-allergic people most often develop redness and a slight swelling, the diameter of which does not exceed 10 mm. In the case of a wasp sting that can also enter the skin, bacteria sometimes develop secondary infection manifested by fever and enlargement of the lymph nodes.


The situation is much more serious in people allergic to insect venom. In most situations it depends on when the symptoms start. The sooner and more rapidly symptoms appear after a sting, the greater the risk to life is.

Symptoms of insect venom allergy in allergic people may concern not only the skin, but also the digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Not every person will have the same symptoms, but the most common ones are:

  1. swelling with a diameter greater than 10 mm, 
  2. itchy skin 
  3. angioedema 
  4. vomiting, 
  5. diarrhea, 
  6. dizziness, 
  7. abdominal pain. 

Anaphylactic shock may cause (apart from those mentioned) speech disorders, wheezing, cyanosis, confusion, loss of consciousness, collapse, and a sudden drop in blood pressure.

What medications for allergy to insect venom should I have with me?

People allergic to insect venom should absolutely have adrenaline in an injection ampoule, which is administered intramuscularly (usually into the thigh without removing clothes).

There are two types of adrenaline pre-filled syringes available in pharmacies: automatic (Anapen and Epipen) and non-automatic (Adrenaline WZF).


Adrenaline is only sold by prescription. It is not refunded. Its cost is about PLN 20.

In addition, a person who is stung may be given an antihistamine or a glucocorticosteroid.

Do you want to check if you are allergic to insect venom? We recommend a mail-order allergy test, which is performed on the basis of a blood test. This is an easy-to-perform test to reduce the risk of severe symptoms.

What to do in the event of an allergy after a bite?

In the event of an allergy following a sting in an allergic person, contact a doctor as soon as possible. The bee’s sting left in the skin must be removed, preferably by prying it open with one finger. If we try to grab the sting with two fingers, we may accidentally squeeze the remainder of the venom under the skin.

It is also worth reaching for the gel for insect bites, which reduces swelling and allows the epidermis to regenerate faster. It will be useful at a family picnic, at a lake by the sea or in the forest, where there are the most bees, wasps and hornets.

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