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Our health is influenced by many factors, not only a nutritious and balanced diet, regular preventive examinations, daily physical exercise, but also what we breathe. Although it is not visible to the naked eye, the air may contain not only fine dust that enters the lungs and from there into the entire bloodstream, but also bacteria and viruses. All this may be the beginning of the development of serious diseases, including COVID-19. How to take care of good air quality in your own home?

What do we breathe and how does it affect our health?

The atmospheric air consists of nitrogen (78,06%), oxygen (20,98%), argon (0,93%) and other gases. Unfortunately, that’s not all. Heavy metals, ozone, sulfur dioxide, benzene, benzopyrene, suspended dust, as well as pathogenic viruses and bacteria are also hovering in the air, especially in large cities. They settle everywhere, incl. on windows, cars and park benches. Worst of all, they also get into our apartments.

Based on numerous scientific studies, we know how a bacterial or viral infection can occur. These small-sized pathogens spread by airborne droplets. When an infected person sneezes or coughs, a huge amount of bacteria or viruses are released into the air along with the secretions, which is a danger to everyone in the same room or in the immediate vicinity of the sick person. And pathogens can cause not only common colds and flu, but also COVID-19 and tuberculosis, for example. Air pollution can also aggravate the symptoms of allergies and asthma.

It is in closed rooms that the risk of infection is greatest. This is especially true where there are a greater number of people, incl. in offices, schools, kindergartens and shops. The disadvantage is high air humidity and the lack of proper circulation (resignation from airing the rooms, inadequate ventilation ducts, etc.). In this way, it is very easy to get infected from a co-worker, other household member or child who “brings” the virus or bacteria from the educational institution. Therefore, it is worth making every effort to minimize this risk. How can I do this? Preferably by air decontamination.

How is indoor air decontaminated?

There are many ways to disinfect the air effectively. They include, among others:

  1. ozonation – it is used primarily in means of communication, laboratories and large usable areas. It lasts on average from 2 to 4 hours and takes place at a temperature of 26 to 34 degrees C. However, it should be borne in mind that ozone may contribute to the destruction of some materials, e.g. latex,
  2. photocatalysis – uses the simple principles of chemistry. As a result of the photocatalytic reaction, OH ions are formed, which, like ozone, have the ability to oxidize and thus sterilize,
  3. HEPA filters – they are present not only in air purifiers, but also in household items, including good quality vacuum cleaners. The filters retain microscopic particles from 0,3 µm to 0,1 µm. They are useful primarily in homes with allergy sufferers who are allergic to mites, dust, animal hair and spores, however, they do not remove them from the air.
  4. HPI – or plasma ionizer with the properties to produce molecules that react with H + ions on the cells of microorganisms. In this way, they are neutralized,
  5. UV radiation – is one of the most natural methods of air disinfection. Thanks to the wavelengths from 240 nm to 280 nm, it is possible to effectively combat bacteria and viruses. Nevertheless, too long exposure of the sun to human skin is not beneficial (it causes damage to epidermal cells or skin cancer), so it is necessary that this process takes place in closed chambers or away from users. 

What are flow air disinfectants?

There are many models of air purifiers and humidifiers on the market. However, they do not provide effective protection against bacteria and viruses. The exception are flow air disinfectants, e.g. by Beghelli, which directly kill pathogenic pathogens thanks to the Uv-Oxy® technology.

SanificaAria is an innovative, safe and effective device which, using radiation similar to that emitted by the sun, fights microorganisms of even very small sizes (effectiveness up to 99,9%). The design was inspired by nature and the technology is based on fighting cells internally by exposure to UV-C radiation. The whole process takes place in a closed chamber, which is important because only with the flow UV-C disinfectants we can safely stay near them while they are working. Infected air is drawn in through a ventilation system and then exposed to direct contact with disinfecting light. Then, dangerous bacteria and viruses are neutralized. Importantly, the device does not emit ozone and is tested for compliance with all restrictive standards that allow this type of device to work in the presence of people, issued by the German accredited laboratory TÜV, Italian IMQ or the National Institute of Public Health in Warsaw.

Thorough air disinfection is especially important in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Beghelli brand device has been tested directly against the SARS-CoV-2 virus strain. The results of studies confirming the effectiveness in neutralizing this pathogen were published in April 2021.

The air decontaminator is not only suitable for home use, but is also an effective tool to fight germs in public places, including medical clinics, schools, industrial halls, gyms and offices.

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