Are you afraid of cancer? Do your research!

On Saturday, February 4, we celebrate World Cancer Day. As part of the celebrations, the Polish Cancer Union organized the so-called «Open Door Day. Thanks to this, it will be possible to carry out preventive tests for cancer in oncology and hematology centers all over Poland, free of charge. Where and what can be tested?

And you have to investigate yourself because the number of cases is growing rapidly and will continue to grow! According to the World Health Organization, the number of patients will double within 10-15 years. Fortunately, we are not completely powerless in the fight against the disease. More exercise, a rational diet and less stimulants can really do a lot. Prophylactic examinations also provide a chance to avoid serious health problems. As part of the celebration of the World Cancer Day, the Polish Cancer Union is once again organizing the Open Doors Day and invites everyone to participate in free examinations. Here is a list of facilities that can be tested:


Specialist Oncology Clinic, hours. 10.00-12.00 offers, among others:

– talks on the prevention, early detection and treatment of cancer,

– preventive advice from oncology specialists,

– learning breast self-examination,

– mammography tests under the Population Breast Cancer Early Detection Program (applies to women aged 50-69 who have not performed the screening in the last 2 years)

– blood sugar and blood pressure tests

– dietary advice


Oncology Center prof. F. Łukaszczyk in Bydgoszcz, Department of Prevention and Health Promotion, hours. 10.00 – 14.00, offers:

– screening mammograms (women aged 50-69, once every 2 years),

– Pap smear screening tests (women aged 25-59, once every 3 years) – Dr. Józef Dziedzic,

– blood glucose level and blood pressure measurement – Diabetics Association in Świecie,

– possible measurement of body mass and components (cooperation with an acquired external entity),


Provincial Cancer Center in Gdańsk COPERNICUS Podmiot Leczniczy Sp. z o. o., 11.00-13.00, offers:

– mammography (for women aged 50 to 69),

– cytology (for women aged 25 to 59),

Medical consultations in the field of oncological surgery, dermatology, including dermatoscopic examination, gynecology, oncology and urology. Additionally, it will be possible to consult a physiotherapist and learn how to self-examine the breast.


Oncology Center – Institute of Maria Skłodowskiej Curie Department in Gliwice, Department of Radiology and Image Diagnostics, hours. 10.00-14.00, offers:

– mammograms for insured women aged 50-69 as part of the “Population Early Detection Breast Cancer Program” (please bring your ID card, you are entitled to a free test every 2 years)


Świętokrzyskie Cancer Center, hours. 10.00-13.00, offers:

– cytology collection in women aged 25-59 who have not had a cytology sample in the last 36 months,

– mammography for women aged 50-69 who have not had a mammogram in the last 24 months


Affidea MCO Koszalin, 8.00-13.00, offers:

– free consultations in the field of cancer prevention as well as oncological gynecology and radiotherapy;

-the advice of an oncologist

– possibility of visiting the radiation therapy center


Clinical Clinic, Oncology Center, Instytut im. Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie, Branch in Krakow, hours. 9.00-13.00, offers:

Advice in the field of oncological surgery, oncological urology and oncological gynecology


Lublin Region Oncology Center st. John of Dukla, hours. 10.00 a.m. – 16.00 p.m. OPP, building B on the first floor, offers:

– contact with specialists in the field of surgery and gynecology,

– contact with specialists in the field of MMG,

– learning breast self-examination,

– sugar and pressure tests,

– measurement of BMI, bone mass and body weight,

– smokolizer tests,

– information and educational materials


Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic USK im. WAM in Łódź pl. Hallera 1 (10st floor), 00:11 – 00:XNUMX, offers:

– medical advice on the prevention and early detection of craniofacial tumors

– patient education through multimedia presentations


Clinical Provincial Hospital No. F.Chopina Podkarpackie Oncology Center, Provincial Oncological Clinic, hours. 1-9.00, offers:

Advice and consultation in the field of:

– oncological gynecology with the possibility of cytological examination,

— onkohematologii,

– clinical oncology,

– oncological radiotherapy,

— psychoonkologii.

Women will be able to have an ultrasound or mammogram of their breasts. The men check their PSA levels.


Oncology Center-Institute Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, building of the Cancer Prevention Center, 9.00-14.00, offers:

– Pap smear tests for insured women

– mammography tests for insured women between 50 and 69 years old, meeting the interval requirement (24 months from the last test),

-consultation of a general oncologist, urologist oncologist, breast doctor,

– examination of moles under a dermatoscope,

– blood pressure measurement,

– blood sugar measurement,

– measurement of carbon monoxide in the exhaled air,

-advice for people who want to quit smoking,

– learning breast self-examination,

-education in the field of preventive examinations,

-education in primary cancer prevention.

– The Amazon Centrum Association will provide advice on how to take care of your breasts.


Lower Silesian Oncology Center, Specialist Oncology Clinic, hours. 9.00 – 13.00, offers:

– stand no. 1 – teaching breast self-examination and full information on free preventive examinations and the European Code Against Cancer / talks, distribution of educational materials /.

– stand 2 – free blood pressure measurement and measurement of weight, height / BMI /.

– stand no. 3 – test of self-examination of the testicles

A doctor’s office will also be opened where the oncologist will provide simple oncological advice.

A complete list of facilities can be found on the website of the Polish Cancer Union.

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