Are you a “weekend alcoholic”? Five warning signs

Drinking alcohol heavily only on weekends is not a bad thing – this is what many people will probably say, who want to relieve a stressful week in this way. We don’t have good news. Even if you only drink alcohol on weekends, it may be a signal that you have an alcohol problem. Of course, this does not apply to all weekend parties. So how do you distinguish a social drinker from a “weekend alcoholic”? Here are five telltale signs.

  1. Occasional drinking can quickly become a bigger problem if you don’t monitor your alcohol consumption
  2. If someone drinks heavily every weekend, there is a risk that they may or may already have an alcohol problem
  3. If you find it difficult to stop drinking after one or two drinks, you may be or will be a “weekend alcoholic”
  4. There are more signs of heavy drinking at the weekend
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Can you only drink on weekends and have an alcohol problem?

Many people find it okay to get drunk on weekends as long as you don’t drink during the week. This kind of thinking can do them more harm than they think, the Pennsylvania Addiction Center Steps to Recovery warns, and makes it clear, “Yes, you can have an alcohol problem and only drink on weekends.” The facility also emphasizes that “this does not mean that anyone who gets drunk at weekends can be considered an alcoholic”. The line between alcoholism and getting drunk on the weekend can be blurry, leaving some people unaware when to seek help. It is also worth remembering that while excessive drinking does not always turn into an addiction, its risk increases.

When is it actually drunk? The Alcohol Rehab Guide, an organization that supports people fighting against alcoholism, recalls: “Men get drunk if they drink more than four drinks in 2-3 hours. A woman – if she drinks three drinks at the same time ». So let’s recall that a standard drink is defined as:

  1. 12 ounces (or 0,36 liters) of regular beer (5% alcohol)
  2. 5 ounces (approximately 150 ml) of wine (12% alcohol)
  3. 1,5 oz (45 ml) of distilled spirit (approximately 40% alcohol)

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Let’s also recall what it means to drink moderately. The American guidelines say a maximum of one drink a day for women and a maximum of two for men. This does not mean that you can reach for a glass every day. These guidelines are better viewed as the limit of your alcohol consumption on the day you may decide to drink alcohol.


A dose of alcohol that is completely safe for your health does not exist. One can only speak of a low-risk quantity.

Having trouble drinking on weekends? Warning signals

While going out for a few drinks with friends may seem innocent, it can get out of hand quickly. How do you know when a weekend partying is turning into a problem? The Alcohol Rehab Guide lists five key signs of a potential drinking problem on the weekend.

It’s hard for you to stop drinking after one or two drinks. You tell yourself that you will only drink one cocktail. After that one drink, however, you can’t stop. Instead, you want more. “If you are unable to control your alcohol consumption on the weekends, your best option may be to stop drinking altogether. A break from alcohol – even a temporary one – can restore your perspective, »reads the Alcohol Rehab Guide.

Treating alcohol as a reward. We often celebrate our achievements in the company of alcohol. «Sometimes you may try to make excuses that you deserve a drink because, for example, you completed an important project at work or a stressful week. Instead of reaching for alcohol, invent a new way to reward yourself »advises the Alcohol Rehab Guide. Instead of celebrating with alcoholic drinks, you can treat yourself to a tasty dinner, for example.

You feel guilty after drinking too much. Some people are tired after a night of drinking with a “moral hangover”, a kind of embarrassment or disappointment with themselves. What does the Alcohol Rehab Guide say? «Get over this feeling by sticking to soft drinks. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the weekend without remorse the next day »- he advises.

You behave risky under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol can cause you to behave in a way that may endanger you or those around you. Weekend binge drinking can lead to you doing or saying things that contradict your true sane judgment. «For example, when you are sober, you will likely refuse alcohol when you have to drive. However, after heavy drinking, you can justify getting behind the wheel »- reads the Alcohol Rehab Guide.

You become aggressive under the influence of alcohol. Binge drinking has been linked to aggressive behavior in many studies. Don’t test your limits – drinking isn’t worth the risk of being attacked or acted aggressively.

What if you have a drinking problem on the weekends?

“Weekend alcoholism” can also be seen as thoughts of drinking when you are not drinking or the need to stick to a weekend drinking ritual. Another red flag is when you lie about drinking or change your priorities because of alcohol.

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If the situations mentioned in this text happen in your life, be sure to set a drinking limit when you go out somewhere on the weekends. “If you are concerned that you might fail, ask a friend to come with you and monitor your drinking,” advises Steps to Recovery. It is also worth considering whether the time has come to seek professional help.

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