Are vaccines produced from aborted fetuses?

During the sermon on Sunday in one of the parishes in Zwoleń, the vaccines administered in medical facilities were made from aborted fetuses.

It is not known what source of information the vicar of the Church of Pentecost in Zwoleń used. Unfortunately, journalists did not manage to talk to him. The believers reported the outrageous sermon to the media.

We asked Dr. hab. Włodzimierz Gut, prof. extra NIPH-PZH from the Department of Virology of the National Institute of Public Health – PZH.

Possible reports and opinions regarding the use of cells obtained from human embryos may only include rubella vaccines. The rubella virus grows in the diploid cell line of the human embryo. The history of obtaining this cell line is as follows: an abortion was performed by a US court decision. Instead of subjecting the removed embryo to standard utilization (incineration), a diploid cell line was derived from the cells of this embryo, which is currently used for vaccine production. The process of obtaining a cell line from the embryo cells that would be removed anyway (court judgment) is analogous to the removal of organs from the deceased and has nothing to do with performing an abortion.

It took place in the 60s, when as a result of the epidemic of this disease about 1 percent. babies were born with Congenital Rubella Syndrome. Many women, after detecting a number of serious defects in their unborn child, decided to have an abortion. In one such case, an aborted rubella-infected fetus was sent to Stanley Plotkin’s disease research laboratory. There, a stable cell line was developed from the fetal lung cells, which was used to create a vaccine.

However, it should be emphasized that the preparation itself is not and has never been produced from fetuses. No human cells from a stable lineage enter the vaccine, only the inactivated virus. Moreover, only the rubella virus multiplies in the cells of the human embryo.

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