Are transplant recipients particularly at risk of coronavirus?
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Coronavirus causes COVID-19, a disease that causes a range of symptoms of very varying severity. Coronavirus infection in some infected may be asymptomatic, and in others it may lead to very severe forms of the disease that threaten the patient’s life. We asked dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Dzieśćtkowski, a virologist from the Medical University of Warsaw, how should people behave after transplants.

What are the symptoms of the coronavirus?

Coronavirus causes cough, fever, weakness and muscle aches in patients. In some patients, these symptoms develop into severe disease over time, leading to sepsis, septic shock or acute multi-organ failure. In extreme cases, COVID-19 can lead to the death of the patient.

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Some patients also reported symptoms from the digestive system. They had symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. In addition, some infected people pass COVID-19 asymptomatically, and it is they who pose the greatest threat and source of the virus spreading.

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Who is most at risk from coronavirus infection?

Risk of coronavirus infection is high for everyone. However, the most at risk of a severe course of the disease are the elderly, with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, neurological diseases and people with reduced immunity. This group also includes transplant recipients.

According to statistics, children are the least affected.

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What precautions should transplant recipients take?


Transplant recipients are at increased risk because they are taking immunosuppressive drugs. They are supposed to prevent organ rejection, but they weaken the body’s immunity.

In order to protect themselves against COVID-19, people after transplantation should, first of all, stay at home and not expose themselves to contacts with other people. If it is possible, one person from her closest circle should help her. She should take care of everything necessary for the normal functioning of the case, so that the transplanted person would not have to leave the house.

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How to prevent coronavirus infection?

To prevent coronavirus infection, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  1. wash your hands often with soap and water – ordinary soap effectively destroys the coronavirus, if you do not know how to wash your hands, disinfect them with a liquid containing at least 60% alcohol;
  2. try not to touch the eyes, mouth and nose – the coronavirus can also be found on various surfaces, from which it is very easy to transfer it to yourself, and touching the mouth, eyes or nose makes it very easy;
  3. regularly clean and wash the surfaces that you touch every day – the surfaces and objects we touch may contain coronavirus, so be sure to thoroughly clean your desk, door handles, handrails, TV remote control etc .;
  4. frequently disinfect your mobile phone – it is the source of many microorganisms, and therefore also of the coronavirus. So remember to disinfect your phone and put it aside when eating;
  5. keep a distance of approx. 1-2 meters from your interlocutor;
  6. try to cover your face when sneezing or coughing – cover your face with an elbow or a handkerchief;
  7. take care of an easily digestible diet and adequate hydration – try to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, avoid processed foods, alcohol and cigarettes;
  8. learn about the coronavirus from confirmed sources.

The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:

  1. Could a sore throat be a symptom of the coronavirus?
  2. Can a person who has been asymptomatic with coronavirus still contagious?
  3. What determines the severity of the symptoms of the coronavirus?

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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