Sometimes there are situations when it is extremely necessary to remove an erroneous inscription made in pen on paper. How to erase a pen from paper without marks? There are several proven ways.
If the pen is not very bright, and the paper is thick enough, you can try to cope with traditional means:
- Erasers differ in the degree of rigidity and the material from which they are made. To remove ink, it is better to take a rubber, three-layer eraser;
- do not apply strong pressure to the paper. If after the first attempts it is clear that the result will be difficult to achieve, it is better to immediately switch to the blade;
- the blade should delicately cut off the places with ink, not allowing the capture of blank paper. This must be done with shallow scratching movements. Otherwise, your corrections will be very noticeable.
It takes a lot of patience and skill to cut ink perfectly.
How to erase a pen from paper using whitener (better than Domestos gel)
In this tricky way, it is important to process the ink, and not the paper next to it:
- try not to get the product on the lowercase lines;
- Apply the bleach to a cotton swab or toothpick. Rub very gently over the ink and wait for the product to dry;
- then also gently remove the destroyed layer without pressure and unnecessary friction, using a soft eraser or your finger.
If done correctly, you will get amazing results: no streaks, clean paper.
Potassium permanganate, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide
The old proven way. Dissolve a pinch of potassium permanganate in a little 9% vinegar. Place clean paper under the sheet with the entry to be deleted:
- with the resulting pomegranate-colored composition, process the inscription with a cotton pad or a soft brush;
- then with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide, neutralize the rusty color of the mixture on paper;
- let it dry a little, dry it with an iron through a clean sheet of paper.
Unfortunately, after such removal, it will not be possible to achieve perfect evenness of the sheet, even after ironing. But the ink will be removed completely.
Acetone-containing nail polish remover comes in handy when the unwanted lettering is quite fresh. Treat the ink with a cotton swab. Wait until dry; if ink remains, re-process. Correct the removal with an eraser, but only after it is completely dry.
Now you know how to erase a pen from paper. In order to avoid such a need, think carefully before making a recording.
How to erase a pen from paper – instructions?
There are many simple, time-honored ways to get rid of ballpoint pen ink on a piece of paper. We have structured our review in such a way as to move from the simplest life hacks to the most complex ones. Read, remember and remember!
The easiest modern way is to buy correction fluid and apply it to the area with ink. However, such editing can be seen with the naked eye, so this method is considered far from the most ideal, but simple and fast.
For what? Best suited for student notes where readability is more important than perfect disguise.
You will need a sharp blade (or a razor blade as an option) and a little patience. First, we carefully scratch the place from which we need to remove the ink, remove as little as possible, only the top layer, and at the same time blow off the dust. We grind the surface with the same blade or eraser so that the changes are indistinguishable. This method requires perseverance and accuracy, but with the proper level of performance, it is one of the best ways to erase.
For whom? This method is often used by teachers to correct grades in a journal or would-be students to correct grades in a diary.
Chemical substances
It is enough to simply remove the blot using acetone and an ear stick. There was no acetone – feel free to take nail polish remover. It is necessary to wet the stick in the solution, gently apply it to the ink, and after a short period of time blot it with cotton wool or a dry cloth. After that, you need to give the paper time to dry completely. If the result is not as expected and the ink is still visible, repeat the procedure again.
You can also remove ink using this technique using other liquids, each of which has its own characteristics:
- ● hydrogen peroxide;
- ● bleach;
- ● hairspray.
You need to work very carefully with chemicals – wear gloves and carry out the “operation” in a ventilated area. Be careful, peroxide can leave stains on paper, and varnish can change its shade or completely discolor it. True, if successful, the ink will disappear without a trace.
To erase the pen from a dense sheet, you can use fine-grit sandpaper. The method is very similar to working with a blade – you get rid of the top layer of ink using friction.
Folk ways
The art of removing errors has its own “folk medicine” using natural corrective agents. The most common are:
- ● vinegar – blot the affected area with vinegar, leave for 5 minutes, remove the residue with detergent, and then with water;
- ● toothpaste – we recommend using only classic toothpaste, it is applied to a piece of paper and washed off with water after a while;
- ● shaving cream is a very exotic way to correct blemishes, we recommend using a regular foaming cream.
Well, if you have the time and desire to experiment, prepare an artisanal solution at home. In fact, there are many recipes, we will try to reflect the safest and most proven ones:
- ● 10 g of oxalic acid, 10 g of citric acid, 100 ml of water – treat several times with a small brush or cotton swab, rinse with water after a few minutes;
- ● 10 g of hydrochloric acid, 10 g of table salt, 30 ml of water – the recipe is the same.
Final step: paper drying
After the ink has been removed, you can wait for the paper to dry or speed up the process. Take an iron and iron the patch sheet, first protecting it with newspaper. This will quickly dry your work area and prevent waviness on the paper.
Another option is a hair dryer, but when using it, the paper just runs the risk of wavering. Either set the hair dryer to the lowest speed, or leave the paper to dry at room temperature.
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