Are there really fancy preserves?

In the midst of the coronavirus crisis and with an established shopping habit, many people have chosen to fill their canned pantries these days. For reasons of time, of skill in the kitchen, teleworking or other circumstances, not everything will be cook during confinement and canned foods can be a good option to help in this situation and maintain a varied, nutrient-rich and balanced diet.
Shipping is Difficult daysin which more than ever we must take care of ourselves, stay active and take care of our food. Fresh products are great allies, but preserves can also help us in this work and therefore Sandra Vaquera Ruiz, Mediterranean Luxury nutritionist, a company that produces canning rated “high level”, without preservatives or colorants, it helps us to clear up some of the most frequent doubts that arise in relation to this type of food.
What is the difference between a “luxury” preserve?
As in all sectors, there are different categories that define the product either by price or by the quality of the contents of the container. In the case of canned food, it is no exception and for this we must know the quality of the content. «If the food is top quality we are facing a conserve that surpasses the others. conservation methods are also a key indicator. Most of the preserves have a high content of preservatives, colorants, additives, flavor enhancers, etc. that we must take into account when buying a product ”, explains the nutritionist.
In this sense, we will differentiate a quality product when it does not have any type of preservative added, since in this way it will keep all its properties and the flavor intact.
How do we identify a good preserve?
When buying a preserve we must be meticulous and analytical with the product that we are going to choose, because not everything goes. «To identify a good preserve it is of vital importance look at its labeling. We must check that its ingredients are natural, without additives or flavor enhancers. In turn, we must look at the source. There are many preserves that omit their origin and the manufacturer’s data. If we are faced with a product that omits these data, without a doubt we must distrust«, Recommends Sandra Vaquera.
The nutritionist also explains that our palate will be the best filter, «poor quality canned goods have a very salty taste some can even transmit the typical “artificial” flavor, we must flee from them ».
Canned food in times of Covid-19
In these moments that we are living we have to prioritize staying at home as long as possible, going out to do the shopping as little as possible and acquire the right foods so that they can last us as long as possible at home, which can be stored for long periods of time and don’t get messed up. In short, products that ensure us easy feeding without worrying about going out often.
On the label is the key
The most important data when looking at the canned label will be: the ingredients, the expiration date and the origin and data of the manufacturing company. Nor should we forget to consult the nutritional table, which contains the seal of the European Union and the mode of conservation.
Canned or glass?
“When we buy canned food in glass or in cans, it does not mean that one is better than the other, simply different, each one has its advantages and disadvantages. By buying canned glass we can see its content perfectly; while when it comes to storage, handling it can make it break more easily, ”explains Dr. Vaquera.
In the case of cans, on the one hand it has the advantage of greater resistance for storage. «As a general rule, a food has a longest expiration date on can than in glass “, says the nutritionist.
In this regard, we must prioritize the quality of the product over that of the container that contains it, as long as both preserves are of quality.
How long does a canning last?
This depends on the manufacturer, the type of product and the packaging. They usually last a long time, years. Even exceeding its consumption date it is shown that they do not lose their properties. As long as the can is kept in optimal conditions, there are no openings in the container or it has been subjected to very severe temperatures ”, explains the Mediterranean Luxury nutritionist.
What can you buy?
Now that the main doubts that arise have been resolved, we can decide what canned foods to buy when we make our next purchase. Designing a weekly menu can serve as a guide to help us see what we need or what is missing in our pantry. From Mediterranean Luxury offer the possibility of having free nutritional advice depending on our needs and objectives, creating different tailored diets and making the task even easier.