Are there any products to protect against the coronavirus?
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During the coronavirus epidemic, our immunity and the general condition of our body play an important role. There are many ways to strengthen our immunity, but are there any products that can protect us against COVID-19?

Do certain products affect the risk of contracting COVID-19?

Unfortunately, there are no products that directly affect risk of contracting the coronavirus. Products such as garlic, onions or products rich in vitamin C do not give 100% certainty that we will not get COVID-19. There are no scientific studies confirming the effectiveness of such products in fight the coronavirus nor how our body reacts to the coronavirus.

However, keep in mind that they support the body’s resistance over time epidemic coronawirusa is very important, because the risk of developing the disease is also influenced by, among other things, immunity and the condition of our body. Therefore, it is worth supporting immunity and taking special care of a hygienic and healthy lifestyle.


Remember that it is not worth trusting advertisements for products that are supposed to have a prophylactic effect, prevent, alleviate, help heal or diagnose coronavirus infection.

So far, no scientific research has been conducted that would indicate specific vitamin preparations, dietary supplements or a diet that would protect us from falling ill with COVID-19.

  1. Check: How can people with bronchial asthma protect themselves against the coronavirus?

How to naturally increase the body’s immunity?

Many people are looking for ways to strengthen their immunity in a steadily increasing period the number of COVID-19 cases. However, keep in mind that this is a lengthy process and there is no single quick fix. However, the key is a proper diet that can optimize the work of the immune system.

Simply put, it should be rich in vegetables and fruits, and any unprocessed products. However, you should give up processed products, sweets, alcohol and smoking.

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Physical activity is also very important. Remember that you can also exercise at home, and the form of exercise can be easily selected according to our abilities and state of health. Another issue is managing stress effectively as well as getting enough sleep.

Importantly, by following these simple recommendations, we will not only strengthen immunity, but also improve our well-being.

How can I prevent infection with the coronavirus?

Preventing coronavirus infection requires, first and foremost, basic hygiene rules. One should remember, among others about:

  1. washing hands thoroughly with soap and water, or if it is not possible to clean hands with alcohol-based liquids in a concentration of at least 70%;
  2. cleaning and disinfecting surfaces we touch – desk, telephone, door handles, handrails, etc.;
  3. keeping a distance from other people (approx. 1-2 meters);
  4. isolation – isolating yourself from other people is the easiest way to avoid infection;
  5. wearing gloves and masks;
  6. not touching your eyes, nose and mouth – the easiest way to transmit the coronavirus is then;
  7. covering the face with an elbow when coughing or sneezing – we prevent the spread of germs, and thus viruses;
  8. disinfecting the cell and putting the phone away when eating.

The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:

  1. Does giving plasma from a healed person help in treating COVID-19?
  2. Is isopropanol effective in decontaminating coronavirus items?
  3. Does physical activity increase the body’s resistance to the coronavirus?

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers

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