Are the dyes in sweets and cakes poisonous?

Are the dyes in sweets and cakes poisonous?

August 24, 2017.

As we know, a homemade cake will always be better for your health than a cake bought ready-made in a supermarket. But are these cakes therefore toxic? This is the question the magazine asks 60 million consumers this week.

Titanium dioxide in the form of nanoparticles

You may not know it, but nanoparticles (iron oxide, silicon, titanium dioxide, etc.) are found almost everywhere: in cosmetics, in the house, but also in certain food products. This is what reveals 60 million consumers in its latest issue. 100% of the candies and cakes tested by the magazine’s experts did indeed contain titanium dioxide. in the form of nanoparticles.

We talk about nanoparticles because they are tiny substances: their diameter is less than 100 nanometers. But even at that size they could be dangerous for our health. Last January, researchers at the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA) had indeed published an interesting study on the subject: they had made rats ingest titanium dioxide at doses close to those found in cakes.

Toxic substances for health?

After 100 days, they observed that 40% of rats had pre-cancerous lesions in the colon. What worries 60 million consumers, it is because none of the packaging of the 18 products studied was marked with the presence of these nanoparticles. ” All of our samples, without exception, contain titanium dioxide nanoparticles! “, Note the authors of the article.

« The nano mention should therefore have appeared on their labels, in accordance with the European Inco regulation. However, that is not the case. The industrialists do not comply with the law and it is important to make it known. On May 5, Ségolène Royal, who was then Minister of Ecology, also issued an order for force manufacturers to respect the law. Isn’t the consumer entitled to know exactly what is contained in the products he buys? 

Marine Rondot

Read also: The dye E171 is everywhere, even in drugs

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