All kinds of spices are found in most foods. They are also present in cosmetics, perfumes and dental products. Rarely, however, the consumer can find precise information about the presence of spices on the product label. This, in turn, makes spices the most difficult allergens to detect. According to researchers from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in Anaheim (USA), 2 to 3 percent of people are allergic to spices. Allergy sufferers cannot freely enjoy the dishes served in the restaurant, they must carefully select cosmetics, not to mention food products. According to researchers, an allergy to spices is the cause 2 percent of all food allergies. In most cases, however, the allergy remains undiagnosed, mainly due to the lack of appropriate medical tests. Despite barriers to diagnosis, sensitization is likely to affect more and more people. The reason is the constantly increasing use of spices both in meals and in cosmetics – hence women are more prone to allergies. However – as with any allergy to a food ingredient – allergy sufferers are forced to follow a strict diet. This, in turn, is often associated not only with a reduction in the quality of life, but can also lead to malnutrition. The more spicy the seasoning, the greater the risk of developing an allergy; however, it can also be an allergen vanilla or cinnamon. As the allergist Dr. Sami Bahna points out, the risk of developing an allergy can be reduced by cooking, baking, frying (and any other form of heating). Much also depends on the type of spice.