Are red moles dangerous?

Are there any dangers with red moles? Should irregularly shaped moles prompt you to see a specialist? Can red moles be removed with home remedies? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

Can red moles pose a risk?

Good day. My name is Agnieszka and I turned 40 recently. Everything is ok with my health, but I have some doubts about the moles. Well, recently I noticed that I have 4 more red moles (two between the breasts and two above the neckline). Fortunately, I don’t get hurt, even when touching. Nevertheless, I have some concerns about them. Namely – can red moles be dangerous?

I once heard that their presence is even heralded cancers. Is it true? I don’t want to panic. I know that I could go to the surgeon at any time and have them removed, but I can’t afford it. My second question concerns shapes of moles – does the fact that they are irregular in shape mean that I should go to a specialist? The two between the breasts are slightly smaller than the ones above the neckline.

Finally, I would like to ask if red moles can be removed using home methods? Maybe there are some proven methods to get rid of them quickly without laser surgery? Thank you for your response. Regards Agnieszka from Lublin.

The doctor explains whether red moles can be dangerous

Madam in the case pigmented birthmarks, commonly known as moles, it is impossible to tell by their color whether they are benign or malignant. Please remember that pigmented nevi are neoplasms in their own right. You should be concerned about lumps that appeared suddenly or have an irregular shape or their current color has changed.

Such features may suggest the development of melanoma. Additionally, the presence of ulcers around the moles is an unfavorable factor. All pigmented moles should be monitored and an appointment with a dermatologist should be made once a year for professional evaluation of moles.

Contrary to misconceptions, the chance of a benign lesion becoming malignant is lower than that of de novo malignant tumor development. I suggest that you first go to a dermatologist who will assess these moles. If he decides that the lesion should be cut, you will receive a referral to a surgeon. Birthmarks are removed on an outpatient basis, there is no need for you to stay longer. Lump cut out is subjected to a histopathological examination by a pathologist who will examine the lesion under a microscope to assess its nature.

I warn you against removing birthmarks using home methods, you can do yourself a lot of harm. Please remember that the older we are, the more skin lumps may appear. For more information on pigmented nevi, please contact your dermatologist.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

Check your moles, sign up for a consultation with a dermatologist.

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