Are raw eggs harmful to your health?

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Can Raw Eggs Harm Your Health? Could Eating Raw Eggs Have A Bad Health Effect? Does eating raw eggs carry any risk of any disease other than salmonella infection? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

Can eating raw eggs be bad for your health?

Hello, I would like to know more about eating raw eggs. I recently read that they have many more vitamins in them that are lost in heat treatment, and I wonder if it would be better to eat raw eggs. Is it really so, and eating raw eggs can be good for your health? I mean, of course, eating raw eggs from a reliable source, and not those from stores or supermarkets (my family has their own hens, so it would not be a problem to get eggs to eat raw).

Here, however, the question arises, are raw eggs harmful to health? I know there is a risk of salmonella from eating raw eggs, but with eggs from a reliable source and properly washed, it probably shouldn’t be a problem for me. I would like to know if eating raw eggs may cause any other health problems or diseases? Can eating eggs raw really hurt me if I don’t have other health problems? I would be very grateful for clearing up my doubts about eating raw eggs.

The doctor explains the dangers of eating raw eggs

Eggs are a valuable and valuable source of food. Not so long ago, it was recommended to limit their consumption due to the high cholesterol content. It was suspected that this could contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. Years later, these assumptions were abandoned and today it is not recommended to limit the consumption of eggs in the diet. Today it is believed that both healthy people and those with risk factors for cardiovascular disease can benefit from the presence of eggs in a healthy, balanced diet.

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Eggs are a source of many vitamins and minerals. One egg covers 15 percent. an adult’s need for wholesome protein. In addition, eggs provide a long feeling of fullness with relatively low calories. Therefore, eggs are often included in the diet of people who want to lose weight.

Most people eat soft-boiled, hard-boiled or scrambled eggs. Raw eggs are usually served in desserts that contain a lot of sugar, and therefore we should limit their consumption. Eggs in the process of heat treatment do not lose much of their nutritional value. However, they are safer in terms of gastrointestinal infections.

Bacteria can be found not only on eggshellbut also inside. In addition, raw eggs contain a substance – avidin, which binds vitamin H (biotin), which makes it impossible for the body to absorb it. After the heat treatment process, avidin has no such affinity for biotin. In addition, raw eggs are less well absorbed by the body than cooked eggs.

Therefore, it does not seem justified to eat eggs raw. It is optimal to eat soft or semi-hard eggs. They can be consumed by both children and the elderly, because in this form they are easily digestible. Eggs cooked for too long lose more nutritional value and can cause digestive discomfort due to the fact that they are less digested. From time to time, you can afford eggs fried in the form of scrambled eggs or an omelette.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

If you feel unwell after eating eggs, you may be allergic or intolerant. You can now order a mail-order test for chicken egg intolerance via Medonet Market.

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