Are people with anemia at risk of coronavirus?
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Laboratory studies on the COVID-19 coronavirus confirm that people who have comorbidities are at risk. What does this statement mean? Are people with anemia in this group? We asked Dr. hab. n. med. Tomasz Dzieśćtkowski, a virologist from the Medical University of Warsaw.

Coronavirus COVID-19 – who is at risk?

Due to the fact that the COVID-19 coronavirus spreads very quickly and affects the respiratory system, people with a weakened immune system are most at risk of infection. Their body does not produce the right amount of antibodies that could stop coronaviruses from infecting the respiratory tract.

  1. Learn more: How does cancer affect the course of coronavirus infection?

In turn, a severe course of the disease threatens seniors and patients with other comorbidities. The most dangerous include asthma, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and cancer (especially those that affect the respiratory system). Is there anemia also in this group?

Are people with anemia at risk of coronavirus?

Are people with anemia at risk of coronavirus? Dr hab. Tomasz Dzieiątkowski, M.D., noted that it is not the case that comorbidities increase the risk of coronavirus infection. However, they make its course much more severe once the virus enters the body. In this context, there are currently no studies to confirm that anemia will have an impact on this.

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How to protect people at risk from contracting the COVID-19 coronavirus?

People who are at risk, just like others, should first of all take care of hand hygiene, as well as disinfecting the space used on a daily basis. It is also very important to ventilate the apartment and follow the recommendations issued by the World Health Organization.

  1. Also read: How to decontaminate an apartment after an illness?

It is also worth giving up movement. Shopping is best done on-line or going to the supermarket only every few days, stocking up on the most important products.

Check out other information on the coronavirus as well:

  1. Coronavirus symptoms. A sudden loss of smell may indicate you have contracted the coronavirus
  2. Will face masks protect me from the coronavirus?
  3. What is the causative organism of the coronavirus?

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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