Are mosquitoes driving you crazy? Do you know how to fight them? Check yourself!

Mosquitoes are not associated with anything pleasant. On the contrary, their pricks and then itchy blisters can lead to a white fever. But knowing your “enemy” is the first step to victory. Do you know why mosquitoes need our blood? How do they find a victim? What colors of clothes reduce the risk of bites and finally, are there any benefits to the existence of mosquitoes on Earth? Test yourself in our quiz.

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Which insect bites – mosquito or mosquito, or maybe both?

Both of you
Komarzyca Next question
Only female mosquitoes are responsible for itchy bites. They need blood and the ingredients it contains to lay eggs. Male mosquitoes feed on plant juices.

What color of clothes increases the risk of mosquito bites?

It does not matter
Dark Next question
Entomologists explain: mosquitoes attract heat, while dark fabrics heat up faster.

How long does a mosquito live?

From summer to fall
From spring to winter
Only 6 to 8 weeks
Only 6 to 8 weeks Next question
Females can live from 6 to 8 weeks, but males live only 10 days on average (source:

When do mosquitoes sting the most?

From when it gets light until approx. 9, and then in the evenings
When it’s cloudy, they can stay active all day long
Both answers are correct
Both answers are correct Next question
Experts indicate that the greatest probability of being bitten by mosquitoes exists from approx. 5 – 6 am (i.e. when it gets light) until approx. 9, and later in the evenings. As for MedTvoiLokony, Dr. Jarosław Pacoń from the Department of Parasitology of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław said, when it is cloudy, mosquitoes can be active all day long.

Swifts are among the largest natural enemies of mosquitoes. How many mosquitoes can this bird eat per day?

Photo: Shutterstock
Approx. 700
Approx. 3 thousand
Even 20 thousand
Even 20 thousand Next question
During the breeding season, an adult can eat up to 20 insects in just one day. In addition to swifts in Poland, mosquitoes are food, incl. swallows, frogs, toads, dragonflies, bats.

Why do mosquitoes need our blood?

They taste better than the nectar of flowers
They have unlimited access to it
They need it to reproduce
They need it to reproduce Next question
Komarzyce do not drink our blood to feed themselves. They need it (or more precisely, protein) to provide energy and nutrients to their offspring.

Why does the mosquito bite spot itch?

This is the effect of the toxins that the mosquito releases under the skin
The mosquito releases saliva into the body, which is allergenic. The reaction is itching
The reason is the bacteria that enter the skin when a mosquito bites us
The mosquito releases saliva into the body, which is allergenic. The reaction is itching Next question
When a mosquito bites us, it lets a little saliva into the body, which prevents blood clotting, but it is also allergenic and slightly inflammatory. It contains proteins, and some of them are allergens. Upon contact with them, the body begins to release histamine, which results in a red itchy bubble.

Which plant repels mosquitoes?

Brazilian urticaria
Lemon balm
Komarzyca Next question
Komarzyca, also known as stalk, is an ornamental plant that repels mosquitoes. Its leaves, when rubbed and crushed, give off a distinct sharp smell of camphor – mosquitoes do not like it.

Mosquitoes in Poland do not transmit diseases – true or false?

Truth Next question
It is recognized that in Poland mosquitoes are not a source of bacterial or viral infectious diseases, after biting them, we are only threatened with an itchy blister. In rare cases, “our” mosquitoes can transmit heartworm disease, a disease caused by nematodes and developing mainly in dogs and only occasionally in humans.

What are the main reasons for mosquitoes when choosing a victim?

By sight
The smell
It is a matter of chance
The smell Next question
As established by biologists a few years ago, the mosquito strategy looks like this: from a distance of 10 to 50 meters, insects detect an interesting object by smell (they pay attention especially to the level of carbon dioxide), when they sense something interesting, they move towards objects that are visually interesting, and if they do they are close, they are guided by warmth.

Mosquitoes bite people with blood type more often:

0 Next question
Scientists have found that mosquitoes are much more likely to sit on the skin of people with blood type 0.

Pregnant women are more attracted to mosquitoes – true or false?

Truth Next question
Scientists estimate that pregnant women attract as many as twice as many mosquitoes as most of us. There are two reasons: pregnant women have a higher carbon dioxide content in their breath, as well as a slightly higher body temperature.

Mosquitoes appeared on Earth earlier than humans?

Much earlier
Much later
This has not been investigated
Much earlier Next question
Mosquitoes appeared on Earth 100 million years ago, modern man probably arose about 200. years ago.

Are there any benefits to the existence of mosquitoes on Earth?

If they are, they have not been known yet
Mosquitoes are essential to the ecosystem
Mosquitoes are essential in ecoststem Next question
Mosquitoes are food for many species of animals, and larvae are excellent water cleaners (they feed on pollutants and bacteria suspended in the water).

Why is it better not to scratch the itchy spot after a mosquito bite?

Because it itches even more
Infection may occur
This will attract even more mosquitoes
Infection may occur Next question
Let’s try not to scratch the bite site. There are bacteria under the fingernails that can lead to bacterial superinfection at the site of the bite. In addition, the resulting erosions delay healing.
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