Are GMOs hiding in our food?

Are GMOs hiding in our food?

Are GMOs hiding in our food?

What foods are GMOs in?

The only food authorized from a GMO for consumption in Europe is but sweet. But we can also find it in other forms on our plates1. It is mainly aboutingredients derived from foods derived from GMOs, for example:

  • La corn flour used in bread, breakfast cereals, snack cookies;
  • THEcorn starch used in ready meals, sauces, cold meats, cream desserts, dehydrated dessert preparations, soups, baby food jars, pastries …
  • The vegetable fats (corn, soya, rapeseed) that can be found in cereal bars, sandwich bread, appetizer cookies, pastries, fat spreads, soups …

Under EU law, all of these ingredients must carry a “GMO” label, except in the case of the fortuitous presence of DNA derived from the GMO in the food, at a content of less than 0,9%.

Limited transparency?

Some foods escape mandatory GMO labeling.

  • Foods produced by animals fed on GMO foods for example (meat, milk, fish, eggs…). In France, food from imported GMOs is mainly soybean meal intended for animal feed. The countries of the European Union are highly dependent on soybean producing countries (Brazil, United States, etc.) and are struggling to impose “GMO-free” sectors on them.2.
  • The “hidden GMOs” that is to say which are the result of genetic manipulation other than transgenesis (mutagenesis, cell fusion, etc.) see next page.
  • French canteens and restaurants are not required to reveal the contents of their dishes … even if they use rapeseed oil from a GMO.


For more information, download the guide produced by the Inf’OGM association “Understanding food labeling”


MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FRANCE: Site dedicated to informing the public about GMOs [consulted 02/01/2016] MINISTRY OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Tomorrow [online] www.developpement [consulted 02/01/2016]

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